课堂新坐标,同步备课参考2013-2014高中英语译林版必修五教师用书Unit+1 Getting+along+with+others 下载本文


I began to believe his story.我开始相信他的故事。 3.跟在like,dislike,hate,prefer,love后。

like,love,hate与prefer等动词后接不定式和动名词含义差别不大,但略有不同。 【注意】 在would like,would love,would prefer等后面,通常用动词不定式。 I would love to see you every day.我很想天天见到你。

4.forget,remember,regret,mean,try,stop,go on等动词(短语)后接不定式和动名词时含义不同。

He forgot to close the door when he left. 当他离开时忘了关门。

I will never forget winning my first gold medal. 我永远忘不了我第一次获得金牌。 I regret to tell you that you are fired. 我抱歉地告诉你,你被解雇了。

I regret telling him the truth.我后悔告诉了他真相。 He tried to prove that his idea was practical. 他试图证明他的想法是切实可行的。 You should try eating some fruit. 你应该试试吃一些水果。


“sth.need(s)/want(s)/require(s)+doing/to be done”都表示“某物/事需要被做??”。 The bike needs repairing/to be repaired. 自行车需要被修理一下。

The house requires cleaning/to be cleaned. 房子需要被清扫一下。

Period ⅣTask & Project



(1)掌握本学案中所给出的词汇,能够理解并能熟练运用。 (2)理解课文。


(4)能够根据课文中所提出的问题,发表自己的观点和给出学生认为合理的建议。 (5)掌握如何表达同意与不同意,如何写建议信。 ●教学地位




Whether we realize it or not,we all need friends.Different people may have different opinions about friendship and what makes a good friend.What's your attitude towards friendship?Let's read the following articles and find out more about different attitudes to friendship...



学生快速阅读课文?见课本第18~19页?并根据学案所设置的问题做出判断。? 学生共同讨论,师生统一答案。











1.How girls can talk for so long puzzles Robert.( ) 2.Boys' and girls' friendship are based on feelings.( ) 3.Boys share activities and girls share feelings.( ) 【答案】 1-3 T F T Ⅱ.语篇理解

阅读P18及P19课文,选择最佳答案 1.Which of the following is right?

A.Boys always seem to have a lot to talk about with their friends. B.Boys always seem to have more friendships. C.Boys can't name a single best friend.

2.In the second text,what did the writer do with the quarrel between her and her friend Jenny?

A.The writer found another new friend. B.She forgave her friend.

C.She apologized to her friend Jenny.

3.What can you know about according to the second text?

A.Generally speaking friendship is important.

B.The writer didn't go to her grandparents' house that day.

C.The writer only saw some of the tourists having their pictures together. 【答案】 1-3 C B A


1.hopeless adj.没有希望的;绝望的;糟透的 Life is not hopeless.(P13)生活不是无望的。

He was disappointed so often that he became hopeless. 他屡次失望,以致变为了绝望。

He is hopeless about his chances of winning the contest.他没有希望在竞赛中获胜。

①a hopeless situation/attempt 没有希望的局势/尝试

a hopeless case 绝症(病人);无希望造就的人 be hopeless at在??无能的;不能胜任的 ②hopeful有希望的

He's hopeless at maths. 他对数学一窍不通。 I feel hopeful of success. 我对成功抱有希望。



____________ trying to convince him. ②我们对未来充满希望。 We ____________ the future. ③他对教学一窍不通。 He is ____________.

【答案】 ①It is hopeless ②are hopeful of/about ③hopeless at teaching

2.overcome (overcame,overcome)vt.克服,解决;被(烟;感情等)熏(压)倒;使受不了

We will listen to your problems and offer you practical advice on how to overcome them.(P13)我们将听你的问题并且就怎么克服它们给你提供很实用的建议。

We have some difficulties to overcome. 我们有些有待克服的困难。

be overcome by/with被??所压倒

be overcome by hunger因饥饿而软弱无力

overcome difficulties(shortcomings,weaknesses) 克服困难(缺点,弱点)

She was overcome by smoke.她被烟熏倒了。 I was overcome by a sense of failure. 我被失败感所压倒。



They were ________ sadness.


After she had ________,she became very friendly.

【答案】 ①overcome by/with ②overcome her shyness 3.get through (用电话)接通

Our lines can get very busy but please keep trying and you will soon get through.(P13)我们的线路可能很忙,但是请不断尝试,最终你会接通的。

I rang you several times but couldn't get through. 我给你打了几次电话,可是没打通。 I can't get through to him. 我不能接通他的电话。

get sb.through给某人接通电话

get through to sb.联系上某人

get through还可表示“用完,耗尽,处理,完成,通过(考试等)”等意思。

We wish to get through the thing quickly. 我们期望赶快把这件事做完。

They have all got through the examination. 他们全通过考试了。

I must get through the book before Saturday. 我必须在星期六之前看完这本书。



get through with做完;办完 get together聚首;欢聚;碰头

get over克服,摆脱;从??中恢复过来,痊愈 get down to+n./doing开始认真处理/做某事 get rid of处理掉;去掉 get round 传开;传播

get in touch with与??取得联系 get in进入;把??放进

get off下(车、飞机等);脱(衣、鞋等) get on上(车、飞机等);穿上