新概念英语第二册优秀教案 下载本文


A little 修饰不可数名词。 a few 修饰可数名词 soon:不久以后, 强调的是时间上的快

He will soon visit Darwin.He will visit Darwin__,

(a)quickly (b)for a short time (c) shortly (d)in a hurry He went quickly .quickly指的是动作上的快 for a short time:不久, 表示动作延续一段时间 soon:不久以后, 表示在这段时间之后 shortly=soon.不久以后

in a hurry:匆忙的指的是动作

【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题

4 Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his garage. ______ he has just bought twelve pigeons.

a.That's so b.That's why c.Because d.For so表示前面是原因, 后面是结果

That's why :那就是为什么, 前者是原因

That's why+从句 : 那就是......原因, 前者是原因, 后者why后面是结果 I was caught in the traffic jam.That's why I was late. be动词后面是表语, 后面的从句是表语从句

That's后面的表语从句常常用特殊疑问词引导, 再加一个句子 That's when we can start class.

That's where we will have a meeting. That's how I get to school.

8 Mr. Scott has a garage in Silbury. His ______ garage is in Pinhurst. a.another b.other c.else d.different (8)......one...the other... another:另外一个 another=an+other an/a是冠词

his/my/your是形容词性物主代词 my mother's是名词所有格

在语法上, 以上三个词是不能同时并存的, 一般要用只能用其中一个 a bag/my bag

his,形容词物主代词, another=an+other

another强调的是剩下的还有好几个当中的一个, 强调的是有三个以上 other:其它的, 加单数就表示一个, his取代the的位置 语法的范围正在放宽松, his another 也对, 但不太好 else:其他的

1、疑问代词, who else,what else can I do for you? 2、anyone else,anything else?不定代词

else会放在被修饰词的后面, 会修饰两种词, 疑问词和不定代词 different:不同的 【时态填空】

1 What ______ you ______ (buy) yesterday?

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2 Up till now, he never ______ (lend) me anything. 3 ______ you (burn) those old papers yet?

4 He ______ (fight) in Flanders in the First World War. 5 They already ______ (leave).

6 When ______ you ______ (lose) your umbrella? 7 ______ you ______ (listen) to the concert last night? 8 We just ______ (win) the match. 1...did...

yesterday,一般过去时 2....has never lent..

up till now/up to now,现在完成时

never属于频率副词, 频率副词一定会放在实义动词之前, 非实义动词之后 3.....have you burned...

burn:燃烧, yet,现在完成时的标志 4......fought...(fight的过去分词)

in the first World War,in+具体的过去年代是具体的过去时间, 一般过去时 5....have already left... already:已经 6...did you lose... When,对时间点提问

要不然和将来时连用, When will you do sth?

如果确定不和将来时连用, 一般情况When的出现意味着一般过去时 现在完成时会用How long定位 7...Did you listen... last night,一般过去时 8...have just won... just

动词的时态的第一种概念 : 根据这句话本身找关键词

完形填空一句话的出的结论不一定是正确, 往往要根据上下文的时间得出时态

§Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 珀西.巴顿斯

【New words and expressions】 生词和短语

★beggar n. 乞丐 beg v.乞求

I beg your pardon? ask for :请求得到 beg for :乞求得到

★food n. 食物 不可数 a lot of food

★pocket n. 衣服口袋 inner pocket:内口袋

jacket pocket : 夹克的口袋 coat pocket : 大衣口袋 pocket book:袖珍书

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pocket dictionary:袖珍词典 pocket money : (小孩)零花钱 change:零钱

get exact change : 准备好正确的零花钱 beer money:(男孩)零花钱 pocket pick:车上的小偷 ★call v. 拜访, 光顾visit call sb:给某人打电话 call up sb:给某人打电话 call back:回某人电话

Can you take a message for me? Can you tell him to call back? call on sb 拜访某人 call at,at一般和地点相连

call at+地点=visit someplace 拜访某地 I will call on you.

I will call at your home. call out =shout,大声喊 call in sb:招集和邀请某人

For the project,the government called in a lot of experts. 【课文讲解】 move to :搬到 knock at:敲

knock at the door knock at the window

ask sb for sth:问某人要什么东西。 request for

for。为了这个目的去请求某人, sb更多的时候不出现, ask for sth The boy asked (his parents省略)for money again/once more. in return for this : 作为对什么的回报 in return:作为回报

He doesn't want anything in return.他不想得到任何回报 hospitality:热情

I'll buy a present for him in return for hospitality. this 在代词当中常常指代上文的一件事情 stood on his head : 倒立

stand on one's hands:用手着地(hand单数就是一只手, 双手复数) 跪着, 膝盖 : knees : stand on one's knees 躺着, 躺 : lie : lie in bed lie on one's back:仰面躺着 lie on one's side:侧躺

lie on one's stomach : 趴着 give him a meal go away later : 后来

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tell sb about sth,about:关于, 通过其他事自己得出结论, tell you about him tell sb sth:告诉某人某件事(把事情直接告诉), tell you the news tell you the word

tell you about the word

everybody作为主语一定作单数看待, 属于不定代词

所有的不定代词作为主语一律为单数看待 : somebody anybody everything等 calls at every house

in the street英国写/on the street美国写 once a month:一个月一次, 单位表达方式 a.表示每月一次, 计量单位 “/” five kilometers an hour

ask for,是ask sb for sth的省略 Percy Buttons? a beggar

He calls at every house in the street once a month and asks for a meal and a glass of bear

【Key structures】 关键句型 a,the和some a:单数, 可数名词

the:可加单数/复数, 还可加不可数名词, 加在什么名词前面都对 some:只能加在不可数名词的前面或可数名词复数的前面 a和the的区别

a是泛指, a man。特指, the man

在文章当中第一次出现名词的时候往往用a和an修饰, 第二次出现的时候用the 在表示一种笼统概念的陈述句中可以省略a和some Yesterday I bought a book,Books are not very expensive. 笼统概念 : 某某一类/一种东西

I have just drunk a glass of milk ,Milk is very refreshing. I ate an apple./Apples are delicious.

I like oranges.Would you like some oranges?

Mrs.Jones bought a bag of flour,a bag of sugar,and some tea. She always buys flour,sugar and tea at the grocer's a和the

A man is walking towards me.The man is carrying a parcel.The parcel is full of meat. Names

We cannot put a or the in front of names

表示某某一类人当中, 具有这种特征当中的一个, a Mr.zhang 【Special Difficulties】 难点

某些动词的后面加上介词或副词以后就会改变词义, 这种新的组合称作短语动词

put:放, put on take:拿走, take off

look:看, look at:看, look for:寻找, look afrer:照顾, look out:当心

call : call at,call on,call in ,call back,call for(a.去取某物, 去接某人b.需要 : The

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