北京市大兴区2019年英语八上期末考试试题 下载本文



1.-You went to the beach last Sunday.What did you do there? -_____.

A.I went to the Tian'anmen Square. B.We had great fun playing in the water. C.We visited the museum. D.I went to the Central Park

2.My father ________ like Mickey Mouse to make us ________ at home yesterday. A.dressed on;laugh B.dressed up;laughed up;laugh

3.— Mario,your mobile phone is ringing.

— Wait a minute. It’ s dangerous for us it while crossing the street. A.answering

B.to answer



4.I think everyone should _________ a part in making Chinese Dream come true. A.work B.take C.play D.send

5.Don’t forget ________ the rubbish out when you leave. A.taking C.to take —No problem. A.with

A.little;a few C.few; a few —_______.

A.Yes, I didn’t B.No, you didn’t C.No, you did D.No, I didn’t 9.(题文)— ________ a new movie next Sunday. — Really? I will go to watch it.

A.There is B.There will have C.There will be D.There is going have

10.—Do you know the accident that happened on Yangze River on the night of June 1, 2015? —Yes, I do. The ship Eastern Star(东方之星) sank.________, fourteen people were saved. A.Unhappily B.Unluckily C.Suddenly D.Luckily

11.(题文)Will there be more people in 100 years ,do you think so ?

A.No, there isn’t B.Yes , there will be C.No, there won’t D.Yes, they will 12.(题文)It's windy outside. ______ your jacket, Bob.Don't catch a cold. A.Try on B.Put on C.Take off

13.There ______a volleyball competition between China and America tomorrow. A.is B.has

C.will have D.will be



B.few; little D.little; a little


7.There is water here;but there are quite empty glasses.

B.bringing D.to bring

C.dressed on;to laugh D.dressed

6.—Can you give me some advice ________ how to improve my English?

8.—You didn’t go to Shanghai last summer holidays, did you?

14.Jimmy says that he wants to be________engineer. A.the A.make 二、单词填空


1)(小题1)Eating too much s________ is bad for your teeth. 2)(小题2)What t________ food do you have on Mid-Autumn Day? 3)(小题3)There is a h________ in the door.

4)(小题4)Don't p________ waste water into the river.It will pollute it. 5)(小题5)Please put the bread on the p________,not in the bowl. 三、句型转换 17.句型转换

1)Hurry up, or we'll be late for the bus. (改为复合句) ________ we ________ hurry, we'll be late for the bus.

2)I think. It won't get colder the day after tomorrow. (合并为一句) I ________ think it ________ get colder the day after tomorrow. 3)Can you come to my birthday party? (作肯定回答) ________, I'd ________ to.

4)I won't go to her birthday party unless she invites me. (同义句转换) I won't go to her birthday party ________ she ________ ________ me. 5)I am going to do__my__homework tonight. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ you going to do tonight? 四、完成句子 18.


_________________________________do you exercise? 2)你在周末做什么?

_______do you do _________________________________? 3)你最喜欢什么节目?

_______your_____________________? 4)你下周有空吗?

________ you ______ next week? 5)你正在学习什么种类的舞蹈?

________ ________ ________dance are you learning? 五、完形填空

19.Here’s a way 1 making 2 sandwiches. First , we need two 3 of bread , one spoon of butter, one onion , one apple, some lettuce, three pieces of chicken and two spoons of relish(佐料). Second, 4 the butter on a piece of bread . Then cut 5 the 6 and the 7 . 8 these to the bread . Next , put lettuce and the chicken piece 9 the bread . Put the relish on the chicken . Finally , put 10 piece of bread on the top . Now the sandwich is ready. 1)A.of B.at C.above D.over

2)A.chicken’s B.chickens’ C.chicken D.chickens

B.a B.makes

C.an C.making

D./ D.made

15.The little boy is good at ________ model planes.

3)A.piece’s B.pieces C.piece D.pieced 4)A.put B.bring C.cut up D.mix up 5)A.on B.up C.in D.to

6)A.apple B.orange C.onion D.egg 7)A.tomato B.potato C.carrot D.apple 8)A.Put B.Pour C.Add D.Mix 9)A.at B.with C.on D.to

10)A.other B.another C.the other D.others 20.完形填空


Lisa has a busy day today. In the morning, she has four classes. 1 are English, science, geography and P. E.. Geography is her favorite 2 . After school in the morning, Lisa has only half an hour to eat lunch, 3 she must go to the library. She will have a speech contest(演讲比赛)in the 4 , and she needs to find some 5 information (信息) for her speech in the 6 . The speech contest is 7 3∶00 p. m. to 6∶00 p. m. . Lisa’s speech is about health. After that Lisa must go home. Today is her 8 birthday. Her family will(将要) 9 a big dinner. Lisa buys a gift(礼物) for her grandpa and she thinks her grandpa will 10 it. 1)A.She 2)A.sport 3)A.but 4)A.morning 5)A.boring 6)A.school 7)A.with 8)A.mother’s 9)A.have 10)A.thank 21.

1)To talk is much _______ (easy)than to do.

2)Last night,we had a good time _______ (watch) anAmerican film. 3)Of the three students Jim drank _______ (little) water.

4)These books are _______ (use)to you.You can throw them away or give them to others. 5)She told me that she taught _______ (she) how to play thegames. 七、阅读理解 22.

Have Fun and Learn in Little Rabbit B.He B.game B.so B.afternoon B.useful B.classroom B.about B.father’s B.call B.think

C.We C.subject C.because C.evening C.healthy C.1ibrary C.at

C.grandpa’s C.sell C.eat

D.They D.picture D.after D.night D.difficult D.store D.from D.grandma’s D.finish D.like


We pick up your children at school and give them a safe place to play,do homework,and learn after school. Experienced Teachers/Lunch & Snacks/Toys & Books Ages 1 to 2 Our Programs: *Languages *Math *Computer *Music Open 1:00 a. m.to 2:00 p. m.,Mon.to Fri. 1 Market Road,Star City (between First Street and Second Street,next to the Flower Market) TEL:5—1 1.Who can have fun and learn in Little Rabbit? A.Mike, a school boy of 3. B.Mary, an eight-year-old girl. C.Cathy, an experienced teacher D.Linda, a housewife without work.

2.Little Rabbit will be open for ________ in a week. A.4 hours C.5 hours

3.Where's Little Rabbit? A.It's on Second Street. C.It's on Market Road. A.before school C.on weekend

5.Which is not right?

In the school,you can have . A.lunch C.books

B.toys D.DIY course

B.It's on First Street. D.It's in the Flower Market. B.after school D.on Sunday B.3 hours D.5 hours

4.Little Rabbit is a school that you can come .

23.(题文)Alice often sings and she can play the guitar. She wants to be a musician. After school she goes home. She sees a poster(海报)on the wall. It says: A musician wanted for a party

We're going to have a party next Saturday. We want a musician for our party. If you sing well and can play the guitar, please call Helen at 493-7856.

Alice is very happy. She calls Helen. Helen asks her to join the school art club. They hope she can sing and play the guitar well. 1)(小题1)What does Alice want to be?

A.A worker. B.A doctor. C.A musician. D.An actress. 2)(小题2)Is Alice happy when she sees the poster? A.Yes,she is. B.No, she isn't. C.Yes,she isn’t. D.We don’t know.

3)(小题3)Which club does Helen want Alice to join? A.The swimming club. B.The music club. C.The art club. D.The chess club.