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Our aircraft has just left Los Angeles from Guangzhou, the distance between Guangzhou and Los Angeles is ____km with the flying time scheduled for ___hours and ____minutes.

Along our route, we will be flying over United States, Canada, Russia and China. With North America, we¡¯ll fly over California, Orego, Washington, and Alaska including the cities of San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver and Anchorage.

As we proceed eastward, we will fly over the International Date Line. As we enter China, we will fly over the cities of Harbin, Beijing and continued south until we reach Guangzhou.

For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened at all times when seated, as there may be unexpected turbulence in flight.

Dinner, midnight snacks, breakfast and beverages have been prepared for you. We will aslo show the in-flight entertainment programs. After the meal service, our in-flight sales service (and satellite phone cards sale ) will be available.

If you need any assistance, please feel comfortable to contact any one of


We wish you a pleasant journey. Thank you !

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Ladies and Gentlemen£º

We are waiting for ____passengers to join us. We expect to depart soon. Thank you!

b£® ÂÿÍδ°ìÍêÊÖÐø ŮʿÃÇ¡¢ÏÈÉúÃÇ£º


Ladies and Gentlemen£º

We are waiting for some passengers to complete the boarding procedures. Our ground staff has advised us that these passengers will join us shortly. Thank you! c£® µÈ´ýÖÐתÂÃ¿Í Å®Ê¿ÃÇ¡¢ÏÈÉúÃÇ£º


ÐÝÏ¢µÈºò£¬Ð»Ð»£¡ Ladies and Gentlemen£º

We are currently waiting for several transit passengers from ____ to

join us. During this short delay, please remain in your seat. Thank you!




Ladies and Gentlemen£º

_____ passengers have completed boarding prodedures, but they

haven¡¯t boarded this aircraft yet. For your safety, we must offload their checked baggage. Please be seated and wait for a moment. (And we kindly ask that you disembark and identify your own checked baggage.) Thank you for your cooperation! 27¡¢²é»úƱ¡¢²é»¤ÕÕ Å®Ê¿ÃÇ¡¢ÏÈÉúÃÇ£º

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Ladies and Gentlemen£º Attention please!

The immigration and customs now need to re-check passenger

identification. Please be seated in your assigned seat and have your (passport and ) tickets available for the officers¡¯ review. Thank you for your cooperation. 28¡¢·É»úÇå²Õ ŮʿÃÇ¡¢ÏÈÉúÃÇ£º



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Ladies and Gentlemen£º

There is/ are ____ passengers (leaving us without approval, the ground

staff cannot find him/ them,) (decided to cancel the trip after he/ they boarded the plane). According to the regulations, we must make a thorough safety check of the cabin. Please carry all your belongings of our ground staff, (identify your checked baggage.) Sorry for the inconventience. Thank you for your cooperation. 29¡¢ÇåµãÂÃ¿Í Å®Ê¿ÃÇ¡¢ÏÈÉúÃÇ£º



Ladies and Gentlemen£º

Now we need to recount the passengers. Please remain in your seat and

do not use the lavetories. Passengers traveling with small children are kindly asked to hold them on your laps. Thank you for your cooperation. 30¡¢µÈ´ýËæ»úÎļþ ŮʿÃÇ¡¢ÏÈÉúÃÇ£º

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We are waiting for the flight documents to be sent onboard, please wait a

moment. Thank you! 31¡¢º½¿Õ¹ÜÖÆ Å®Ê¿ÃÇ¡¢ÏÈÉúÃÇ£º



Ladies and Gentlemen£º

We will have a short wait due air traffic control, please wait for a

moment. (We will wait here for about____ minutes.) Thank you for your understanding. 32¡¢µÈ´ýÆð·É ŮʿÃÇ¡¢ÏÈÉúÃÇ£º

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Ladies and Gentlemen£º

Due to ____ (air traffic control /airport congestion /unfavorable weather

conditions /mechanical problems), we haven¡¯t been informed about the time


of departure yet. Please wait for a moment until we have further information for you, (We will be serving food and beverages while we are waiting for departure.) Thank you!

33¡¢»úе¹ÊÕÏ Å®Ê¿ÃÇ¡¢ÏÈÉúÃÇ£º



Ladies and Gentlemen£º

The captain has informed us that due to a minor mechanical problem

with this aircraft that our departure will be delayed. Our maintenance staff is working diligently to sovle this problem. As your safety is our primary concern, please remain in your seat. Further information will be provided as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and patience! 34¡¢¹ÊÕÏÒÑÅųý ŮʿÃÇ¡¢ÏÈÉúÃÇ£º



Ladies and Gentlemen£º

With the excellent work of our crew and maintenance people, the

mechanical trouble is solved. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Now please be seated and ready for a safe takeoff. Thank you! 35¡¢ÐèÒªµ½ºò»úÌüµÈ´ý ŮʿÃÇ¡¢ÏÈÉúÃÇ£º



Ladies and Gentlemen£º

The captain has informed us that our flight will be delayed because of poor weather conditions (mechanical trouble). We ask that you wait in the terminal. Please take your ticket and boarding pass, and disembark. Your carry-on items may be left onboard, but be sure to carry the valuables with you. Our ground staff will keep you informed of the latest information. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.




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Ladies and Gentlemen£º