(含五套中考模拟卷)江苏省南通市通州区2019届中考英语一模试卷word版有答案 下载本文

including Cartier, Chanel and Christian Dior. I've never seen such beautiful things, but they are, of course, very expensive. I bought some perfume and moved on to the huge department stores in Paris. Two of the most famous are Primtemps and Galleries Lafayette and they are definitely good places to visit. One place I found disappointing was the Champ-Elysees, the most famous street in Paris. In the old days, it was a great place for fashion, but now there are too many fast-food restaurants, banks, airline offices, shopping centres and cinemas aimed at tourists. Don't waste your time there!

After the shops I tried the markets. One of the most famous places to find treasures in Paris is the flea market. There are three main flea markets --- each selling an unbelievable range of old and second hand goods. They are located around the old gates to the city. I spent hours walking around these fascinating places and while I was there I discovered the meaning of the name 'flea market'. Hundreds of years ago, the royal family gave away their old clothes, which were then sold by people at these markets. But the clothes were full of little insects --- fleas of course! One of the stall sellers told me that the best time to find treasures at the market was before the crowds arrived, usually between 5am and 6am. But that was a bit early for me. I was enjoying the Paris night life too much! There are also open-air markets all around the city where you can buy flowers, clothes, pets, food and many other things. And if you want to buy a book, visit the rows of bookstalls along the River Seine. You can find some great bargains there, or you can spend hours just looking.

If you want to buy half of Paris or if you just want to walk around and look, you'll love the experience. Paris is a great place to shop!

31. What is the main purpose of the article?

A. To advertise some of the famous Paris stores.

B. To inform readers about the best places to shop in Paris. C. To introduce some of the famous tourist attractions in Paris. D. To compare shopping in Paris to shopping in other French cities. 32. Why was the writer disappointed with the Champ-Elysees?

A. There were too many tourist-oriented businesses there. B. There were no clothes on sale there. C. There were too many tourists in the area. D. The stores kept changing too often. 33. What is sold at the Paris flea markets?

A. Insects.

B. Old things.

C. The clothes of kings. D. Expensive jewellery.

34. Why didn't the writer go to the flea market at the best time?

A. It was too crowded. C. She was too busy.

B. It was too early. D. She was too excited.

35. Where is the best place to buy books according to the writer?

A. The book shops in the large department stores. B. The open markets all around the city. C. The flea markets near the city gate. D. The stalls along the River Seine.


Did you know that 7 out of 10 students have cheated at least once in the past year? Did you know that 50 percent of those students have cheated more than twice? This shocking data is from a recent survey of 9,000 U.S. high school students.

Incredibly, teachers may even be encouraging their students to cheat! Last year at a school in Detroit, some teachers were found to have provided their students with answers to statewide standard tests. Students at the school told police that they were promised pizza and money if they cheated on the test. Similar reports at several schools in San Diego county have prompted an investigation by the Education Department. A student at a local high school says she sees students cheating on almost every test, and the teachers don’t do anything about it. In response to the claims of school-assisted cheating, the head of the National Association of School Principals said that while cheating should never be accepted, it showed the pressure that schools were under. “Because school funding is now decided by students' test performance, there is incredible pressure on school to raise marks in any way they can.”

But schools are not the main problem. Many students claim that they’re tempted to cheat because of peer pressure and intense competition to get top grades. Many kids also say that their parents are setting a bad example by cheating on income taxes, lying about age to pay lower admission prices, or cheating their way out of speeding tickets. They are sending a message to their kids that it is okay to cheat and lie.

. So, what can be done? In our school’s math classes, each student has different problems on their test papers, so it is useless to look at someone else’s answers. Teachers could also randomly mix the problems throughout the page. Another solution is for adults to lower their expectations. Chances are that students believe cheating is the only way to meet unreasonably high expectations. Perhaps it is time for parents and teachers to seriously examine whether higher test results are important enough to encourage cheating.

36. What does the writer think of the levels of cheating in American schools?

A. It is an extremely serious problem. B. It is no worse than other countries. C. He expresses no clear opinion.

D. It is mainly the fault of local school.

37. Which of the following causes of cheating is NOT mentioned?

A. Pressure from others. C. Strong competition.

B. Too much work. D. School funding.

38. Why are some schools ignoring their students cheating in America, according to the passage?

A. Because schools will get better students.

B. Because teachers will then receive a higher salary. C. Because schools will get more government money. D. Because schools fear parents will be very angry.

39. According to the 3 paragraph , how are parents encouraging their children to cheat?

A. By putting too much pressure on their children to succeed. B. By criticising their children too much when they fail. C. By urging them directly to be dishonest.


D. By failing to behave honestly themselves. 40. In the last paragraph the writer _________.

A. offers possible solutions to the problem B. describes the causes of the problem

B. outlines the results of the student cheating D. suggests some of the reasons for cheating


You could say it’s the budget traveller’s ultimate prize: knowing exactly when to book a flight to get the cheapest fare. But now one flight comparison website, which analysed 7.5 billion airfares on its top 100 routes worldwide, believes it has found the answer.

According to the research by momondo.co.uk, the ideal time to book a flight is 53 days in advance, a move that may save an average of 33% on the normal fare. For example, a flight from London to Lisbon, when booked 52 days in advance, costs on average £209—compared to the average price of £287.

Cheaper fares also depend on the time of the flight. Evening departures between 6pm and midnight are typically cheaper, while Tuesday is generally the cheapest day to fly.

As for the most expensive, fares are at their costliest three days before departure, while Friday is normally the most expensive day to take to the air. It is also suggested that travellers should avoid afternoon flights if they are looking to save money.

“In general, it pays to book flights two months in advance,” says Momondo spokesman Lasse Skole Hansen. “We found these trends consistent across the board, so bargain hunters should consider flying at night and on a Tuesday, if they want to save money on their travels.”

Momondo’s research is consistent with previous studies into the age-old traveller’s dilemma of when to book. In January Skyscanner published the results of a three-year study, which found that on average five weeks in advance is the best time to find the cheapest fares.

However, Skyscanner also found this varies according to destinations. The cheapest flights to Greece, for example, were found to be available just three weeks ahead of departure.

The new study by momondo.co.uk coincides with their launch of an interactive tool, Flight Insight, which allows travellers to assess the best time, day and season to travel. 46. The research mentioned in the article based its information on ______.

A. interviews with travellers

B. discussions with travel agents C. studying of ticket price lists D. inspections of national airports

47. Which of the following is NOT discussed as a factor affecting airplane ticket prices?

A. Booking time. C. Flight time.

B. Flight day.

D. Flight company.

48. According to the information in the passage which of the following tickets would be the most expensive?

A. A ticket booked three days in advanced for a Friday afternoon flight.

B. A ticket booked one day ahead for a Friday afternoon flight. C. Tuesday morning ticket booked two months in advance. D. A ticket for a Friday flight during the summer holiday.

49. If the advertised price for a plane ticket from London to Paris tomorrow was 90 pound, how much would the buyer expect to pay if he booked the ticket 52 days earlier? A. 30 pounds. B. 60 pounds.

C. 90 pounds.

D. 120 pounds.

50. What is the purpose of the article?

A. To explain why flight price vary. B. To inform readers how to travel cheaply. C. To tell readers where to buy cheap tickets.

D. To identify which airlines offer the best value tickets.

第二节 阅读填空(共5分;每小题1分,满分5分)


We all believe we listen well and yet many times we feel others are not listening to us. However, listening goes in both directions -- you may believe you are listening well, but how often have you completely forgotten what was said to you? ____46____

Make eye contact.

____47____ When people talk, they put out visual clues that add to the conversation and meaning of their word. Stop talking.

You can’t listen, talk and at the same time completely receive the meaning of the other person’s words. ____48____ React without words.

Let the other person know you are listening through physical reactions, such as head nods, smiles, frowns and eye contact. ____49____


Behave as an effective listener. The more you continue to behave as a listener, the more you will be an effective listener.

A. Act as a listener.

B. Make eye contact with the person who is talking to you. C. There are a few ways to become a more effective listener.

D. Wait your turn and take in what has been said to you before you make a reply.

E. These may also help to let the speaker know whether you are fully understanding his words. 四、写作(共三节;满分35分)

第一节 单词拼写 (共6小题,每小题1分,满分6分)

51. It is a p ___________ that the weather is so bad today. We can't go on a picnic. 52. You should always knock at the door before you e ___________ a room. 53. Close the window or the wind will b ___________ everything off my desk. 54. The young woman is very b ___________. She is not afraid of anything. 55. It’s very p___________ to say “Thank you” when someone helps you. 56.The sofa is terribly heavy.Can you move it by y_________?