人教新目标版2019-2020学年八年级英语上册期末测试卷及答案 下载本文


㈠﹑ 听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。 1. Dumplings are traditional Chinese food. 2. I remember we went bike riding together last fall. 3. Nick wants to be a doctor when he grows up. 4. My family often do housework together on weekends.

5. In my class, Tom is the best singer because he can sing fast sons very well. ㈡﹑听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。 6. W: I like this fruit store. It always sells the freshest fruit. M: I like this too, because it is the closest to my house. Question: Why does the man like the fruit store?

7. W: I’m going to learn a foreign language next year. And my sister Eliza is going to practice

the piano. How about you, Mark?

M: Well, Claire, I’m going to make the soccer team. Question: Who is going to practice the piano next year?

8. W: Do you think the air pollution will be more and more serious, Ben? M: I think so, because there will be more cars. Question: How does Ben think the air pollution will be? 9. W: John, would you please give me a spoon of honey? M: I’m afraid there’s no honey left. How about some sugar? Question: What does the woman need?

10. W: Would you like to go to my birthday party tomorrow? M: I’d like to, but I have to take a trip to Wuhan tomorrow. Question: What will the man do tomorrow?


Jane is a middle school student. She is 16 years old. She likes watching TV. Her favorite TV shows are the news and talk shows. She hopes to be a reporter one day. She also likes playing the piano and dancing very much. In fact, she can play the piano and dance best in her class. She is quite busy next week. She has piano lessons twice a week. On Wednesday and Friday, she has dance lessons. She is learning swing dance now. It’s very fun. On the weekend, she has to help her mother go shopping. There is the best supermarket on Center Street. She can buy the best food there. Although she is busy, she is happy.


W: Hi, Mark. I want to have a class party. Will you help me? M: Sure, Kelly. So when shall we have the party? W: Let’s have it today after class.

M: No, today is too early. If we have it today, half of the class won’t come. W: OK, let’s have it tomorrow then.

M: There’s a test the day after tomorrow. Students will leave early to study for the science exam. Why not have it on the weekend?

W: OK, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.

M: No, I don’t think we should watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let’s play party games.

W: OK, good idea. Can you organize the party games? M: Sure, I can do that. And can you make some food for us? W: Yes, no problem.

M: By the way, where shall we have the party?

W: Oh, I almost forgot. Let’s have the party in Room 4025.

一至三大题(1— 55小题)


1—5 CDABF 6—10 CBAAC 11—15 ABABA 16—20 ABDCB 21—25 ACBCC 26—30 BBCDB

31—35 BABCB 36—40 CDCCD 41—45 BCAED 46—50 BEFCD 51—55 EACBF (二)评分说明:

1. 1 — 55小题, 共55分,每小题1分。 2. 凡与答案不符者不得分。 四、听写(56 — 60小题) (一)答案:

56. class 57. science 58. Saturday 59. organize 60. 4025 (二)评分说明:

1. 本大题共5分,每小题1分。

2. 每小题只能写一个答案,如果写了两个或两个以上答案,即使其中一个是对的,也不得分;有大小写错误、拼写错误或语法错误,该小题不得分; 有与答案不符者,只要符合本题要求,句意和语法正确,也可得分。 五、词形转换(61 — 68小题) (一)答案:

61. twice 62. bigger 63. his 64. acting 65. carefully 66. travel(l)er 67. sandwiches 68. unlucky (二)评分说明:

1. 本大题共8分,每小题1分。

2. 每小题只能写一个答案,如果写了两个或两个以上答案,即使其中一个是对的,也不得分;有大小写错误、拼写错误或语法错误,该小题不得分。 六、动词应用(69 — 75小题) (一)答案:

69. got 70. to bring 71. know 72. to try

73. will/can/may win 74. hearing 75. are preparing (二) 评分说明:

1. 本大题共7分,每小题1分。

2. 每小题只能写一个答案,如果写了两个或两个以上答案,即使其中一个是对的,也不得分;有大小写错误、拼写错误或语法错误,该小题不得分。 3. 有与答案不符者,只要符合本题要求,句意和语法正确,也可得分。 七、阅读表达 (76 — 80小题) (一)答案:

76. They usually give each of them a cup of delicious banana juice. / A cup of delicious banana juice.

77. The most popular banana dish is matoke. / Matoke.

78. Kintu was the first man to bring matoke to the earth / Kintu.

79. They steam them for about an /one hour. / For about one hour. / They steam them for about sixty minutes./ For about sixty minutes.

80. It’s about how Ugandans cook matoke. / It’s about how to cook matoke. / It’s about the way of cooking matoke. (二) 评分说明:

1. 本大题共10分,每小题2分。

2. 有与答案不符者,只要符合本题要求,句意和语法正确,即可得分;有大小写错误、拼写错误或语法错误,可酌情扣分;所写的句子虽无语法错误,意思通顺,但与题意不符者,不得分。 八、书面表达(计15分) (一) 略

(二) 评分说明:本大题共15分, 请按以下四档标准进行评分。

第一档:(15分) 符合题意要求,表达完整,条理清晰,语句通顺,语言正确无误。 第二档:(11—14分) 符合题意要求,表达基本完整,条理较清晰,语句较通顺,语言基


第三档:(6 — 10分) 基本符合题意要求,表达基本完整,条理较清晰,语句较通顺,语


第四档:(0 — 5分) 不符合题意要求,表达不够清楚,逻辑关系混乱,语言错误很多。