课堂新坐标,同步备课参考2013-2014高中英语译林版必修五教师用书Unit+1 Getting+along+with+others 下载本文


=It wasn't long before he went to Paris. 不久他就去了巴黎。

用before long,long before完成句子 ①I hope to see you again ________. ②She had left ________.

③It won't be ________ we see each other. ④________ he came to a small village.

【答案】 ①before long ②long before ③long before ④Before long

Period ⅢWord power & Grammar and usage










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1.stay up不睡觉;熬夜;挺住

We stay up at night and talk about many things.(P7) 我们熬夜并讨论很多事情。

These sticks are not strong enough to stay up. 这些棍子不够结实,撑不住。

stay in 留在家里;不外出

stay out不在家;在外过夜 stay behind留在后面;留下来 stay still静止不动 stay calm保持镇静

I'll stay in from Monday till Thursday. 从周一至周四我会一直在家。

I know that it is difficult to stay calm,but there is nothing to worry about. 我知道保持镇定很难,但是实在是没什么好担心的。


up短语: use up用完 put up张贴 give up放弃

make up组成;化妆 do up扣上;系上 set up建立 stand up起立

come up被提出 come up with提出

用up,in,behind填空 ①他熬到深夜才完成工作。

He has to stay ________ all hours of the night to finish his work. ②下班后工作人员需要留下来把工作赶完。

Staff must stay ________ after hours to catch up on their work. ③我们几乎每晚都待在家里作业。

He stays ________ almost every night and do his homework.

【答案】 ①up ②behind ③in 2.doubt n.& v.怀疑

I have no doubt he will succeed.(P7) 我毫不怀疑他会成功。

I have no doubt that you are honest. 我相信你是诚实的。

She doubts whether she'll be successful. 她怀疑她能否成功。

have no doubt of/about sth.对某事毫不怀疑

There is no doubt that...毫无疑问??

have some doubt whether...怀疑是否?? There is some doubt whether...怀疑是否?? without doubt无疑地;确实地

There is no doubt that he will succeed eventually. 毫无疑问他最终将会成功的。

【提示】 在否定句和疑问句中,用that引导从句,在肯定句中,用whether或者if引导宾语从句,但是引导介词的宾语从句和其他名词性从句(it作形式主语外)只用whether。

完成句子 ①There is no doubt________________________________________________________________________

(钓鱼岛属于中国). ②I have some doubt________________________________________________________________________


【答案】 ①that the Diaoyu Islands belong to China ②whether he will win the prize 单句改错

③He has some doubt if I will come on time.________

④It is no doubt that a cure for AIDS will be found.________ 【答案】 ③if→whether ④It→There 3.would rather...than...宁愿??而不??

You know I would rather visit the dentist than study algebra and arithmetic!(P9) 你知道我宁愿看牙医也不愿学习代数和算术! I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him. 我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。

would do...rather than do...宁愿??而不愿??

would rather(not)do...宁愿(不)做?? Rather than do;sb.do sth.宁愿??也不


would rather+?sb.had done sth.


sb.did sth.


prefer(doing)A to(doing)B prefer to do A rather than do B

I would remain poor rather than get money by dishonest means.我宁可安于贫穷,也不愿用不正当手段赚钱。

I'd rather you went tomorrow/now. 我宁愿你明天/现在去。

I'd rather she sat next to me.我宁愿她挨着我坐。 I'd rather you hadn't done that.我宁愿你没这样做。 Rather than make money this way,I prefer to go hungry.我宁愿挨饿,也不用这种方式赚钱。


She would rather walk than drive.

①She________ walk ________________ drive.

②She________________she________ instead of driving. ③She________walking________driving.


【答案】 ①would;rather than ②would rather;walked ③prefers;to ④prefers to;rather than 4.all the time一直;始终 Jane is hard-working and seems to try her best all the time.(P9)简学习勤奋而且似乎一直在


He gets up early all the time.他一直起得早。

on time 按时

in time及时地;总有一天

at the same time 同时;尽管如此 at one time一度;过去曾经 in no time马上


①含有time的短语: ahead of time提前 at all times老是;时常 at times有时

for the time being暂时 from time to time偶尔 many a time时常;多次 at a time一次;同时 time and(time)again屡次