2018-2019年下学期深圳市初中英语七年级Unit7 单元测试题含答案 下载本文

2018-2019,年下,学期,深圳市,初中,英语,七年级,七年级(下)Unit 7能力测试题




i)从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共5小题,每 小题1分)

()1. — Don’t speak aloud here, please. There are many patients (病人).

一 Oh, I’m sorry about that.

A. happily B. quickly

C. loudly

()2. — Is this the complete story?

—No, the writer will tell us the end of the story next week.

A. long B. whole C. short

()3. — What would you do if you have a problem, Jim?

— I’ll ask my parents or teachers for their advice.

A. skills B. ideas C. hobbies

()4. — When the students heard a famous writer would come to their school, they all rushed out from the classroom.

—They wanted to meet him at once.

A. ran out... quickly

B. walked out... slowly

C. came out... happily

()5. — Run quickly! There are a crowd of bees flying to us.

—Oh! Who can save us?

A. a kind of B. part of C. a group of

ii)根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三 个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子. (共5 小题,每小题1分)

()6. If you give a(n) _________ to someone, you just tell him or her to do something.

A. coast B. order C. greeting

()7. If people_________ with each other about something, they usually have the same idea about it.

A. agree B. discuss C. provide

()8. — I have a good_________ that everything will go well.

—So do I.

A. voice B. smell C. feeling

()9. — Oh, she drives so well.

—Yes. She can drive through the _________ street skillfully.

A. good B. easy C. narrow

()10. — Hey, you don’t look well. What’s wrong with you?

— My little cat is lost. I am_________ it.

A. worried about

B. interested in

C. strict with


阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1.5分)

The school ends and Erica quickly puts her books into the bag and 11 out of the class.

Today is a special day. Erica is very 12. On her way home, she thinks about her uncle. She 13 with him on the phone a week ago. Her uncle told her that he would come back from Australia, and 14 a surprise to her!

Today her uncle is back and Erica really 15 to know what surprise it is.

“Maybe he brings me Australian nuts? Oh, I can 16 them all day!”

“Or maybe he brings me a kangaroo? That is not 17. I don’t want to live with a kangaroo…”

When Erica 18 home, she sees her parents and her uncle. She is very happy.

“Uncle, uncle,” she 19 , “what special surprise do you have for me from Australia?”

“Well,” her uncle 20 and answers, “I bring you an Australian aunt!”

()11. A. jumps B. runs C. looks

()12. A. excited B. sad C. patient

()13. A. laughed B. talked C. studied

()14. A. leave B. tick C. bring

()15. A. wants B. plans C. agrees

()16. A. eat B. smell C. grow

()17. A. harmful B. helpful C. good

()18. A. leaves B. gets C. finds

()19. A. produces B. barks C. calls

()20. A. cries B. smiles C. imagines





I guess you must know the West Lake. I think it’s the most beautiful lake in the world. When I got there this March, I took photos and went boating there. It had so many great sights.


Sanya is a beautiful city with great beaches. I flew there last winter. It was warm. I went swimming and had a sunbath there. I also tasted delicious seafood. I really enjoyed myself there.


When I got to Xishuangbanna with my friends last year, we went to visit the primeval (原始的) forest. There were tall trees, colorful leaves, wild animals and clean rivers. They were all magic to us. We even camped (露营) near a river there. What an exciting experience!


I like climbing mountains. Last summer my parents and I visited Mount Hua, in Shaanxi Province. It is a steep (险峻的) mountain. It took us almost twelve hours to climb up to the top of Mount Hua. Though it was summer, we felt cool.


()21. When did Nancy visit the West Lake?

A. In spring. B. In summer.

C. In autumn. D. In winter.

()22. How did Peter like his trip to Sanya?

A. Tiring. B. Enjoyable.

C. Surprising. D. Boring. .

()23. What did Linda do during her trip?

A. She took photos.

B. She went camping.

C. She had a sunbath.

D. She climbed mountains.

()24. Who went to Mount Hua with Jacky last summer?

A. Nobody but himself.

B. His sister.

C. His friends.

D. His parents.

()25. What can we know from the passage?

A. Nancy ate seafood during her trip.

B. Sanya has many beautiful lakes.

C. Linda went to Xishuangbanna with her friends.

D. Jacky thought it was easy for him to climb the Mount Hua. B

What kind of surprise can a 4-year-old boy bring to people? One day, the police in Taiwan found such a boy drive three kilometers in a toy car in the street.

On the way, somebody stopped him and called the police. When the police arrived, the boy said that he wanted to drive his toy car to McDonald’s to buy some French fries.