2013届高考英语二轮专题复习 - 语法 动词动词短语 下载本文

finish up 结果成为;最终到来 fit in相处融洽,合得来

fix up修理,安装,安排,建造,提供 focus upon/on专注于 grow up成长,长大

hand down 把??传下去;留给; hand out散发,(平均)分发,发给 hang up挂断电话 join up联合起来;连接 lead to通向;导致 leave out省去;遗漏 let out泄露

lie in(问题、事情等)在于 lift up举起;吊起 live up to履行 lose out失败,输掉 manage it设法做成某事 meet with偶然遇到;符合 pick out 挑出,辨别出

pick up学到(尤其指不正规的学到);捡起;顺车接送,搭载;收拾,整理;重新开始;获得

point out指出 pull up 停车

refer to 指,提及,参考,查阅

remind sb. of? 就??提醒(某人),使(某人)想起?? rule out排除(可能性) run into撞到;偶遇

run out (某东西被)耗尽/用完 run out of sth.用完,耗尽

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save up储蓄;贮存;节省 see through看穿;识破(谎言) send up发射 show off炫耀,卖弄 slow down 慢下来 speak of谈到,论及 speed up加快

stand for代表;象征 ;主张;支持,拥护 start off动身,出发 stay up不睡觉,熬夜

stick to坚持,紧跟,粘住,忠于 tear down拆毁

use up=run out of用光,用尽 wait on等待,伺候,服伺 warn sb. of警告某人某事

watch out注意,当心;小心谨慎,留意提防 watch over看守,照管,监视

work out算出,想出,制订出;产生出;解决;确定



①Recently, these companies have _______ some workers because of the drop in economy.

A. hired employed


中的the drop in economy可知,只有B项符合题意。

B. dismissed

C. refused


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②When his brother was to cross the street, he was knocked down by a truck and badly _______。

A. injured

B damaged

C. harmed

D. destroyed




it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materials

should be given a fair price for

their products.

A. make

B. look

C. take

D. think


on...as...”和“think of...as...”也有此意。若用A项,需要把it后面的as去掉。

②Her shoes A. suit

her dress; they look very well together.

B. fit

C. compare

D. match



③With modern equipment, many mysteries have _______ to light in recent years. A. bought appeared


曝光”是come to light,故答案为B项。

④The card reads: “Dear Mom and Dad, they are _______ everyone write home. Love, Joey.”

A. advising

D. making

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B. come C. thrown D.

B. suggesting C. letting

【解析】答案为D。分析句子结构可知,空缺处后面的write home是无to的不定式,作


①The effect of the medicine on this kind of disease remains_______. A. seen see


此是用作系动词,且see这一动作还没有发生,答案锁定在B和D中间;“the effect”和“see”之间存在逻辑上的被动关系。

②On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she ______pale. A. got

B. changed

C. went

D. appeared

B. to be seen

C. seeing

D. to

【解析】答案为C。“got” 作系动词时,表示人为所致成一个相对长的过程;“changed”是


③It was already past midnight and only three young men _______in the tea house. A. left deserted



The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to

its reality.

B. figure out

C. look through

D. put

B. remained

C. delayed


A. make up


【解析】答案为B。make up意为“组成、化妆、编造”;figure out意为“理解、弄清楚”;

look through意为“浏览”。句意:目前的形势非常复杂,因此我认为要花费我一

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