2013届高考英语二轮专题复习 - 语法 动词动词短语 下载本文


【解析】stare at意为“盯着看”; glared at意为“对??怒目而视”; glanced at意

为“对??匆匆一看/一瞥”; laughed at意为“嘲笑”。句意:小男孩由于对画画好奇所以他盯着年轻人和他的双手看来看去。

36.The most important words in this sentence have been ______, so it doesn’t make any sense.

A. left out made out 【答案】A

【解析】此处leave out意为“遗漏”。句意:这个句子中最重要的词被遗漏了,所以没有


37.We spent many years studying the formation of rocks, experiencing many sufferings

and even death. But our

hard work _____in the end, and we made it. A. paid off out 【答案】A

【解析】句意:我们的艰苦劳动终于得到回报,我们成功了。pay off意为“偿清,回报”;

make up意为

“组成,编造,打扮”;give away意为“分发”; come out意为“出版,事实真相大白”。根据 句意选A项。

38.The ship struggled in the storm and radio signals for help. A. gave off gave in 【答案】B

【解析】句意:那艘船在暴风中挣扎并发无线电信号求助。gave off意为“发出(光、热/

气味)”; gave

out意为“发出(光、热、信号等)”; gave up意为“放弃”;gave in意为“屈服,

B. gave out

C. gave up


B. made up

C. gave away



B. held out

C. set out


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让步”。根 据句意选B项。

39. All these documents must be ________the university you are applying for before December, 31.

A. donated to handed in 【答案】C

【解析】submit 表示“提交;呈递(文件、建议等)”;donated表示“捐献”,不符合句

意;如果选用B项,应该用介词to,不可用in;hand in可以表示“交上, 递交, 呈送”,其中的in为副词。

40.— Dad, the cat refuses to take medicine. It seems to get angry. — Oh, really? It’s dangerous! ________its attack! A. Watch out for Look out 【答案】A

【解析】watch out for表示“留意,留心,密切注意”;look after=take care of(照看,


意;look out不能接宾语。故选A项。

B. Look after

C. Take care of D.

B. sent in

C. submitted to


1-5ACAAD 6-10ABDDA 11-15BCADB 16-20CBADD 21-25CAABD 26-30BAAAA 31-35BBACB 36-40BBBAB 41-45ACBAA 46-50BCBBB

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