最新-2018年上海市黄浦区中考二模英语试题及答案 精品 下载本文

gold mine(矿) had just been 48 , but there was a deep river stopping them. They must cross the river if they wanted to get to the gold mine. What would you do if you were among them? Please give me some 49 .”

“Make a roundabout way,”someone 50 . “Swim across, ” said another. The businessman smiled without saying a word. Finally he gave his idea, “Why not do something different 51 rushing to the mine? How about buying a boat to do some ferrying?” The listeners were surprised. Then he explained 52 . “The boatman could ask the passengers for as much money as possible. They were willing to pay because there was gold on the other bank.”

Do what others have not thought to do, or something that never tried before. That is the key to success. In the view of a wise man, a difficult 53 often means a chance of success.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)

A. quietly B. instead of C. station D. situation E. suggested


54.John has a brother and a sister. He is the_______ child of Smith’

s family. (three)

55.Many young _______waited at the airport to see their idol from Korea. (woman)

56.Little Jim was quite _______ in the story, and he asked me to tell it again and again. (interest)

57.Mr. Black doesn’t _______about his clothes. He always wears

T-shirts and blue jeans. (careful)

58.Please read the good news _______ so that everyone can hear you, Jack. (loud)

59.People realize education plays an important part in the of a country. (develop)

60.We all trusted what the old man said because he was never to

people. (honest)

61.Now that we have grown up, we should do everything by _______

to make Mum easy. (our)

V. Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,

完成下列句子。62题至67题,每空格限填一词) (共14分) 62.The guests visited the Great British Museum last week.(改为


______ the guests ______ the Great British Museum last week? 63.The Chinese get a family reunion (团聚) during the Spring Festival.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ the Chinese get a family reunion? 64.We had an amusing experience this afternoon.(改为感叹句) ______ ______ amusing experience we had this afternoon! 65.The librarian took the magazines out of the reading room.(改


The magazines ______ ______ out of the reading room by the librarian.

66.We were surprised to find that the missing dog came back home alone.(保持句意基本不变)

______ our ______ , the missing dog came back home alone. 67.Please tell me. Where is the physics lab?(改为宾语从句) Please tell me ______ the physics lab______ .

68.many dance people every morning happily in the

park . (连词成句)

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共50分)

A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) (12分)

Sir Steven Redgrave—Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals

“In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes (糖尿病), believing the profession trained for the

whole of my life ended, I felt very sorry. Then one of my friends said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing. That was it—the encouragement I needed. I could still be a winner if I believed in myself. I am not saying that it isn’t difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.”

Karen Pickering—Swimming World 军)

“I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week.

I manage that

Champion (冠

amount of work by putting it on top of my diary. This is the key to success—you can’t follow a profession in any field without being well-organized. Make a list of what you believe you can achieve. Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they