(Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í13·ÝºÏ¼¯)ÁÉÄþÊ¡ÉòÑôºÍƽÇøÎåУÁª¿¼2018-2019ѧÄêÆßÏÂÓ¢ÓïÆÚÄ©Ä£ÄâÊÔ¾í ÏÂÔر¾ÎÄ

A. far away B. with you C. by himself

25. ¡ª Where will you go this summer holiday?

¡ª I¡¯m going to France and my best friend Linda is going as well.

A. either

B. again

C. too

26. ¡ª I remember you borrowed a book about space? Can I have a look at it? ¡ª Sorry, I returned it last week.

A. gave it back

it at all.

¡ª Well, you can ask May for help. She has a good knowledge of American history.

A. gets ready for C. knows much about


28. A ________ is a large round object. It moves around the Sun and receives light from it.

A. star

B. satellite B. act

C. planet

C. train

29. To ________ means to play a part in a play, film or TV series. A. host

30. ¡ª How did the man get into the house?

¡ª ________ the window. And he took away a lot of valuable things.

A. On B. Across C. Through 31. ¡ª Can you tell me the ________ and place of the fair? ¡ª It will be held in the centre of the town on July 10, 2018.

A. name ¡ª OK, I will. A. rich

B. clean

C. wet

33. ¡ª What happened? Why are you waiting here?

¡ª Well, I _______ the door but forgot to take the key in the house.

A. locked

B. left

C. carried

34. ¡ª I think Mr Green makes too many rules for us. He is so strict.

¡ª ________, I agree with you, but we should know that the rules are good for us. A. On the way

B. In a way

C. In the way

35. ¡ª Did you go to the river close to the National Park?

¡ª Yes. But we couldn¡¯t fish or swim there because the river ________. A. dried up

B. woke up

C. lit up

III. ÍêÐÎÌî¿Õ¡££¨10·Ö£©


Ms. Spira, the Music teacher, was the host of the talent show. She said, ¡°There is only one place left. You two 36 pete (¾ºÕù) for it.¡± Tameka and Kai looked at each other and felt 37 . Tameka, an excellent dancer, 38 to show her dancing skills in the show, while Kai, a talented pianist, dreamed of being a great musician and wanted to show his talent, too.

Kai moved near Tameka. ¡°I know you¡¯re a wonderful dancer, 39 you know I am good at playing the 40 . That¡¯s too bad. Only one place is left,¡± he said.

¡°Yes, one of 41 will be sad,¡± Tameka answered. Kai asked, ¡°What music are you dancing to?¡±

Tameka 42 that she would dance to A me Amour. Kai planned to play a classical waltz (¹Å

B. number

C. date

32. ¡ª Remember to take an umbrella, or you will get ________ in the rain.

B. is good for

B. threw it away

C. gave it up

27. ¡ª The teacher talked about American history in today¡¯s History class. But I didn¡¯t understand

µä»ª¶û×È) by Frederic Chopin. But he also knew A me Amour and could play it, so he told something to Tameka and Tameka 43 .

Then Ms. Spira turned to Tameka and Kai. She asked, ¡°Who es 44 ?¡± ¡°Both of us ¡ª we¡¯re going to be a 45 !¡± they answered. 36. A. prefer to 37. A. bored 38. A. pushed 39. A. or

40. A. piano 41. A. them 42. A. replied 43. A. disagreed 45. A. team

B. want to B. worried B. worked

B. violin B. us B. thought B. cried B. first

C. have to

C. scared C. decided C. guitar C. it C. asked C. smiled C. again C. crowd

B. and C. so

44. A. next IV.ÔĶÁÀí½â¡££¨30·Ö£©

B. class

ÔĶÁÏÂÁжÌÎÄ£¬´Ó¸÷ÌâËù¸øµÄA¡¢B¡¢C¡¢DËĸöÑ¡ÏîÖÐÑ¡Ôñ×î¼ÑÑ¡Ï²¢½«Æä±àºÅÌîÔÚ´ðÌâ¾íÉÏ¡££¨¹²20СÌ⣬ÿСÌâ1.5·Ö£¬Âú·Ö30·Ö£© A

Are you thinking about how to spend your free time? e and join Bonbon Club! We have interesting lessons and activities there. It¡¯s fun! For more information, please call us at 632-2873.

Lessons Tuesday - Sunday 8:30 am - 11:30 am English lessons Activities Saturday& Sunday 8: 00 am - 9:00 pm Playing basketball or soccer Monday & Thursday Monday - Sunday 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm 12:30 pm - 5:30 pm Dance lessons for dance lovers Swimming Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Cooking lessons The second and last Saturdays of every month Music time 46. In Bonbon Club, we can¡¯t have English lessons on ______________________.

A. Monday

B. Wednesday

C. Friday

D. Saturday

47. Alice is free after 5:00 pm on Thursday, so she can take ______________________.

A. English lessons C. music lessons A. Tuesday

B. dance and English lessons D. dance and cooking lessons B. weekends

D. Monday and Sunday

48. Mike wants to swim and play soccer. He can go to the club on ______________________.

C. Thursday and Saturday

49. How often can we enjoy music in Bonbon Club?

A. Twice a week. C. Once a month.

B. Three times a week. D. Twice a month.

B. read their newspapers D. go to their website

50. Bill wants to know the price of the lessons. He can _______ to get more information.

A. send them an e-mail C. give them a call B

Jenny Lewis had bad hearing when she was four. At the age of five, she got a special disease. Her heels (½Åºó¸ú) could not stand anything heavy, or they would be broken, so she had to walk on the front part of her feet. When the pain (ÌÛÍ´) came, she had to took her medicine. That was the only way to make her feel better.

Although everything seemed terrible, Jenny always wore a big smile on her face. She had fun at school and she also joined the school soccer team! How could she do that? She took a pillow (ÕíÍ·) everywhere to make her feel better when she sat down to watch a soccer game. She carried water for every player in the team and shouted loudly for her team in every game. That was one of the best years in the team¡¯s twenty-five-year history. When people asked why the team was winning all their games, one player answered, ¡°Well, when you fall over and can¡¯t move, you look up and see Jenny trying to do everything she can. It makes you finish anything!¡± 51. When did Jenny have the special illness?

A. When she was five.

B. When she was four. D. When she was two.

B. She could take some medicine.

C. When she was three.

52. What could Jenny do when she felt pain?

A. She could put her feet in hot water. C. She could go to bed. A. not useful

D. She could call her doctor.

C. not possible

D. very strange

53. The underlined word ¡°terrible¡± means ¡°__________¡± in English.

B. very bad

54. What did Jenny do in the school soccer team?

A. She bought water and food for the team. B. She taught players how to play soccer. C. She shouted loudly for the team in games. D. She played soccer with other players.

55. The writer wants to tell us that ______________________.

A. Jenny was a hard-working student

B. we should ask the doctor for help when we¡¯re ill C. Jenny¡¯s team was not happy to have her at first D. the players did their best, just like Jenny C

For fans of Peppa Pig, they must be very excited to hear a new Peppa Pig theme park. The new Peppa Pig theme park is Garda in Italy. It will be open to the public later this year. 120 kilometres northwest of Venice, is the largest and the in Italy.

At the new Peppa Pig theme park, kids will be able to enjoy themselves at Peppa Pig¡¯s yellow house and meet the characters. The theme park will also have three Peppa Pig-themed rides: Peppa¡¯s Big Balloon Ride, Grandpa Pig¡¯s Train Ride and Pirate Island Boat Ride.

Parents may find it boring to visit theme parks, but it can be easier for parents to agree to

that there will be close to Lake Lake Garda, about most popular lake

children¡¯s demands(ÒªÇó) this time, as the family can relax in the sunshine by the water. There will be a lot of activities for the whole family, including sailing on the lake, cycling in the mountains or just swimming on the sandy beaches.

The ticket to the new Peppa Pig theme park is €37.50 for an adult and €32.50 for children under the age of ten.

56. Venice is about 120 kilometers ________ of Lake Garda.

A. northwest A. White.

B. northeast

C. southwest C. Green.

D. southeast D. Blue.

57. What color will Peppa Pig¡¯s house be in the new Peppa Pig theme park?

B. Yellow.

58. What can people do in the theme park? ¢ÙRide a bike in the mountains.

¢ÛSwim on the beach. A. ¢Ù¢Ú¢Ü

B. ¢Ú¢Û¢Ü B. €112.50

¢ÚPlay with Peppa Pig.

C. ¢Ù¢Û¢Ü

D. ¢Ù¢Ú¢Û¢Ü

¢ÜSail on the lake.

59. If Mr. and Mrs. Black take their six-year-old son to the park, they need to pay _________.

A. €107.50

C. €100.00 D. €75.00

60. What can we infer(ÍƶÏ) from the passage?

A. Lake Garda is the deepest lake in Italy. B. The Peppa Pig theme park is boring for parents. C. Parents can also enjoy themselves in the theme park. D. There is only one Peppa Pig theme park in the world. D

¡°As soon as I get the job, I¡¯ll be able to leave this city and be free from the orders from my father,¡± Mike thought to himself on his way to a job interview.

On the lane (×ßµÀ) to the interview office, Mike saw the water running in the hosepipe (Èí¹Ü) and he couldn¡¯t see the gardener anywhere. There was water on the lane. Then Mike lifted the hosepipe and placed the hosepipe near other plants.

On his way upstairs to the interview room, he noticed that the lights on the stairway were on, though it was very bright. He remembered his father¡¯s order, ¡°Turn the lights off!¡± So, Mike turned off the lights.

Finally, Mike walked into the interview room and stood before the interviewers. After he introduced himself, one of the officers asked, ¡°When can you start to work?¡±

¡°Is this a trick question or is this a signal (ÐźÅ) that I have been offered the job?¡± Mike thought to himself. As Mike was thinking how to reply, the officer continued, ¡°We don¡¯t ask anyone any question here. We watch everyone through cameras in this building. You are the only one who passes our test today. And this is why we¡¯ve decided to choose you for this job.¡±

Mike couldn¡¯t believe it. He couldn¡¯t wait to tell his father the good news and how thankful he was for his father¡¯s orders.

61. At first, Mike __________ his father¡¯s orders.

A. was tired of

B. paid no attention to D. was surprised at

C. was angry about

62. Why were the lights on the stairway on?

A. To make the stairway brighter. B. To test the job applicants (ÇóÖ°Õß).