Tax Payer Information 纳税人信息 下载本文


贵公司或已知悉,自2012年1月1日起,上海市将推行《营业税改征增值税试点方案》。届时,现代服务业和交通运输业内的企业将率先以增值税取代营业税。 鉴于我公司的业务在增值税试点方案的适用范围之内,因此,我们已经注册登记为增值税一般纳税人。即自2012年1月1日起,我们所提供的服务,将按照6% 的税率缴纳增值税,并根据适用情况缴纳其他附加费。

为确保在2012年1月1日试点方案启动后及时开具增值税专用发票,请贵公司在下表中填写增值税纳税人详细信息,并寄回给我们,以便贵公司申请增值税进项税抵扣。如未收到回函,我们将认为贵公司未登记为增值税一般纳税人。 公司名称(中文公司名必须为中文简体) 纳税人识别号 地址,电话 开户行以及帐号信息 发票抬头 发票寄送地址 收件人联系方式

如想了解此次增值税改革对我们所提供的服务带来的影响,请联系我们。 顺致



Dear Customer,

As you may be aware, there will be a pilot program in Shanghai from 1 January 2012 under which Value Added Tax (VAT) will apply to the ‘modern services industry’ and transportation sectors, in place of Business Tax (BT).

The services performed by the Shanghai companies of Intertek fall within the scope of the VAT pilot program, and as a result, we have registered as a general VAT taxpayer. What this means is that for services our Shanghai companies perform from 1 January 2012, we will apply VAT to our charges at the rate of 6%, together with applicable local taxes and surcharges.

To facilitate the prompt issuing of special VAT invoices once the pilot program commences from 1 January 2012, please provide us with your VAT registration details by completing the attached from and returning it to us. If we do not receive this form from you, we will assume you are not registered as a general VAT taxpayer. Name of company VAT registration number Address, Telephone no. Bank account name & Bank account number If you have any questions in relation to the impact of the VAT reforms on our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.