新标准大学英语综合教?一到十课答?包括unittext)1-5?- 百度文库 ر

Your answer foregoing

Correct answer obstacle

14. After years of, the old house on the corner was finally torn down.

Your answer idlling

Correct answer neglect

15. If you want to write a book about traveling in Europe, it's to have actually been there


Your answer advantageous

Correct answer advantageous

16. I'm going to invest my money in Microsoft, and I strongly suggest you do.

Your answer likewise

Correct answer likewise

17. It is critical to your sources when you make an argument.

Your answer classify

Correct answer cite

18. This month's bestselling novel has a(n) that is rarely seen in literature.

Your answer stature

Correct answer originality

19. It's difficult to with people if you don't speak the same language.

Your answer interact

Correct answer interact

20. It's common for politicians to use almost anything as against their opponents.

Your answer ammunition

Correct answer ammunition

Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.

21. The toughest thing about moving away was when I had to part my book collection.

Your answer with

Correct answer with

22. The spring season, it were, doesn't really exist here since we go straight from winter

into summer.

Your answer as

Correct answer as

23. Please leave me alone; I'm simply looking some peace and quiet.

Your answer for

Correct answer for

24. After looking at his old pictures, James longed go back to China.

Your answer to

Correct answer to

25. Just tell me the truth and don't toy my emotions!

Your answer with

Correct answer with

26. Mona decided to seek her biological parents after she found out she was adopted.

Your answer out

Correct answer out

27. the most part, I think the kids enjoyed our vacation this year.

Your answer From

Correct answer For

28. She picks up some extra money by being a tour guide the side.

Your answer by

Correct answer on

29. I think the reason we're such good friends is because we have so much common.

Your answer in

Correct answer in

30. If you learn to look this class as an opportunity, you might not be so miserable.

Your answer at

Correct answer upon

(31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40)



Unit text

Your answer enlightenment adventurer stereotypical gratuitous tackle indubitably undoing suicide desperately confront

Correct answer recommendation adventurer stereotypical gratuitous confront enlightenment sacrifice undoing desperately tackle

Acbda cdbda acbda bcadc

21. Things didn't quite turn the way I expected, but I'm still happy with the result.

Your answer into

Correct answer out

22. You can't fool me; I'm wise the way things work around here.

Your answer at

Correct answer to

23. My question sparked much discussion in the group about right versus wrong.

Your answer out

Correct answer off

24. They didn't know it, but they were playing right our hands the whole time.

Your answer at

Correct answer into

25. Leslie broke her argument into three main points.

Your answer up

Correct answer down

26. It was pure luck that we chanced the fossilized remains of the dinosaur.

Your answer out

Correct answer upon

27. Our town was named the explorer who first discovered the nearby waterfall.

Your answer as

Correct answer after

28. After the ship sank, wreckage washed on shore for weeks.

Your answer out

Correct answer up