2013届高考英语二轮专题复习 - 语法 动词动词短语 下载本文


【解析】句意:他没有理解我说的话,因为他刚才想别的呢。take in意为“理解,领会”;

hold on意为“不挂断(电话)”;hang on意为“坚持,不挂断(电话),靠着,渴望”;get over 意为“爬过,克服,熬过,恢复”。

19.—I heard Back Street would sing at the New Theater.

—Where did you _____? A. pick that up

D. take that up


【解析】pick up为“获悉或打听到消息”之意。句意:“我听说Back Street将在新戏院


20.As I have an important exam tomorrow, I plan to for study tonight.

A. make up up


【解析】make up意为“构成;化妆;弥补”;stay up意为“熬夜;不睡觉”;turn up意

为“出现,调大音量”;keep up意为“保持”。句意:因为明天有个重要的考试,所以我计划今天晚上熬夜学习。

21.In order to make as much profit as possible,we must a lot more new business.

A. bring in 【答案】A

【解析】句意:为了赚更多的钱,我们必须引进更多的新业务。bring in意为“吸引,引

入”,符合句意。bring about意为“带来,造成”;take in意为“领会;接受;欺骗”;take over意为“接管,接任”。

22.It seems impossible that the old lady who is so seriously ill can ________ this winter.

A. live through get through 【答案】A

B. go through

C. pass through


B. bring about C. take in D. take over

B. stay up C. turn up D.


B. put that up

C. make that up

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【解析】句意:看起来老太太病得很严重,度过这个冬天似乎 是不可能的。live

through意为“度过”,符合句意。go through意为“通过”;pass through意为“穿过”;get through意为“接通”。

23.—How did it that you made such a silly mistake? —I myself haven’t figured it out yet. A. bring about come on 【答案】B

【解析】come about意为“发生,产生”,用于How did it come about that. . . 的句

式中,意为“??怎么发生的?”。bring about意为“使发生,导致”;come across“偶遇,不期而遇”;come on用于督促对方或鼓励对方,意为“赶快,快点”。

24.—When did you staying up so late?

—When I entered this school two years ago, where students have too much homework to do.

A. take in to


【解析】take to在本句中的意思是“逐渐习惯于做某事”。

25.The volcano erupted violently , yet the village at the foot of it should _________.

A. come through through 【答案】A



26.—Sorry, sir. If my bike doesn’t , I won’t be late for school again. —What you say is hard to believe. This is the eighth time you have said so.

A. work out down 【答案】D

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B. come about C. come across D.

B. take on C. take down D. take

B. go through C. get through D. pass

B. come across C. put off D. break

【解析】break down意为“出故障,出毛病”,符合题意。

27.After studying English for four years in a university, Jane her job as an interpreter in the capital.

A. set out

D. took up 【答案】D

【解析】此处take up意为“从事”。前三项分别表示“出发,开始”“建立”“脱掉,


28.This company is closing up, so lots of workers will be ______.

A. laid down aside 【答案】C

【解析】句意:这家公司要关张了,所以许多工人要下岗。此处laid off意为“下岗”。 29.The society today offers the young generation more chances to _______ their talent and skills.

A. give out carry on 【答案】C



30.The lectures given by Professor Smith ________a great number of students because of his humorous lecture style and rich knowledge. A. adapt to contribute to 【答案】B

【解析】adapt to意为“适应”,appeal to意为“吸引”,attend to意为“照料”,

contribute to意为

“对??作贡献”,故本题选B项。句意:由于Smith教授教学风格幽默,知识渊博,他的课 吸引了许多学生。

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B. set up C. took off

B. laid out C. laid off D. laid

B. take in C. show off D.

B. appeal to C. attend to D.

31.—I think I should wear a dress instead of this jeans.

—It’s just a small informal party,so you don’t have to________. A. warm up keep up 【答案】C


此,你不必刻意打扮。”dress up意为“穿上特殊服装,乔装,化妆”。

32.Everyone in the village hoped that he would ________after a few days’ treatment. A. pick up up 【答案】A

【解析】句意:村里的每一个人都希望他能在几天的治疗后康复。pick up 在本句中意为“好

转,恢复”;come up意为“走上前来,发芽,发生”;keep up意为“保持”;make up意为“编造,弥补,化装,构成”。

33.It’s impossible for many people to have more free time because their work ________ much of their time.

A. takes up takes in 【答案】A

【解析】take up在本句中的意思是“占据(时空)”。

34.The market was filled with salted fish,________ the worst smell that you can imagine.

A. sending off setting off 【答案】B

【解析】句意:市场上到处都是咸鱼,发出你能想象出的最难闻的气味。give off意为“发

出,放出(蒸汽、光等)”;send off意为“寄出,派遣”;put off意为“推迟,拖延”;set off意为“出发,动身,使爆炸”。

35.The little child was curious about drawing. He ______ the young man and his hands.

A. glared at B. stared at laughed at

C. glanced at


B. giving off

C. putting off D.

B. takes over

C. takes off


B. come up

C. keep up



B. put up

C. dress up


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