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Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

The Web sitting around sometimes is seemed as the Siren specter that lures us into sitting around like some species of houseplant while our trunk grows abnormally wide. Its 36 enticements keep us from doing what we know we should, like, say, making any movement whatsoever or 37 foods that do not come packaged in Styrofoam(泡沫塑料).

But according to a new research, the Internet can also be something else: a place for helping people keep weight off.

The new study, 38 over a two-and-a-half-year period, found that the more often people logged on to a website, the more likely they were to 39 weight loss. Of course, it wasn?t just any old website, but one that investigators at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research (KPCHR) had designed 40 to help people keep the pounds off.

What made the website work was its mixture of accountability(责任)and 41 . Users asked to log in once a week to 42 their weight and the amount of exercise they?d done. If they didn't log in regularly, they got a little nudge by e-mail, then a(n) 43 phone call. Once on the site, users could chat with other 44 of the study in a kind of mini-Facebook setting. The site was designed to mimic as much as possible what it's like to be in a weight-loss program that offers 45 counseling and group meetings. It wasn't quite as effective as human-to-human interaction, but it was better than nothing at all. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

A) maintain B) consuming C) attracts D) automated E) separately F) abundant G) obligation H) conducted I) sociability J) enter K) personal L) establish M) specifically N) warning O) participants Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

Happiness and Sadness

A) Happiness and sadness are two most basic and familiar feelings for human beings. Recently, people have achieved further understanding about them. Happiness

B) University of Illinois, psychologist Ed Diener, who has studied happiness for a quarter century, was in Scotland recently, explaining to members of Parliament and business leaders the value of increasing traditional measures of a country's wealth with a national index of happiness. Such an index would measure policies known to increase people's sense of well-being, such as democratic freedoms, access to health care and the rule of law.

C) Eric Wilson tried to get with the program. Urged on by friends, he bought books on how to become happier. He made every effort to smooth out his habitual worried look and wear a sunny smile, since a happy expression can lead to genuinely happy feelings. Wilson, a professor of English at Wake Forest University, took up jogging, reputed to boost the brain's supply of joyful neuro-chemicals, and began his conversations with \”and \”,the better to exercise his capacity for enthusiasm. D) However, some scientists are releasing the most-extensive-ever study comparing moderate and extreme levels of happiness, and finding that being happier is not always better. In surveys of 118519 people from 96 countries, scientists examined how various levels of subjective well-being matched up with income, education, political participation, volunteer activities and close relationships. They also analyzed how different levels of happiness, as reported by college students, correlated with various outcomes. Even allowing for imprecision in people?s self-reported sense of well-being, the results were unambiguous. The highest levels of happiness go along with the most stable, longest and most contented relationships. That is, even a little discontent with your partner can cause you to look around for someone better, until you are at best a serial monogamist(一夫一妻论者)and at worst never in a loving, stable relationship.


E) Nevertheless, “once a moderate level of happiness is achieved, further increases can sometimes be harmful to income, career success, education and political participation”,Diener and colleagues write in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science. On a scale from 1 to 10, where 10s is extremely happy, 8s is more successful than 9s and 10s, getting more education and earning more That probably reflects the fact that people who are somewhat discontented, but not so depressed as to be paralyzed, are more motivated to improve both their own lot (thus driving themselves to acquire more education and seek ever-more-challenging jobs) and the lot of their community (causing them to participate more in civic and political life). In contrast, people at the top of the jolliness charts feel no such urgency. “If you're totally satisfied with your life and with how things are going in the world,” says Diener, “you don?t feel very motivated to work for change. Be wary when people tell you that you should be happier.” Sadness

F) The drawbacks of constant, extreme happiness should not be surprising, since negative emotions evolved for a reason. Fear tips us off to the presence of danger, for instance. Sadness, too, seems to be part of our biological inheritance. Wilson argues that only by experiencing sadness can we experience the fullness of the human condition. He also asserts that “the happy man is a hollow man,” but he is hardly the first scholar to see melancholia(忧郁症)as inspiration. A classical Greek text, possibly written by Aristotle, asks, “Why is it that all those who have become outstanding in philosophy or politics or poetry or the arts are clearly melancholic?” Wilson?s answer is that “the blues can be a catalyst(催化剂)for a special kind of genius, a genius for exploring dark boundaries between opposites.” The ever-restless, the chronically discontent, are dissatisfied with the status quo, be it in art or literature or politics.

G) For all their familiarity, these arguments are nevertheless being crushed by the happiness movement. Last August, the novelist Mary Gordon lamented to The New York Times that “among writers. . . what is absolutely not allowable is sadness. People will do anything rather than to acknowledge that they are sad.” And, Jess Decourcy Hinds, an English teacher, recounted how, after her father died, friends pressed her to distract herself from her profound sadness and sense of loss. “Why don?t people accept that after a parent?s death, there will be years of grief?” she wrote. “Everyone wants mourners to ?snap out of it? because observing another?s distress isn?t easy.”

H) It?s hard to say exactly when ordinary Americans, no less than psychiatrists(精神病学家),began insisting that sadness is pathological(病态的). But by the end of the millennium that attitude was well established. In 1999,Arthur Miller?s Death of a Salesman was revived on Broadway 50 years after its premiere. A reporter asked two psychiatrists to read the script. Their diagnosis: Willy Loman was suffering from clinical depression, a pathological condition that could and should be treated with drugs. Miller was appalled. “Loman is not a depressive,” he told The New York Times. “He is weighed down by life. There are social reasons for why he is where he is.” What society once viewed as an appropriate reaction to failed hopes and dashed dreams, it now regards as a psychiatric illness. I) As NYU?s Wakefield and Allan Horwitz of Rutgers University point out in The Loss of Sadness, this message has its roots in the bible of mental illness, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Its definition of a “major depressive episode” is remarkably broad. You must experience five not-uncommon symptoms, such as insomnia(失眠), difficulty concentrating and feeling sad or empty, for two weeks; the symptoms must cause distress or impairment, and they cannot be due to the death of a loved one. Anyone meeting these criteria is supposed to be treated.

J) When someone is appropriately sad, friends and colleagues offer support and sympathy. But by labeling appropriate sadness pathological, “we have attached a stigma to being sad,” says Wakefield, “with the result that depression tends to elicit hostility and rejection” with an undercurrent of “Get over it; take a pill.” The normal range of human emotion is not being tolerated. “We don't know how drugs react with normal sadness and its functions, such as reconstituting your life out of the pain,” says Wakefield. Those psychiatrists also express doubts to medicalise the sadness. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

46. It is believed that keeping a sunny smile can contribute to a happy mood.

47. The happiest people are more likely to enjoy a stable, long and contented relationship than others.


48. Some people doubt whether normal sadness should be treated with drugs.

49. Compared with extreme happiness, a moderate level may be helpful for one?s income, success in career and education.

50. In the late 1990s, it was widely believed by ordinary Americans that sadness is an illness. 51.The totally satisfied people are lacking in motivation to change the current situation. 52. The national index of happiness is valuable in measuring a nation's wealth. 53. Some negative emotions such as fear, sadness are reasonable to exist in our life. 54. Many writers are unwilling to admit they are suffering sadness.

55. According to a classic book of mental illness, people suffering depression must experience five common symptoms for two weeks. Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some statements. For each of then there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D) the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a centre. Passage One

Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.

A circle of close friends and strong family ties can increase a person?s health more than exercise, losing weight or quitting cigarettes and alcohol, psychologists say. Sociable(好交际的)people seem to reap extra rewards from their relationships by feeling less stressed, taking better care of themselves and having less risky lifestyles than those who are more isolated.

A review of studies into the impact of relationships on health found that people had a 50% better survival rate if they belonged to a wider social group, be it friends, neighbors, relatives or a mix of these. The striking impact of social connections on welfare has led researchers to call on GPs(社区全科医生)and health officials to take loneliness as seriously as other health risks, such as alcoholism(酗酒)and smoking.

“We take relationships for granted as humans,” said Julianne Holt-Lunstad, a psychologist at Brigham Young University in Utah. “That constant interaction is not only beneficial psychologically but directly to our physical health.” Holt-Lunstad?s team reviewed 148 studies that tracked the social interactions and health of 308 849 people over an average of 7.5 years. From these they worked out how death rates varied depending on how sociable a person was. Being lonely and isolated was as bad for a person's health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day or being an alcoholic. It was as harmful as not exercising and twice as bad for the health as being fat. The study is reported in the journal Plos Medicine.

Holt-Lunstad said friends and family can improve health in numerous ways, from help in tough times to finding meaning in life. “When someone is connected to a group and feels responsibility to other people, that sense of purpose and meaning translates to taking better care of themselves and taking fewer risks.”

Holt-Lunstad said there was no clear figure on how many relationships are enough to boost a person?s health, but people fared(过活)better when they rarely felt lonely and were close to a group of friends, had good family contact and had someone they could rely on and trust. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

56. Why do sociable people benefit more from their relationships? A) They can exercise more by taking care of their friends. B) They get more health knowledge from their friends.

C) They can be more responsible for themselves and their lifestyles. D) They enjoy themselves very much with various friends. 57. According to the studies, who had a 50% better survival rate? A) People who exercised often

B) People who managed to lose weight.

C) People who quitted cigarettes and alcohol. D) People who belonged to a wider social group. 58. What's the finding of Holt-Lunstad?s team?


A) They found social relationships can benefit health both mentally and physically B) They found the relationship between death rates and how sociable a person was.

C) They found one's health can be improved by his relationships with friends and families. D) They found how many relationships are needed to promote a person's health. 59. Which of the following is less harmful than being lonely and isolated? A) Smoking heavily. C) No exercising. B) Being an alcoholic. D) Being fat.

60. According to Holt-Lunstad, how many friends can help to improve our health? A) A circle of friends. C) No definite numbers. B) The more the better. D) More than five. Passage Two

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.

Housing officials say that lately they are noticing something different: students seem to lack the will, and skill, to address these ordinary conflicts. “We have students who are mad at each other and they text each other in the same room,” says a teacher. “So many of our roommate conflicts are because kids don't know how to negotiate a problem”

And as any pop psychologist will tell you, bottled emotions lead to silent seething(不满)that can boil over into frustration and anger. At the University of Florida, emotional outbursts occur about once a week, the university's director of housing and residence education says. “It used to be: `Let's sit down and talk about it,”,he says. “Over the past five years, roommate conflicts have intensified. The students don't have the person-to-person discussions and they don't know how to handle them” The problem is most dramatic among freshmen; housing professionals say they see improvement as students move toward graduation, but some never seem to catch on, and they worry about how such students will deal with conflicts after college.

Administrators speculate that reliance on cellphones and the Internet may have made it easier for young people to avoid uncomfortable encounters. Why express anger in person when you can vent in a texts Facebook creates even more friction as complaints go public. “Things are posted on someone's wall on Facebook: ?Oh, my roommate kept me up all night studying,?”,says Dana Pysz, an assistant director in the office of residential life at the University of California, Los Angeles. “It?s a different way to express their conflict to each other.” In recent focus groups at North Carolina State University, dorm residents said they would not even confront noisy neighbors on their floor.

Administrators point to parents who have fixed their children?s problems their entire lives. Now in college, the children lack the skills to attend to even modest conflicts. Some parents continue to intervene on campus.


61 .What does the word “address” (Line 2,Para. 1) mean?

A) To speak to. C) To mark with a destination. B) To make a formal speech. D) To deal with. 62. What is the main reason of roommate conflicts? A) Students are always mad at each other.

B) Students text each other in the same room. C) Student are not good at negotiating.

D) Director of housing are responsible for that.

63. According to the passage, we can conclude that cellphones and the Internet . A) make our life more convenient

B) make it easier to have person-to-person communications C) make it easier to take frustration out

D) enable students to avoid uncomfortable meetings 64. What should parents do according to the passage?

A) They should deal with their children?s problems their whole lives.

B) They should teach their children how to deal with the smallest conflicts. C) They should intervene their children?s life on campus. D) They should cultivate the independence of their children