江西省赣州市赣县中学北校区2020学年高二9月月考英语试题(无答案) 下载本文


Despite treatment there, and at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, where he was transferred, Shaun died at 10:40 a.m. the following day. Doctors at the hospital believe an unusual reaction to the acne drug could have caused his death..

Hassel said she would write a report to the Lord Chancellor’s office underlining the importance that “doctors prescribe drugs and doctors make adjustments and patients receive drugs with the correct information attached”. 66.










because .

A. he thought he was fit and healthy B. his friends advised him to take it C. his mother gave him the suggestion D. he wanted to improve his appearance

67. Which of the following is TRUE of the drug Shaun took? A. It was previously named Clearsil. B. It was not the one in the prescription C. It should not be taken before going to bed D. It was forbidden for people at Shaun’s age. 68. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that . A. Shaun began to feel uncomfortable at 11:00 p.m. B. Shaun’s parents called their family doctor at first C. Ms. Jones called on out-of-hours GP service at first D. Shaun’s parents drove him to Royal Glamorgan Hospital

69. The reason why Shaun was transferred to the University Hospital of Wales was that .

A. there were no doctors available at his local hospital B. his family doctor suggested he be transferred there. C. he was expected to get better treatment at the hospital D. the doctors in Royal Glamorgan Hospital were too busy.

70. It can be inferred from the passage that Mary Hassel . A. would report the event to the Lord Chancellor’s office B. could help more people become more careful about drugs C. would tell people the importance of correct prescription. D. could help more patients attach correct information to drugs 第Ⅱ卷(共两节,共40分)

第四部分:写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节:阅读表达(满分15分)

[1] Jean Paul Getty was born in 1892 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He became a millionaire when he was only 24. His father was wealthy, but he did not help his son. Getty made his millions alone. He made his money from oil. He owned Getty Oil and over 100 other companies. The Fortune magazine once called Getty “the richest man in the world.”

[2]But money did not buy happiness for Getty. He married five times and divorced five times. He had five children but spent little time with them. None of Getty’s children had very happy lives.

[3]Getty loved to make money and loved to save it. In spite of his great wealth, Getty was miser. Every evening, he wrote down every cent he spent that day. He even put pay telephone in the guest’s bedrooms in his house so he could save money on phone bills.

[4] In 1973, kidnappers took his 16-year-old grandson, and demanded a large amount of money for his safe return. Getty’s son asked his father for money to save his child. But Getty refused. The kidnappers were merciless

and Getty’s son made repeated requests for help from his father. Finally, Getty agreed to lend the money, but at 4 percent interest.

[5] Getty started a museum at his home Malibu, California. He bought many important and beautiful pieces of art for the museum. When Getty died in 1976, the value of the collection in the museum was $1 billion. He left all his money to the museum. After his death, the museum grew in size. Today it is one of the most important museums in the United States. Getty made a large fortune in his life, but he gave his money to the art world because he wanted people to learn about and love art.

71. What is the main idea of Paragraph 1? (no more than 8 words) ____________________________________________________________________________

72 What didn’t money buy for Getty? (no more than one word)


73. Explain the underlined sentence in Paragraph3. (no more than 6 words) _______________________________________________________________________________

74 What did the kidnappers do to Getty’s family (no more than 10 words) _______________________________________________________________________________

75. What does the author want to tell us about Getty in the last paragraph? (no more than 10 words)





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