This is how I want to fall 下载本文

This is how I want tofall in love in 2016...

1.I want to fall in love with the way the sun rises teeming with hope...

2.I want to fall inlove with the warm scent of coffee in a new, quiet morning... 3.I want to fall in love with all of my fateful regrets that guided me to this place... 4.I want to fall in love with the sky no matter what moods it's in... 5.I want to fall in love with the moon while it lulls us to our dreams...

6.I want to fall in love with dancing on pavements and cobblestones around the world... 7.I want to fall in love with the precious cities I have yet to introduce myself to... 8.I want to fall inlove with my past so I can better understand my future...

9.I want to fall inlove with the people in my life I forget to say \10.I want to fall inlove with the light as much as I appeal to the dark... 11.I want to fall inlove with every rainy afternoon and every blooming dawn... 12.I want to fall inlove in lackluster places because they still shine on their own... 13.I want to fall inlove with cultures unknown and histories still untold... 14.I want to fall in love with flavors unexpected and remembered on my tongue... 15.I want to fall in love with the way I've learned to survive this life...

我渴望爱上太阳从东边慢慢升起充满希望的景象?? 我渴望爱上宁静早晨那杯咖啡的温暖气味?? 我渴望爱上那些将我引导到此处的命运的遗憾?? 我渴望爱上这片天空无论天气多么变幻莫测?? 我渴望爱上月亮尽管它带我们进入梦乡??

我渴望爱上在世界各地的人行道和鹅卵石小道上起舞的那种感觉?? 我渴望爱上那些我还没有去过的珍奇城市??

我渴望爱上我的过去,这样我就可以更好地理解自己的未来?? 我渴望爱上那些在我的生命中忘记对他们说“我爱你”的人?? 我渴望爱上光明,就像我爱黑暗那样??

我渴望爱上每个多雨的午后和每个生机勃勃的黎明?? 我渴望在平凡的地方坠入爱河因为那里自有精彩?? 我渴望爱上那些尤未可知的文化和数不清道不明的历史?? 我渴望爱上那些意想不到却又让味蕾记忆犹新的滋味?? 我渴望爱上我学会的那种生存方式??