2019山东济宁中考英语真题解析 下载本文



第I卷(选择题 共45分)

一、(2019·山东济宁)听力选择(共15小题,计15分) (暂时略)无听力



(2019·山东济宁) A MISSING CAT HOW HE LOOKS He is brown and white. His front paws (爪子) are white like boxing gloves. His name is Boxer. HOW HE SOUNDS Boxer is big, but the cries like a kitten (幼猫). If you hear a tiny (微小的) meow and see that it is coming from a big, strong cat, then you have found Boxer! We cannot find out cat! We miss him very much. Please help us! IF YOU SEE HIM Please call 555-5555 or bring him to our house at 10 Cherry Lane. We will give you a reward (奖励).

16. What is the purpose of the material above? A. To sell a cat. B. To buy a cat. C. To show a lovely cat. D. To find a missing cat. 17. Which of the following is completely right about the cat? A. B. Name Colour Size Sound

C. Name Colour Size Sound Missing cat Brown & white Big Like a baby cat Boxer Brown & white Tiny Like a baby cat Name Colour Size Sound D. Name Colour Size Sound Missing cat Brown & white Big Loud Boxer Brown & white Tiny Like a baby cat 18. What should you do if you see a cat?


A. Leave him alone. C. Keep him in your house. 体裁 应用文 B. Bring him to the police. D. Either call or see the owner. 92 话题:4. 日常生活 词数 话题:20. (68)动物与植物 【主旨大意】这是一篇应用文。该寻物启事介绍了所丢失的猫的名字、长相特征、声音特点以及失主的住址、联系电话号码和奖励。 【答案】16. D 17. A 18. D

16. D【解析】主旨理解题。根据图中的标题Missing Cat可知,这是一篇寻找丢失的猫的寻物启事。故选D。

17. A【解析】细节理解题。根据图中右侧How he looks和How he sounds两部分内容可知,猫的名字是Boxer;颜色是brown and white;尺寸是tiny;声音like a baby cat。故选A。 18. D【解析】细节理解题。根据图中右侧最后一部分内容可知,如果发现了这只猫,可以打电话给猫的主人,也可以直接送到猫的主人家。故选D。

(2019·山东济宁) B Josh: Do you know about “ pay it forward coffee” at Flora Café? Eric: You mean volunteers pay for a cup of coffee for someone poor to have it later? Josh: Yeah. A cup of coffee is not much, but on cold winter days like today, it might warm them up a little. And maybe their hearts too. Eric: but will Flora Café really give this cup of coffee to someone to someone later? Josh: Come on. I’ve known the shopkeeper well. He’s an honest man. He’s got blackboard in the shop that says how many cups are paid for and how many have been given out. Eric: But how will they know who to give? Anyone can ask for it, even if they’re not poor. Josh: True, but then I guess they’ll just have to believe in people. Eric: Perhaps. But will poor people go and ask for a free coffee? Won’t they worry about losing face? Josh: Why do you always say things like that? Eric: Well, it may happen. Josh: Yeah, I know, but I still think it’s a good thing to do, and it gets people to care about others.

19. Who pays forward for the coffee?

A. Josh and Eric. B. The shopkeeper.

C. The volunteers. D. Josh and his family. 20. Who is supposed to drink the free coffee?

A. Someone who paid it forward. B. Someone who have warm hearts. C. Someone who cannot afford it. D. Someone who come in on cold days. 2l. What does the underlined part “things like that” refer to (指代)? A. Time and places to offer the coffee. B. Problems about the free coffee plan. C. Ways to improve the free coffee plan.


D. Good things about the free coffee plan. 22. What can we learn about Josh and Eric? A. Josh worries about losing face. B. Eric knows the shopkeeper well.

C. They both believe most people are honest. D. They have different opinions about the plan. 体裁 日常对话 话题:4. 日常生活 话题:8(26)社会行为 词数 197 【主旨大意】这段对话主要讲述了在弗洛拉咖啡馆,志愿者可以为穷人支付一杯咖啡钱。在这样寒冷的冬天,能让他们感到社会的温暖。 【答案】19. C 20. C. 21. B 22. D

19. C 【解析】 细节理解题。根据Eric说的第一句话“You mean volunteers pay for a cup of coffee for someone poor to have it later?”可知:志愿者可以为穷人支付一杯咖啡钱,故选C。

20. C 【解析】 细节考查题。根据Eric说的第一句话“You mean volunteers pay for a cup of coffee for someone poor to have it later?”可知:someone poor,即“穷人”,对应C选项“付不起钱的人”,故选C。

21. B 【解析】 词义猜测题。根据对话内容以及“But will poor people go and ask for a free coffee? Won’t they worry about losing face?”可知,“things like that”是指关于免费提供咖啡的问题,故选B。

22. D 【解析】细节理解题。通过Josh和Eric的对话可知,他们两人对免费提供咖啡这个计划有不同的看法。故选D。


In a rainforest there are tall trees. The top of these trees is called the canopy. Scientists want to learn about the canopy. They want to learn about everything that lives there, but it has not been easy to get to the canopy.

Meg is an American biologist, ecologist (生态学家), explorer, writer, educator and public speaker. Since she knows a lot about trees, she is sometimes called Canopy Meg. Meg has always liked trees. When she was a child, she made tree houses. Now she has climbed to the top of trees all over the world and done great research, so she has got a nickname called “Einstein of the treetops”.

Walkways in the rainforest were Meg’s idea. Now, they are used by many people. A walkway is like a bridge that goes between the trees. It is safe and it doesn’t harm the trees. A walkway, however, cannot help scientists reach the top.

One way to reach the top is by a light raft filled with air. It has a huge net (网) on it. A hot air balloon drops the raft onto the trees. Scientists can stand on the raft and look into the trees.

A tower crane is also a good way to get to the top. It can go above the tree tops. It can go all the way down to the ground, too. Scientists are learning about life in the canopy. They have learned there are millions of insects (昆虫) that are eating leaves in these treetops.

Meg’s job is to keep finding out more. She wants to help find the secrets of treetops. There are still millions of animals that no one has

seen. Many of them are in the treetops. 23. What do scientists go to the treetops for?


A. To build walkways there. B. To learn about the rainforest. C. To studying living things there. D. To look at the things far away. 24. Why is Meg called “Einstern of the treetops”? A. Because she has always liked trees.

B. Because she made tree houses in her childhood. C. Because she is an American biologist and explorer. D. Because she does great scientific research on treetops.

25. How many ways of getting to the treetops are mentioned in the passage? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 26. Which picture does a walkway look like?

体裁 说明文 话题:20.(68)动物与植物 词数 297 【主旨大意】梅格是美国生物学家、生态学家、探险家、作家、教育家和公众演说家。她一直致力于热带雨林中树冠的研究,被称为CanopyMeg。她已经爬到过世界各地的树顶,并做了大量的研究,人们送了她一个绰号叫\。 【答案】23. C 24. D 25. B 26. A

23. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段的“They want to learn about everything that lives there,”可知C选项与原文一致,故选C。 24. D【解析】细节理解题。第二段最后一句话“Now she has climbed to the top of trees all over the world and done great research, so she has got a nickname called “Einstein of the treetops”. 可知是因为“她在树顶作科学研究”,故选D。

25. B【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段的“Walkways in the rainforest were Meg’s idea.”和第四段的“One way to reach the top is by a light raft filled with air.”可知,有两种方式可以到达树顶,故选B。

26. A【解析】图片和细节理解题。根据第三段中“A walkway is like a bridge that goes between the trees.”和图片所表示的含义可知,故选A。 (2019·山东济宁) D

We all need cash (现金) in order to live our lives. However, something called digital currency is slowly taking the place of cash. A currency is a kind of money. Usually, we use currency when we talk about a country’s money. If something is digital, it only exists (存在) on a computer. So “digital currency” means money that only exists on computers.

Lots of people have digital currency accounts (账户). they use a credit card (信用卡) to change their real money into digital money, and then the money goes into the digital currency account. A lot of people wonder, “Why in the world should I change my real money into digital currency?” this is a fair question, but there’s a good answer. If you want to buy something online, then you usually have to use digital currency. For example, if you’re in China and you want to buy something in Canada, then you’ll have to pay with digital currency.

Many people still don’t trust digital currency. Some people think that if they can’t hold their