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English Correspondence of Business

Chapter One Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing Section Nine Exercises 练习

I. Translate the following expressions into English: Keys: 1.Commercial Councellor

2.import and export 3.export list 4. enquiry 5.sample 6. price list 7.catalogue 8. Chamber of Commerce 9. market price

10. agreement 11.clients/customers 12. commodities fair 13. competitive price 14. EMP(European Main ports)

15. deal exclusively 16. manufacturer 17. article number 18. delivery 19. specification 20. trial order

II. Please improve the following sentence to them more idiamotic


1. We are sending you the information you asked for in your letter of June 4. 2. We have received your letter of May 10.

3. We are pleased to tell you that your Order 167 was dispatched yesterday.

4. We sent you this morning our latest catalogue you requested in your letter of May 5. 5. We hope you will consider our proposals. 6. We hope to hear from you soon.

7.You informed us in your letter that you could not offer us Gallnuts as they were out of stock. 8. In reply to your letter of the 23red last month, we are pleased to confirm the following order.

9. Please take note of the Lot Number of bales so that the parcel may not be mixed up on landing. 10. Samples will be sent and offer made upon receipt of your specific enquiry.

11. In reply to your letter 23rd May, we regret to inform you that we are now not in a position to offer you the quantity as required.

12. Thank you for your quotation dated September 5, 2007. We intend to place a trial order with you.

13. You will no doubt ope the relevant L/C at the end of May. 14. We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied.

15. Will you please send us your latest catalogue and pricelist? 16. We wish you could effect insurance on the goods with PICC. 17. Please send me a copy of the agreement. 18. Your products are not up to our standard. 19. I regret I cannot agree to your suggestions.

20. We have semimonthly direct sailings from Hong Kong to San Francisco.

III. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter Keys: Open

V. Point out the mistakes in the following addresses and rewrite them. Keys:

A. B. C.

Mr. Henry Taylor London City Bank Mr. John Smith 150 Bench Street 12 Queen Street 16 Front Street London, E. C. 3 London, E.C.5 Liverpool L6 3FY England England

VI. Please write a letter according to the following particulars:


Shanghai Light Industrial Products Corp. 11 Jiefang Road Shanghai

Tel: 021--43715589 The Pacific Trading Inc. 87 Broadway ST. New York, NY10408 Oct.28,2008

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your interest in our products. In reply to your request, we enclose our illustrated catalogue and a pricelist showing details of our products. We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours truly, (signed) Wang Xiang

ENCL: as stated.

Chapter Two Establishing Business Relations Section One Introduction 概述


如果一家新公司,既我方一家公司,想要在国外打开市场,买入或者卖出产品,那么,他首先必须做的就是他要明白与谁做业务,通常,这类信息可以通过以下渠道获得: 1) 通过写信交流; 2) 参加出口商品交易会; 3) 出席国内外举办的展览会; 4) 互派贸易代表团。


从上述任何渠道获得想要得到的公司名称和地址之后,就开始着手写信与之联系。这类信是第一次寄出去的信,也可称之为“初次询盘”。通常这类信函最初告诉阅信人他的信息来,主要包括下列内容: 1) 信息来源; 2) 意向; 3) 经营范围和子公司、分公司,如有的话; 4)公司的财经和成信情况。




Section Two Specimen Letters (12封信) 信函范文

Specimen Letter 1 Wishing to establish relations 敬启者:

我们从中国对外贸易杂志上得知贵公司名址,我公司是一家国营企业,力求扩展海外贸易。然而,我们在南非还没有任何业务往来,对你方提出的任何建议我们都会认真考虑。随函所附我们最新的插图目录和最新价目表及有关的销售条款,供你方参考,我们将很高兴办理你方对我们产品的具体询盘。 如你方需要进一步了解有关我们公司或我们的有关产品的情况,也务必请来信。 盼即复。


Specimen Letter 2 Writing self-introduce letters 敬启者:




盼早复,希望收到你方好消息。 ......启

Specimen Letter 3 Importer writes to exporter 敬启者:

事由: 缝纫机





Sepcimen Letter 4 Exporter writes to importer (1) 敬启者:




Sepcimen Letter 5 Exporter writes to importer (2)


承科伦坡商会介绍,得悉你号名址,并获悉你号拟进口中国生产的轻工产品。 我号生产所附插图目录中的各种轻工业用品,希望这些产品会引起你们的兴趣。信内尚随附我们最新的价目表,以供参考。 如你方拟购这类产品,请即告知,以便报价。同时,如你方需要进一步了解有关我们公司或我们的有关产品的情况,也务必请来信。 盼即复。并望不久能与你方开展业务往来。 ??启

Sepcimen Letter 6 An exporter’s reply to an importer


经由ABC公司的介绍,我公司获悉贵公司有意与棉布出口商建立业务关系,我公司正好经营这类商品。 我公司是该商品的主要生产商之一,从事棉布出口已有50多年的历史。我公司产品种类齐全,款式多样,畅销亚洲市场。


相信经过双方努力,我们将建立起良好的业务关系。 盼早复。


Sepcimen Letter 7 A reply to an importer 敬启者:



如你方需要进一步了解有关我们公司或我们的有关产品的情况,也务必请来信。 盼即复。


Sepcimen Letter 8 A reply to the importer 敬启者:



请告有关你公司出口商品的必要详情。 ??启

Sepcimen Letter 9 Writing letters of Credit Enquiry of a new customer





Sepcimen Letter 10 Favorable reply from a firm 敬启者:



我方只了解这些,希望这些资料对你们有用,并予以保密。 ??启

Sepcimen Letter 11 Unfavorable reply 敬启者:

你10月12日的来函中所提到公司的资信,我方已予查询,十分遗憾,对该公司的赊帐要求应谨慎。 约在两年前,该公司由于欠款问题,曾受其供货商的投诉,事后才全数清付。从我方查询所得资料来看,该公司并不是不城实可靠,似乎是由于该公司管理无方,尤其是由于盘子放得太大,以致于近年来多数供货商对其减少供货的赊欠额度,并缩短其赊欠期限,甚至要求付现供货。 以上资料应予保密,自不待言。 ......启

Sepcimen Letter 12 Asking for information about credit conditions and management directly through a customer 敬启者:

请提供有关你处Watson & Jones Newcastle国际贸易有限公司的资信情况,据我所知,贵公司与该公司已有10多年的生意往来,今冒昧地向贵公司了解该公司的资信情况,请告你对该公司资信情况的意见,



. .....启

Section Five Exercises

I. Fill in the blanks with the following words:


1)prompt, 2)supply, 3)captioned, 4)indicate, 5)packed, 6)current, 7) refer, 8)enable, 9)conclude, 10)assure

II. Fill in the missing words in the following blanks with the first letter given: Yours faithfully, Keys:

introduce, range, attach, think, interest, interested, receiving, what, quotation

III. Write a letter with the following contents:


Dear Sirs,

On the recommendation of the Commercial Councilor in Colombo we have learned that your company specializes in the export of machinery and you are keen to develop overseas trade. With a view to introducing your machinery into our market, we wish to establish business relations with you.

We are looking forward to get your early reply as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

IV. Write a letter to DEMMAN & SONS, 45 CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.C. 4, telling them that you wish to enter into business relations with them and including the following particular:


Messrs. Demman & Sons 45 Cannon Street London, E.C.4

Dear Sirs,

Introduced by Mr. A.G. Topworth of Swanson & Bros., Hamberg, we learn your name and address

and that you are one of the leading importers of Chinaware in your city.

As a state enterprise, we have been in this line for more than 30 years and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you at an early date. The illustrated catalogue and price list will be airmailed upon receipt of your specific enquiries.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

V. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:




3)我们相信通过双方的努力,贸易往来定会朝着互利的方向发展。 4)如贵工司能与我方合作,不胜感激。

5)根据要求,兹另封函邮货号称025和蔼036样品各一份,以供你们参考。 6)我们保证你方订单定会得到立即处理。


8)本公司是日本最大的食品贸易公司,在日本的主要城市都有分公司于门市部。 9)你方11月21日寄给上海兄弟公司的信已转交给我们办理。


Chapter Three Enquiries

Section One Introduction 概述




初次询盘信,写给你从来没有业务往来的公司,首先要告知对方你是从何处得到对方的公司名称,你公司的业务范围,如经营何种商品、所需数量、通常的交易条款以及任何可以帮助供货商了解是否能为你服务的信息都要写清楚。 什么是询盘?





询盘信是一封写给买方或卖方,要求提供商品规格、质量、数量和价格等信息的信函,在实际业务中,今天的询盘信不仅可以以普通信函发出,也可以通过传真、电传或电子邮件发出。 询盘信包括以下内容: 询盘信包括以下内容:

(1)如果是初次询盘,该信就必须告知信息来源,如通过什么方式、由谁告知、信息来源何处。 (2)如果回复供应商的询盘信,首先要表示感谢。


(4)了解交易条款,如报价、支付条款、包装、保险等,让供应商知道交易条件。 (5)告知商品在市场上的整体情况。 (6)索要目录、价目表和样品。

(7)向对方表明想要与他进行业务往来的愿望。 (8)其他情况。

Section Two Specimen Letters Specimen Letter 1




Specimen Letter 2



请寄一份你们的手套目录,并说明价格及付款条款。如能寄来各种用于制手套的皮样将是极为有帮助的。 ......启

Specimen Letter 3 敬启者:

请报中国印花棉布的每码价格及支付条款。如报价优惠,拟向你方购进我方目前的全部所需。 ......启

Specimen Letter 4





我们也制造多种手工制的皮革手提包,我们认为你们可能也会有兴趣在目录中有充分的说明,而且同我们的手套一样都是高质量的。李先生在造访时将会给你们看样品。 我们愉快地等候你方定单。 中国进出口公司 经 理

Specimen Letter 5




按要求,我方向你们提供报价单一式三份,希望你们能尽快下定单,因为我方手头定单太多。 敬侯你方早日答复。


Specimen Letter 6


本市Brother & Clark 公司告知我们,你们是全棉床单及枕套的主要出口商。请你寄下你方经营的各种商品的详情,包括尺寸、颜色及价格,以及所用的各种材料的样品。



United Textiles Limited 经 理

Specimen Letter 7 敬启者:


对于定期购买单项商品数量不少于200打,我们可给予2% 的折扣。用不可撤消的即期信用证付款。 由于品质柔软而耐用,我们的全棉床单及枕套很快成了畅销商品。你们在研究了我方价格之后,对我们为什么甚难满足需求这一事实你方就不难知道了。但你方如能在本月底前向我们订货,我们将保证迅速发货。

同时我们也请你注意我们的其他产品,如台布及台巾,其详细情况也可以从目录上找到。等候你方首次定单。 ??启

Specimen Letter 8


事由: 台布




相信你方定会迅速办理我们的询购事宜,并予早日见复。 ....... 启

Section Five Exercises

I. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions: Keys

1) in, from, for, for 6) in, with 2) at 7) by

3) by, of, of, with 8) from, from, at 4) from, for, for, 9) for, on 5) of, for, in 10) at, of

II. Translate the followings into English: Keys

1) We understand that you are manufacturers of Chinese Sewing Machines and should like to know whether you can supply us with 500 sets each of “Butterfly”Brand and “Standard” both of Treadle Type with five drawers.

2) We are interested in 400 sets of \Rams\Bicycles and shall be pleased to have your best offer by telex on DEQ Hamburg basis, including our 5% commission.

3) We should be grateful if you would quote your lowest price for the captioned goods. When offering, please indicate packing conditions and the earliest possible date of delivery and send us the covering literature. 4) When your representative called on us last month, he showed us some samples of your new textiles products.

Can you supply the same for the moment?

5) We have sent you by airmail some samples. We are sure after you have studied them you are certain to agree that our products are excellent in quality and reasonable in price.

6) The enclosed price list and illustrated catalogue will provide you with the details of the various types you are most interested in.

7) We understand from your advertisement in \that you are exporting Transistors and should be glad to have your illustrated catalogue and price list together with details of your terms.

8) We learn from Messrs. ABC & Co. that you can supply Fruits and Nuts. We shall be appreciated if you can quote your best price on CFR Hamburg basis. When quoting, please state packing method and the earliest possible date of delivery.

9) We are interested in your advertisement of the Atlas Weed Killer in the September issue of \the relative samples.

10) One of our clients has obtained an import licence to import US$ 40,000 worth of various kinds Wires. Please quote us your lowest price with the best discount and the date of delivery. 11) We learn that you have put an Electric Typewriters on the market and should be glad to have full details so as to place orders with you.

12) We should like to know what discount you can allow us for an order for more than 1,000 dozen.

III. Compose a letter of enquiry with the following particulars: Keys

Messrs. Arthur Grey & Son, 19 Cheapside, London, E.C.2

Dear Sirs,

We have obtained your name and address from China Council for Promotion of International Trade and learned that you are one of the leading exporters of Automatic Dishwasher in your district.

We are now interested in 100 sets of the said article and should be pleased if you would let us know whether you can supply us with the quantity and quality we desire. Please quote us your best price on CIF Guangzhou basis. When offering, please state clearly terms of payment, time of delivery, packing conditions together with illustrated catalogue for our consideration.

We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

IV. Please draw a letter of general enquiry asking for all the information you need. Keys

Dear Sirs,

We learn from a friend in Shenzhen that you are exporting light industrial products, especially electric appliances. There is a steady demand here for the above-mentioned goods of high quality at moderate prices. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment. We should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of these goods.

Yours faithfully,

V. Write a specific enquiry according to the following: Keys

Dear Sirs,

Re: Electric Saw

We are in the market for Electric Saws. Please send us your latest catalogue, details of your specification and sample books as well, informing us of your price FOB Guangzhou. Please do remember to let us know your earliest possible date of delivery, terms of payment, discounts or commissions for regular purchases. If your prices offered prove reasonable and satisfactory, we shall soon place a large order with you.

Yours faithfully

VI. When making the first enquiry, the enquiry often asks for general information concerning the products in question. The following materials are generally requested for. Keys: 1.d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. f

Chapter Four Offers and Quotations Section One Introduction 概述




报盘或盘价可以是会复对方的询盘,也可以是为了扩大出口而主动向对方报盘。 一封好的报盘信要包扩以下几点: 1)感谢对方的询盘,如有必要。


3)如果是实盘,要说明有效期,如果是虚盘,也要给出相应说明。 4)对商品可以给出适当的评价。

5)最后可以补充一小段来吸引对方注意你公司其他商品。 6)表达希望收到对方定单的愿望。

可以是以写信的形式报盘,也可以是电报、电传或传真报盘,如果是电报报盘,通常还会再写一封信。 要注意的是,卖方在该实盘有效期内不得撤出,只有买方才能在有效期内接受或拒绝或换盘。如果买方



一封拒绝信要包扩下列几点: 1)感谢卖方的报盘;

2)对不能接受表示歉意; 3)如合适的话可以还盘; 4)建议今后的合作机会。

Section Two Specimen Letters Specimen 1 敬启者:


根据你们的目录说明,我们得知\系列雨衣是最适合这些客户。如你方能寄男、女式雨衣的报价,我们将非常高兴。两者的尺码都要小号及中号,以CIF 科威特交货。如价格合适,我们首批将订购400件,即4种各100件。订货后须4星期内装运。

我们要特别强调价格的重要性,因为这里的主要市场是那些大批量生产而价格又是大众化的产品。 Abdulla Samih & Co. 经 理


Specimen 2


感谢你方5月5日来信。我们很高兴得悉你方收到了客户要购买我们雨衣的一些询价。我们的\系列雨衣特别合适暖热的气候,而且在过去几年中,已经供应给几个热带国家的商人。他们中的许多人已经重复订购,有些复订不止一次。这个商品之所以受到欢迎不只是因为重量轻,而且也因为所用原料已经过特殊处理,可以防止在村里上凝结过多的水汽。 按你所说的数量,我们乐于报价如下: \雨衣

100 件男式中号 每件USD14.5 USD1,450 100 件男式小号 每件USD14.00 USD1,400 100 件女式中号 每件USD13.20 USD1,320 100 件女式小号 每件USD12.70 USD1,270 CIF 科威特净价 USD5,440 支付条款:不可撤消的即期信用证 装运:收到信用证后3——4星期内。 本报价以我方最后确认为准。



中国进出口公司 经 理


Specimen 3




相信你方询盘一定会得到我兄弟公司的从速办理。 ??启


Specimen 4


你6月30日来函收到,谢谢。现报盘如下: 品名: 2006年产河北绿豆 数量: 200公吨

价格: 安特卫普成本加运费价每公吨250英镑 包装: 用普通旧麻袋包装 装运期:2007年9月份

支付: 凭不可撤销信用证、即期汇票支付

本报盘以我方确认有效。如你方认为可以接受,请尽快答复。 ??启


Specimen 5



以上实盘,本月底前报到我方有效。一旦本盘过期,货物即将售出。 ??启

Specimen 6





至于杂质含量20-30%的二级废亚麻,仍按上次报价未变。 ......启

Specimen 7



商品:8002号上海印花纯丝细布 花色:第46839---2A号 规格:30×36



价格:每码54美元,成本加保险费、运费到里斯本价。 交货:从2007年11月起分3个月3次平均装运

付款:装船前30天开出保兑的,不可撤销的信用证见票即付。 希望以上能为你方接受,等待你方来试订。 ?...启

Specimen 8





Section Five Exercises

I. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: Keys

1. We are interested to in your new models. 2. We await your early reply on the above.

3. We are in urgent need for 300 photocopiers. 4. We shall be glade to receiv your details.

5. Will you quote to us for the goods mentioned in the attached sheet?

6. We shall be grateful if you could send us your catalogue and other necessary information. 7. Please inform us of the prices at which you can supply the goods. 8. Please let us have you lowest price CIF Hamburg.

9. If your prices are satisfactory, we shall place large orders. 10. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

II. Translate the followings into English: Keys

1. We have confirmed telexing you the firm offer for the following goods, subject to your reply reaching here by August 10th.

2. We are very pleased to know that there is a great demand for Groundnut Kernels in your market. We enclose a coply of our Order No. 3841 for your reference.

3. In reply to your fax of June 10th asking us to offer for Blanket No. 23, we are now confirming offering you by fax on June 2nd without engagement the followings

4. Thank you for your letter of July 10. But we regret to say that your price is on the high side and that there is no possibility of business.

5. We are now making you an offer for 20 M/Ts of Bitter Apricot Kernels at ¥5000 per metric ton CIF EMP for prompt shipment.

6. We have approached our clients and their reply is that they cannot accept your offer unless you make a discount of 5% on the price you quoted.

7. I can promise you that, if you buy our product, you will be getting quality. We spend a lot of money to make sure that our quality is much better. We don’t sacrifice quality for quick profits. 8. I’m interested in all kinds of your products, but this time I would like to order some fireworks and mosquito coil incense. Please quote us C.I.F. Rangoon. I’m going to place a trial order for 1,000 units of a dozen fireworks and 500 cartons of mosquito coil incense.

9. Your price is reasonable but I wonder if you would give us a discount. You know for the products like yours we usually get 2% or 3% discount from European suppliers.

10. This is our office block. We have all the administrative departments there. Down there is the research and development section. That’s the warehouse. We keep a stock of the faster moving items so that urgent orders can be met quickly from stock.

III. Make a list of the mistakes in the following ineffective letter and then write a more effective one. Keys:

1. No subject line.

2. No mention of where he got the name and address of the firm.

3. Outmoded expressions: Desirous?Would be greatly obliged ? if you would favor us with us with a ?

4. No introduction of his company to show that it is capable of doing substantial business. 5. Wrong use of \rates\rather than \prices\\often suggests cheap and shoddy. \?\better.

6. Demanding a substantial discount without providing the supplier with any inducement, no mentioning the amount of orders.

7. The statement about the need to ship the goods quickly is also demanding and without giving

the reason.

8. There is no cordial conclusion to the letter. 9. For reference Dear Sirs, Men's Shoes

We have heard from the London Trade Board that you manufacture shoes for export to Europe . We would be grateful if you could send us details of the men's shoes that you are able to supply together with your price-list.

We are wholesale distributors of shoes in the United Kingdom and have a large number of retail outlets throughout the country. It is therefore very likely that if your products are up to standard, there will be a very considerable demand for them here and that we will therefore be able to place substantial orders with you. We would like to point out, however, that as there is already a wide range of 'budget-priced' shoes from Eastern Europe and Hong Kong in this country, it is essential that your quote competitive prices.

We also hope that you will be able to allow discount facilities on substantial orders and , therefore, would be grateful if you could let us know what special terms you can allow for orders of three thousand pairs.

For your information, the prices are changeful here, so it is important that you deliver the goods soon after receiving orders. Please , therefore, let us know how long you take for shipping the goods.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

IV. You welcome the inquiry and go on to describe the superiority of your products. Put the Chinese in the letter into English. Keys:

We now enclose our catalogue and a price-list. These goods are superior to any similar goods on the markets. They have been in heavy demands for their unique design, novel styles and reasonable prices.

We can ensure supply before Christmas, and we are willing to allow you 10% off if your orders exceed 600 pieces.

V. Translate the following letter into English: Keys

Dear Sirs:

We confirm email exchanged between us regarding fireworks and mosquito-repellent incense and are glad that we have come to an agreement on the price. Your last email informed us that you could offer us 500 units of a dozen fireworks and 300 cartons of mosquito-repellent incense, which we think is not enough. More and more clients in our country like to buy Chinese products because of their good quality. If we do not take care of the supply of our market, they will naturally turn somewhere else for their needs. So we do hope you can offer us at least 1,000

units of a dozen fireworks and 500 cartons of mosquito-repellent incense.

We appreciate your efforts and cooperation and believe this order will lead to considerable business in the future.

We look forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

VI. Write a quotation or a firm offer covering the following contents: Keys

Dear Sirs,

In reply to your letter of January 5, we’re giving you a firm offer, subject to your reply here by 5 p.m. our time, Thursday, March 27, as follows: Commodity: Shirts for men

Specifications: 10 assortments with new designs of black, white and green colors(details in catalogue)

Quality: the cotton used is superior quality

Price: FOB Guangzhou US$ 18 to 45 according to various designs.

Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment Packing: at the seller’s option Shipment: (in) May

We hope the above terms will be of interest to you and receive your order as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Chapter Five Counter-offers Section One Introduction概述





Section Two Specimen Letters Specimen 1



你方还盘歉难接受,因为我所报价格已为其他许多客户的订单证明是可行的。但是,为了满足你方这次要求,如果订量不少于1,000匹,我愿给你2%的特扣。希望你会享受到这次特扣的利益。 ??启

2007年10月20日 Specimen 2 敬启者:



只是鉴于双方长期的业务关系,我们才给上述还盘。市价正在下跌,希望你方取赞许态度加以考虑,并早日来电接受我方的还盘。 ??启

Specimen 3 敬启者:

事由: 200打“青年”牌圆珠笔笔



相信你定会早日来电确认上述条款,以便我正式下单并寄你详细的装船须知。 ??启


Specimen 4



事由: 200打“青年”牌钢笔



为此,请重新考虑我方条款,尽力和其他客户取得一致。 ??启


Specimen 5 敬启者:


近来对这种纸张的需求量很大,我已经不接受12月份交货的订单,为此,歉难满足你9月交货的要求。 但是,考虑到我们长期的业务关系,同时涉及的数量也不大,如你方客户能接受9月交货的话,我们愿按下列价格条款接受你的订单:


如认为我方报盘可以接受,请在本月底前传真告知,以便最后确认。 ??启


Specimen 6




盼早复。 ??启


Specimen 7




而且,该保险公司给我比较优惠的条款。通常我们能定期从该公司领得一笔相当可观的保险费回扣。 请提供有关中国人民保险公司经营保险业务范围等方面的详细情况,以供参考。 盼早日见复。 ??启


Specimen 8


事由: 你0789号订单项下5,000个麻袋事宜


按惯例,对有关货物一向是按发票金额加10%投保。但我愿应你方所请,对该货按发票金额的130%投保,超额的保险费由你负担,特此告知。 ??启

Section Five Exercises

I. Read the following offer letter and use its information to complete the offer sheet. Keys:

1. Woolen sweaters in different colors and patterns 2. 200 dozen

3. US$13 per dozen

4. US$26000

5. 10 d/s after LC 6. London

7. By irrevocable LC

8. In strong polybags put in standard cartons for export 9. 5th April

II. Translate the following sentences into English:


1) The quality of our products is well known and universally acknowledged.

2) This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply reaching us not later than the end of this month. There is a little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this offer has lapsed. 3) Your inquiry is having our immediate attention and we hope to make you an acceptable offer in a few days.

4) We are pleased to advise that we are able to supply you with \Brand Bicycles, which have already met with a warm reception abroad.

5) All items we have offered are made of very best quality leather and can be supplied in a range of designs and colors wide enough to meet the requirements of fashionable trade such as yours.

6) We enclose another copy of our catalogue as we feel you may be interested in some of our other products, which include Leather Gloves and Purses, described and illustrated on pages 20---25.

7) Enclosed are two originals of our Sales Confirmation No. CF137. Please counter-sign and return one copy for our file. 8) We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the goods under the captioned Sales Confirmation have long been ready for shipment.

9) Much to our regret, we have heard nothing from you up to the present.

10) Please open the covering L/C in accordance with terms and conditions laid down in the said Sales Confirmation.

11) It is hoped that you will expedite the opening of your L/C so as to fulfill the terms of the contract.

12) Owing to the reasons stated above, we are unable to effect shipment in January as required. 13) Please amend the credit to read: \of the time of shipment and validity to July 10 and 25 respectively.

14) It is imperative for you to instruct your bankers immediately to airmail the original of L/C No.21865 to Bank of China, Guangzhou.

III. Point out which of the following expressions are firm offers: Key:

Firm offer: 1), 4), 7)

Non-firm offer: 2), 3), 5), 6)

IV. Read the five offers and fill in the Information Form.

Keys: offer

No. Name of

goods Specification Unit price Price term

(CIF/FOB) Delivery Payment Firm/ Non firm

1 Ladies Cotton Jacket black/pink 900/dz CIF June/July 100%irrevocable LC N 2 scrap steel plate 3/8'' ? $120 per s/t CFR immediately LC N 3 pure cotton FAQ 1995 crop RMB 8000 per m/t CIF Aug./Sept. as usual F

4 white sugar 2500 tons $300 per ton CIF 20d/s after order sight LC F 5 folding chairs & tables NMR 5 NMR 6 $550 per set $580 per set FOB FOB Jan/Feb Draft 60 days LC N

V. Making counter -offers

Keys: 1. Area of disagreement: date of delivery

advise if you could not quote goods for prompt shipment. 2. Area of disagreement: specification

We hope your future offer will have better chances of concluding business. 3. Area of disagreement: payment

Please advise if you will grant us this favor. 4. Area of disagreement: price

Should you be ready to reduce your limit by 4%, we might come to terms.

VI. How to reply to counter-offer: Keys:

Letter 1:

1. The previous letter is summarized in the first paragraph.

2. The writer has stressed that the prices he has quoted are already as low as it is possible to make them.

3. Despite the difficulties involved, he agrees to allow the higher discount requested, but with the stipulation that it will be for an order of the value previously mentioned.

4. A reason is given for allowing the additional discount, i.e. that this is a first order, and a warning that there can be no guarantee that it will be possible in the future for the reason stated.

5. There is a clear statement of how long the revised terms are offered for and a consequent strong recommendation to place an early order.

6. There is a cordial conclusion which invites future orders.

Letter2 :

1. The first person singular is used, giving the letter a more intimate note.

2. There is a suggested apology, I am afraid?, which is justified, for he clearly will want to apologize for having to disappoint his customer in not being able to meet his request for more favorable terms.

3. There is an assurance that the prices have already been reduced as much as possible and that any further reduction would affect the quality.

4. Writer refers to his company's production costs, the need to use skilled craftsmen and fine materials, the inevitable increase in cost, the reluctance to make the consumer carry these extra costs, but the inability actually to reduce them, which is all intended to excite the reader's understanding and sympathy for his company's position.

5. There is reference to others' lower prices but poorer quality products.

6. There is an assurance that his company's products have sold well elsewhere, and the reason why they have.

7. There is a suggestion to place at least a trial order, and the sympathetic and confidence expressed that this customer will be successful in selling his products.

VII. Write a counter-offer according to the following particulars: Keys:

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your quotation March 10 for 1,000 sets of Panasonic color TV. We find your price as well as delivery date satisfactory, however, we would give our suggestions of an alternation of your payment terms.

Our past purchase of other household electrical applicances from you has been paid as a rule by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit at sight. On the basis, it has indeed cost us a great deal. From the moment to open credit till the time our buyers pay us, the tie-up of our funds lasts about four months. Under the present circumstances, this question is particular taxing owing to the tight money condition and unprecedentedlly high bank interests.

In view of our long business relations and our amicable cooperation prospects, we suggest that you accept either “cash against documents on arrival of goods” or “drawing on us at 60 day’s sight”.

Your first priority to the consideration of the above request and an early favorable reply will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely,

Chapter Six Conclusion of Business Section One Introduction 概述 A接受


接受后,也就达成了交易。多数是买卖双方通过大量函电的交往,才达成交易的。在这样的情况下,买方最后向卖方提交正式订单时,还必须确认经双方协商同意的条款,以便卖方接受而达成交易。 接受、确认后,通常由作为卖方的我公司做出合同或外贸常用的销货确认书,由双方会签后执行。

合同或销货确认书必须包含经双方洽谈同意的所有有关条款,合同还要包括向检验、索赔、仲裁、不可抗力等常规条款。如有争论,合同或销货确认书是凭以裁决的唯一合法文件。 B合同


1)购买合同和销售合同,合同中附有一般条款,通常由于大宗交易; 2)购买确认书或销售确认书,由于是简便式合同,通常用于小额交易; 3)协议书,如代理协议,独家代理协议; 4)订单,由进口商或最终用户签定; 5)意向书,通常用于代理;




Section Two Specimen Letters

Specimen 1 敬启者:

你2月12日传真收悉,现按双方同意的条款,确认售与你方50长吨松香。 兹随函附寄第CF123号销货确认书一式两份,其中一份请签退我方,以便存档。 ??启


Specimen 2


你9月6日确认订购下列货物的传真收悉,谢谢。 40长吨滑石块

价格:CIF 利物浦价每长吨?美元



现应你上函所请,随函附去第231号销货确认书一式四份,请签署后退回一份。 我方定将妥善办理你方的订购事宜,请放心。 ??启

2007年11月16日 附件:

Specimen 3


参照我上月23日函及你本月6日电,兹确认下列订货事宜: 品名:茅台酒

酒精含量:45---60% 容量:每瓶500克 数量:100打

价格:CIF安特卫普价每打?美元 包装:用木箱装,每箱装24瓶 装运期:2000年10月份

有关信用证即将航邮,请收到该证后,即以第一只可以装运的船只装运上列货物。 请从速办理,预致谢意。 ??启

2008年6月8日 附件:如文

Specimen 4




如果你方首批来货的质量能令人满意的话,我们保证将继续向你订购。 ??启


Specimen 5 敬启者:


对这批订货,我方客户同意分运,这样将使你方可以从4到6月份三个月装运。如你方能按一定比例,分月装运,而不是把200公吨整批货物集中在同一个月内装运,将大大有利于我们的客户。有关的客户都是我市最大的食用油进口商,他们很可能在本月份将再次向你们订货。 谢谢你方的协作,希望今后有更多的业务合作。 ??启


Specimen 6 敬启者:


现随函附寄我方的9181号销售合同一式两份,请会签并寄回一份给我方以便存档。我们相信贵方将早日开出有关信用证。关于额外的数量,我方正在办理并将在下周某个时间给你方报盘。 ??启

Specimen 7


我们确认向你们销售下列货物,并按下列条款签订合同。 数量:3000吨

规格:美国常规标准罐装燕麦 价格:CIF纽约价每吨50美元 重量:净重 皮重


付款条件:凭装船单据以不可撤销的信用证付款。 保险:海险由我方承担。

条款:有争议的问题,我们同意由??仲裁。如果货物10天内不抵达目的港, 不接受索赔。 说明:会签后请将原件复制一份寄回,以证明你方已接受。 ??启


Specimen 8 敬启者:

你6月18日来函收到,谢谢。此后,又经双方多次电传的交往,导致我们向你方购买下列货物: 5,000张牛皮,成本加运费伦敦价每张50英镑


请按所附订单所给的批号刷印包件,这点务请注意,以免货物上岸时混淆不清。 ??启


Section Five Exercises

I. Solve the supply problems


1. approach another manufacture in this instance. We are sorry not to be helpful, but hope you will understand our position.

2. offer you a special discount of 5% on your orders placed before the end of March. Please let us know if you agree to this offer by cable.

3. keeping your order before us. Should our supply position improve, we will get in touch with

you immediately.

4. recommend you our new Model XXL580 instead. We wish to inform you that there is a better demand for this new model, because it is not only similar to the old one but also superior in quality. Besides, it gives more satisfactory service to customers. )

II. Sending the Sales Confirmation Keys: 1. Seller

2. To countersign the S/C 3. 2 copies are enclosed 4. means add another signature to a document already signed by the Seller to give it more authority 5.(省略)

III. Countersignature

Keys: 1.S/C. This shown by the phrase 'properly executed'.

2. The writer will pay the bill.(A bill is always paid by the Buyer. 3. S/C

4. properly; rewarding; routed; executed

IV. Translate the following sentences into English: Keys:

1) Thank you for your letter of March 11 and your Order No. C2/32 attached thereto (enclosed therewith).

2) We confirm having accepted your order for 5 M/T Dried Chilies, new crop, at $ 80 CFR Damascus for May shipment.

3) Enclosed is our S/C No. AG-9960 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return to us for our file.

4) Despite the current high bid, but in order to promote the development of future business, we would like to accept your order in accordance with the conditions of your past orders. 5) I would like to repeat the offer: 15 Tunnel Frilling Rigs, specifications detailed in the technical information, at 57,000 each FOB European Major Ports.The deal will be concluded on the this conditions.

6) All the shipping documents should be prepared well in order to present to the banks for negotiation, which will last one week sometimes. 7) We are very pleased to conclude the business and hope there will be more chances for cooporation between us in the future.

8) We should invite your attention to the point that the terms of the L/C must be in strict accordance with those in the contract so as to avoid subsequent amendment in the future. 9. We confirm having accepted your order for 5 M/T Dried Chillis, new crop, at $80 C&F London for May shipment.

10. Enclosed is our S/C No,AG-9460 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign return to us for our file.

11. We believe that the good business relations between us will lead to many more transactions on the basis of equality and mutual benefits. 12. We have received your letter of July 20, 2007 together with an order for 1,000 Sewing Machines.

Enclosed please find our S/C No.345 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return to us for our file.

13. We confirm having accepted your Order No.85 for 100,000Yards of Cotton Prints, Art No.1002. Please let us know the color and assortment and open the covering L/C in our favor according to the terms contracted.

14. The 5% discount can be deducted from the L/C and after shipment we will send you a check to cover the 3% commission.

15. 3% is too low, I think. You see, we have a lot of work to do in promoting the sales, such as advertising on radio or TV, printing booklets, leaflets, catalogues and so on. It all costs. 3% is not enough.

V. Write a letter based on the following particulars: Keys:

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your letter of March 15 enclosing your order for 500 Tractors.

On receipt of your letter, we contacted our manufacturers at once but they declined you order owing to heavy commitment and shortage of raw materials. However, after our efforts at persuasion, we have succeeded in getting their consent to accept the order for delivery in five equal lots, i.e. 100 Tractors each month commencing from January next year. We telexed you this morning accordingly and are now awaiting your confirmation. We are aware that you are in urgent need of Tractors and we are approaching other manufacturers for possible supply of earlier deliveries. Please do not hesitate to send us your specific enquiry to which we will pay our prompt attention.

Yours faithfully,

VI. Put the following letter into English:


Dear Sirs,

We have duly received your Sales Contract No.5623 covering 50 tons of Walnutmeat we have booked with you. Enclosed please find the duplicate with our counter-signature. Thanks to mutual efforts, we were able to bridge the price gap and put the deal through.

The relative L/C has been established with the Bank of China, London, in your favor. It will reach you in due course.

Regarding further quantities required, we hope you will see your way clear to make us an offer. As an indication, we are prepared to order 80 tons.

Yours faithfully,

Chapter Seven Terms of Payment Section One Introduction 概述




Section Two Specimen Letters Specimen 1



如能给予更加易于接受的付款条件,我们相信,这样的照顾一定会有利于促进你我之间的贸易。为此,我们建议采用“货到后凭单付款”或“见票后30天付款”方式支付。 如能优先考虑上述要求,尽早给予令人满意的答复,我方将不胜感激。 ??启 Specimen 2 敬启者: 帐号:37612


如果您对帐目有疑问,请与我们联系,电话:13168894756 ??启

Specimen 3

敬启者: 帐号:9211

从我方记录中得知,您帐户上的欠款已经超出了信用额度2,000 英镑。您帐户上目前的欠款为2,891英镑。

为了把欠款减少至双方所协定的范围内,请于14日内送总额891英镑的支票。 盼早复。


Specimen 4


我方已收悉你装运发票94/023号。该发票的金额应改为8,800美元。因此,你方应补偿500美元以便我方能够按最终发票和2007年12月4日的传真结帐。 ......启

Specimen 5 敬启者:


有一些项目到期很长时间了,但还是一直悬而未了。我热切希望你迅速解决这个问题, 不再拖延。 请即时办理此事,我们将不胜感谢。 ??启

Specimen 6 敬启者:


请查正此事,将550美元的短款贷记我总行帐户并通知我们。 ??启

Specimen 7



我们很高兴收到你方定单,现我们能供应EM127号的磁带。我们也能按排好装运期。 我们不方便凭不可撤消的信用证支付,向你银行开45天的汇票。

我方现正等待你方的信用证早日到达,一收到该信用证,我方将根据定单规定按排装运。你们的任何要求都将得到我方的立即处理。 ??启

Specimen 8



我们已通知我方往来银行,即委内瑞拉商业银行开立以你方为受益人的不可撤消的跟单信用证,其金额为8,800英镑。该证即将由我方银行的伦敦往来行保兑。现授权你方凭此信用证向我方银行按你方发票金额开立见票后60天付款的汇票。你方汇票必须随附全套装运单证,包括: 全套清洁已装船提单 商业发票 5份 保险凭证 3份


方的汇票是见票后60天付款,其金额为成本加运保费的发票总金额。该信用证有效期至明年2月20日止。 ??启


Section Five Exercises

I. Match the words on the left with those on the right Keys

1.C 2.h 3.f 4.g 5.o 6.k 7.m 8.r 9.n 10.b 11.p 12.d 13.a 14.i 15.j 16.e 17.l 18.q

II. Choose the word which has a meaning similar to that of the given word: Keys:

1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C

III. Read the bill of exchange below and answer questions. Keys: 1. Drawer: Henan native produce ? Drawee: Hanover Trust Co. 2. 4th DEC, 1999 3. two copies 4. US$63,162.00

5. Unite States Dollars Sixty Three Thousand One Hundred And Sixty Two Only

6. The sender's place is on the bottom right and the receiver's is on the bottom left. 7. 90 days 8. LC

9. USD: US dollars; No.:unmber; LC: letter of credit; CO.: Company

IV. Read the following letters regarding payment terms. Identify the writer, the term proposed and the reason given. Then fill the Information Form. Keys:

Letter No. Buyer/Seller Term proposed Reason 1 Buyer CAD凭单付款 Deal of small value

2 Buyer T/T电汇 Assure the time of delivery & save expenses 3 Seller CIA(not COD货到付款) Usual practice 4 Seller D/A承兑交单 To push sales

5 Seller D/P付款交单 To expand business

6 Buyer Consignment Unable to make purchase on his own

V. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words: Keys:

method, international, letter, ideal, for, trade, gives, starts, issue(open, establish), amount, and, instructions, transaction, sends, correspondent, On, correspondent, credit, usual, confirm, undertakes, due, forth(out), with, knowing, money, secure, behalf, carried out

VI. Translate the followings into English: Keys: 1). Please note that payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C allowing partial shipment and transhipment, available by draft at sight.

2). Our usual mode of payment is by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft at sight for the full amount of the invoice value to be established in our favor through a bank acceptable to us.

3). It has been our usual practice to do business with payment by D/P at sight instead of by L/C. We should, therefore, like you to accept D/P terms for this transaction and future ones. 4). Your proposal for payment by time draft for Order No.1156 is acceptable to us, and we shall draw on you at 60 days' sight after the goods have been shipped. Please honor our draft when it falls due.

5). In order to pave the way for your pushing the sale of our products in your market, we will accept payment by D/P at sight as a special accommodation.

6). Your request for payment by D/P has been taken into consideration. In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepared to effect shipment on this (D/P) basis.

7). If your L/C reaches us before the end of this month, we shall do our utmost to arrange to ship the goods you ordered at the beginning of next month.

8). Please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.

9). As to your Order No. ..., please telex L/C immediately so that we can arrange shipment. 10).As we are in urgent need of these goods, please expedite shipment upon receipt of our L/C. 11).Please amend the Credit as requested, otherwise we cannot negotiate our draft. 12).In reimbursement of these extra expenses, please draw on us.

VII. Translate the following letter into Chinese


Dear Sirs,

We've received your letter of 9th February, asking us to send you a shipment of Tea Sets for sale on D/A term.

As is known to all, our payment must be made against sight draft under a confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit for the amount. Therefore we regret we cannot accept your request. But in view of your goodwill of pushing the sale of our products, we can exceptionally accept the payment by L/C at 60 days' sight draft.

We trust that the special accommodation given to you will enable you to make a favorable decision.

We are awaiting your reply for further consultation. Yours sincerely,

Chapter Eight Establishment of L/C and Amendment Section One Introduction 概述











有关开立信用证的一切指示和信用证本身,如有修改时,有关修改的一切指示和修改书本身都必须明确表明据以付款、承兑或议付的单据。 Section Two Specimen Letters Specimen 1 敬启者:

关于销售确认书第SX260项下的6000打男式衬衫,我方提请你方注意,尽管装运期已经临近,但至今我方仍未收到相关信用证的任何消息。请尽力加快开立信用证,以便我方能够按规定执行订单。 为了避免今后的修改,请注意信用证中的条款必须与合同中的条款完全一致。 期尽早望收到你方肯定答复。


Specimen 2 敬启者:

我们已向旧金山商业银行开立一张BY/87号—缝纫机,金额为??美元的信用证,以贵行为受益人,有效期至5月30日,信用证将由中国银行上海分行加保,该银行将凭单承兑发票所开金额。 议付需凭下列单证: 商业发票一式三份 提单一式两份 保险单一份

缝纫机装运后请即通知我方。 ??启

Specimen 3 敬启者:


关于我方C234号销售确认书项下的5000吨小红豆,我们希望你方要引起注意:交货期即将来临,但我方至今依然未收到你方的有关信用证。请尽力加快开证以使我们能顺利地执行订单。 盼速复佳音。 ??启

Specimen 4 敬启者:


由于开往你港的直达轮船稀少,我们常常不得不在香港转船。至于分批装运,这将对我们双方都有利,因为我们可以马上发运我们手头上的货物而不需要等待整批货物都完成。 因此我们今天下午发邮件与你方,要求你方将信用证修改为:\允许分批装运或转船\。

由于我方货物已经包装就绪备妥待运已久,务请你方传真修改书不误为感。 ??启

Specimen 5




期盼早日收到贵方好消息。 ??启

Specimen 6






Specimen 7




你们知道,这里每月只有一艘于上半月驶往你方港口的船只。就我们所知,该货轮将于一、两天内驶离此港,且舱位预订截止日期已早过。因此,我方不可能在本月内把货物装运。请按我方6月30日信中要求,尽力将信用证展期。 请即办理并传真告知。


Specimen 8



按我方收到信用证规定,应在见票后120天付款,但我方愿见票后即付。对此你方已表示同意,订单也已明确注明。因此,请按你方订单加以修改。货物将于本月20日前装运。如能按我方要求立即修改信用证,我方将不胜感激。 请复电。


Section Five Exercises

I. As soon as the exporter receives the L/C, he should check that the terms of the credit are in conformity with the terms stipulated in the SC. In case of an inconformity, known as discrepancy, the seller should report it to the buyer and request its immediate amendment. Problems of this kind often occur in the following areas: delivery, payment, prices, and choice of words. Identify the problems and complete the letters by suggesting a solution. Keys:

1. increase the amount of your LC by $600 LC amount is insufficient

2. make the necessary amendment to the LC so that the currencies of the documents are the same. discrepancy in currency

3. amend your LC as stated in your order

payment terms differ between LC and order sheet

4. amend your LC to read \discrepancy in terms of delivery

II. Examine the following L/C with the following contract to see whether the stipulations in the L/C are exactly the same as those in the contract. If not, please write a letter to ask for proper amendments: Keys:

Dear Sirs,

Your L/C No.9524/86

We are glad to receive your above L/C covering our S/C No.95/3456 in due course. On perusal, we find that some terms in the L/C are not in conformity with those in the S/C. We are now asking you to amend the L/C as follows:

1) Increase the amount up to US$60,800.

2) Modify the shipment time “on or before 10 July” to “ in July”. 3) Amend “30 days’ L/C” to “sight L/C”

4) Change the packing clause “in seaworthy reinforced cardboard box” into “wooden cases”. 5) Change the port of destination “Boston” into “New York”. 6) Amend “Partial shipment and transhipment are allowed” to “Partial shipment and transhipment are allowed, is prohibited”, and delete the words “through B/L required” 7) The contract number is “95/2456” instead of “95/3456”

8) Amend the validity of L/C to “with in 15 days after the date of shipment.”

For the shipment date is approaching, we hope you will amend the L/C as requested promptly.

Yours faithfully, ?

III. Check the L/C and make amendments in English, where necessary, according to the contract terms given below:


ABC Bank

Date: 20 October 2008

To: Bank of China Shaanxi Branch

We hereby open our irrevocable letter of credit No. L-3789 in favor of Shaanxi Textiles I/E Corp. for account of Austria Trading Corp. up to an aggregate amount of DMK 30,000.00 (Say DEUTSCHE MK THIRTY THOUSAND ONLY) CIF Hamburg for 100% of the invoice value relative to the shipment of: 100 pieces of White Rabbit Brand blanket as per Contract No. SW-2598 dated Oct. 20, 2008 from China port to Hamburg. Drafts to be drawn at sight on our bank and accompanied by the following documents marked “X”.

(X) Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate

(X) Full set of Clean On Board Bills of Lading made out to our order quoting L/C No.3789, marked “FREIGHT PAID”

(X) One original Marine Insurance Policy or Certificate for 110% full invoice value covering All Risks and War Risk, with claims payable in Austria in the currency of drafts. Partial shipments are permitted. Transhipment is permitted.

Shipment must be effected not later than January 31, 2008.

Drafts drawn under this credit must be negotiated in China on or before January 31, 2008.

IV. Check the L/C and make amendments in English according to the clauses set forth in the following contract: Keys: XYZ Bank

Date: 20th February, 2008

To: Bank of China, Shanghai(Guangzhou)

We hereby open our Irrevocable Documentary L/C No. A50-6781-338 in favor of China National Textiles Imp. & Exp. Corp, Guangzhou Branch, for account of Endo Trading Co., Ltd. Osaka Branch up to an aggregate amount of US$ 220,5000 (Say Canadian(US) dollars two hundred and twenty thousand five hundred only), Kobe/Osaka for 100% of the full invoice value covering the shipment of 5000 dozen of Men’s Cotton Y/A Short(Long) Sleeve Shirts, Fabric(Garment) Washed, as per Sales Contract No. 90(1)Ja1002 dated March 3, 2008, from China. Size: S/4, L/4, M/4 per dozen

Unit price: @ US$3,50 per pc CIFC3% Kobe/Osaka

Total value: US$220,500 (Say US Dollars Two Hundred and Twenty Thousand Five Hundred only) Port: to Kobe/Tokyo(Osaka)

Drafts to be drawn at 45 days(at sight) after on ourselves accompanied by the following documents marked “X” below:

(X) Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate

(X)Full set of Clean On Board Bills of Lading made to order, blank endorsed, marked “Freight Prepaid” and notify the accountee.

(X) One Original Marine Insurance Policy of Certificate for 10% of the invoice value covering All Risks, War Risk and TPND(no this coverage) with claims, if any, payable in Japan in the current of drafts 5% more or less in quantity and invoice value are allowed. Partial shipments are permitted.

Transhipment is prohibited(permitted).

Shipment must be made not later than 30 April, 2008.

Drafts drawn under this credit must be presented for negotiation in China on or before 16 May, 2008.

V. Translate the following into English:


1. This change would involve a lot of extra expenses. 2. This problem would involve us in no small trouble.

3. We find it necessary to request you to amend your L/C as allowing transshipment, failing which the delivery of this order will by force be delayed beyond the contractual date.

4. Your request for D/P terms of payment is just under consideration, decision on which, we hope, will be made known to you in no time.

5. As the amount in our Order No. ? does not exceed $1000 and the opening of an L/C will involve a lot of expenses, please agree to payment by D/P.

6. In order to avoid subsequent amendments,pls see to the followings.

7. As the amount of L/C No?4048 is incorrect,pls correct it to ¥4686,under advice to us。 8. It is impossible to extend the L/C because of import license restriction. 9. We wish to draw your attention to

(1) the changes in the conversion rate between Renminbi and Pound Sterling.

(2) the fact that the price quoted in our proforma invoice is based on CIF Lagos net excluding commission.

(3)the fact that the quotations we got from other directions are much lower than yours. Because the shipping space is insufficient for 10000 metric tons of Soya Beans, we are unable to advance shipment of the whole lot to October. Please amend the covering L/C to allow partial shipment.

VI. Multiple Choice Keys:

1. B. 2. B. 3. A. 4. A. 5. A. 6. D. 7. C. 8. A. 9. D. 10.D. 11.B. 12.C. 13.A. 14.A 15.D. 16.B. 17.B. 18.B. 19.A. 20.D.

VII. Translate the following letter into English:


Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of June 28 and learned that you are interested in Absorbant Gauze.

We are sorry to say that the Gauze of 19x15 enquired for is out of production at present, but some cuttings of the nearest are enclosed, each marked with price and specifications. We hope that you will make a choice from them. Shipment will be made within six weeks after receipt of your L/C.

As requested in your previous letter, we are forwarding separately a copy of our catalogue and

would draw your attention particularly to Pages 10 to 15, which describe fully the quality and specifications of our Surgical Dressings. We are always willing to send you samples of any kind that you may be interested in, and assure you that any enquiries you may send us shall have our careful and prompt attention.

We look forward to your reply soon.

Yours faithfully,

VIII. Fill in the contact forms in English with the following particulars:



Contract No.08-331

Sellers: Shandong Native Produce and Animal By-products Import and Export Corporation Buyers: Rotterdon Foodstuffs Import and Export Company

This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: Commodity: Groundnut Kernels Specifications: FAQ 2008 Crop Quantity: 50M/T

Unit Price: At RMB ¥3550 per m/t CIF Rotterdam

Total Valve: RMB ¥177500 (Say RMB One Hundred And Seventy-Seven Thousand Five Hundred Only) Packing: In double gunnubags

Insurance: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk

Time of Shipment: During November 2008 Port of Shipment: Qingdao of China Port of Destination: Rotterdam

Shipping Mark: At Sellers’ option

Terms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight

Done and signed in Qingdao of Shandong on this 10th day of May,2008.

IX. Please fill in the contract according to the information you have got from the following parts:


CONTRACT No.08/1234

Sellers: Guangzhou Garments Imp./Exp.Corp.

Buyers: Messrs.J.Handerson & Co., New York City , USA

This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: Commodity: Silk Blouses

Specifications: Colours: pink, blue and yellow equally assorted Quantity: 1 000 dozen

Unit Price: At US$52.50 per dozen CIF3% New York

Total Valve: US$52 500( Say US Dollars Fifty-two Thousand Five Hundred Only) Packing: In cartons

Shipping Mark: At Sellers’ option

Insurance: To be covered by the Seller Time of Shipment: In November 2008

Partial shipment(s) allowed Transhipment allowed Port of Shipment: China Port Port of Destination: New York

Terms of Payment: By irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the date of shipment.

Done and signed in Beijing on this 3rd day of August, 2008.

X. Fill in the Sales Confirmation for the transaction stated in the following letter: Keys:

Shanghai Silk Branch 上海中山东一路十七号



To Messrs. 日期 Date 8th May 8, 2008 No.: SSB9574 签约地点

Signed at : Shanghai?? 兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品订立条款如下:

The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: (1)商品:

Commodity:KKK Brand Men’s T-shirt, (2)规格:

Specification:white, L-size and M-size (3)数量:

Quantity:250 dozen with L-size & M-size equal number (4)单价:

Unit Price:US$100.00 (5)总值:

Total Value: 50,000 (6)装运期:

Time of Shipment:September 2008 (7)包装:

Packing:in cartons of 2 dozen each, 10 cartons to a wooden case (8) 装运口岸和目的地:

Loading Port and Destination:Shanghai Port to New York Port (9)装船唛头

Shipping Marks:at seller’s option (10)付款条件:

Terms of Payment:

TERMS of payment:by 100% value confirmed irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight with transshipment and partial shipments allowed, to reach the Sellers ___30___ days before month of shipment, with shipment validity arranged till the 15th day after the month of shipment, and remain valid for negotiation in the loading port until the __15____ day after the shipment validity.

(11) 保险

Insurance:To be covered by the Sellers against All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoice value.

买方 卖方

The Buyers The Sellers 中国纺织进出口公司 上海丝绸分公司 China National Textiles Import & Export Corporation

Shanghai Silk Branch

Chapter Nine Packing

Section One Introduction 概述


包装标识应清楚明了,外包装标识有运输标识,指示性标识,警告性标识三种。运输标识包括以下内容: 1)发货人或收货人单位名称的缩写; 2)合同号或者信用证号; 3)目的港;





Section Two Specimen Letters Specimen 1




包装:用适合海运的出口包装,能适应海上远距离运输。 为了避免以后的麻烦,我方希望按下列要求标明包装条款:



盼望及快收到你方装船通知,在此先谢为感。 ??启

Specimen 2





能否满足我方装运要求,请传真我方。 ??启

Specimen 3 敬启者:



支付: 凭保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证支付。


希望你方特别关注此事并尽快收到你方装船通知。 ??启

Johnson & Harrison Co. Ltd

Specimen 4




发往迪拜的铁钉用木箱装,净重112磅,每箱内装重量各为7磅的16袋铁钉。发往马耳他的铁钉用双层麻袋包装,每袋重50至60公斤。英国市场上,客户喜欢装25公斤的纸板箱。 请求贵方告知能否满足这些要求。 ??启

Specimen 5




关于即将装运给我方的手锯,我们希望你们用盒装,每5打1盒,20盒装一纸板箱。为避免运输过程中的损坏,我们坚信你方会特别注意包装问题的。如果你方能适应我方要求,请发邮件告知。 ??启


Specimen 6 敬启者:

今函告,你方未来在我处订购的外衣我们将用纸板箱而不用木板箱包装。因为用纸板箱包装有下列优点: 它可防止惯贼,因为被偷的迹象更容易被发现。 它相当适合海运。



上述意见是对纸板箱和木板箱两种包装方式的特征进行比较研究而作出的,也是按已经装运的结果为根据而做出来的。我们希望你们能接受我们的纸板箱包装,并向你方保证我们的真诚合作。 谨致良好的祝愿! ??启


Specimen 7 敬启者:



同时,我们的顾客希望知道你方莲子的包装情况,那是: 怎样对该货进行包装以吸引顾客?

采取什么样的措施来保护货物免遭损失和雨淋? 采取什么措施防止内包装被撕破? 关于上述情况,望回函告知详情。 急盼回信。 你的忠诚的

J.R Longfellow & Co. Specimen 8 敬启者:




我们感谢你方的合作。 ??启

Section Five Exercises

1. Fill in the blanks with the a proper word:


1. Marking 5 sales 2. packing 6.sales

3. containing 7. contract 4. customers 8. handling

II. Translate the following sentences into English: Keys:

1)The inside of the case may be lined with various materials to prevent damage by water, air or insects.

2)As you suggested, we have improved our inner packing to meet the customers’ demand in your market.

3)According to the contract, the buyer should supply the packing materials and deliver them to us before September 22.

4)They fear that the insurance companies will say, in case of damage or pilferage, that the goods are not packed for ocean transportation and will not pay compensation for such losses. 5)Our cotton prints are packed in cases lined with draft paper and waterproof paper, each

consisting of 30 pieces in one design with 5 colorways equally assorted. 6)In spite of every care in packing, it sometimes happens that a few barrels are broken in transit.

7)Prices of goods usually include the cost of packing. The phrase “including export packing” means that the quotation includes the cost of package suitable for export. If the quotation does not include the cost of package, the phrase “Export packing is for buyer’s account” should be inserted in the contract. 8)The packing of our Men’s Shirts is each in a polybag, 5 dozen to a carton, lined with waterfroop paper in the inner side and two iron strip strengthened outside.

9)We will pack the goods as usual if we are not informed to the contrary.

10)The cost of packing is subject to the mode packing, distance of transportation and the price. 11) Cartons as a kind of packing container have been extensively used in international trade. Therefore, you need not worry about their seaworthiness.

12) So far as we know, insurance companies accept goods packed in cartons to be insured against TPND. Incase of theft and pilferage, you may be assured that you will get indemnification from the insurance company concerned.

13) The traces of pilferage are easier to be found out for the goods packed in cartons than in wooden cases. Therefore, they will help you to get compensation from the insurance company. 14) It is necessary to make transhipment at Hamberg for goods to be shipped to our port. Therefore, your packing must be seaworthy and can stand rough handling.

15) The quality of your Ginseng Wine is fine, but its packing is rather poor. Bottles are subject to breakage and paper boxes are very thin. Please put each bottle in a foam plastic casing and then in a thicker paper box for our future orders, otherwise, we shall be compelled to give up this business.

16) In the construction of an export package, the important factors of efficiency and economy must be taken into consideration. The exporter should bear in mind that the goods should be packed in a manner which ensures their safe arrival at destination and facilitates their handling in transit.

III. Translate the following phrases into English Keys:

1)to be cased/to be encased 2) to be bagged 3) to be boxed 4) to be matted 5) to be baled 6) casing extra 7) cased free 8) boxed free 9) bagged free 10) matted free

11) baled free 12) packed for export 13) cases to be iron-hooped 14) iron-hooping 15) iron-banding 16) roping 17) caning

18) in good condition/in good order/in good state

19) in rotten condition 20) in musty condition

IV. Write a letter in English according to the following particulars:


In reply to your letter of 31st August inquiring about the packing of our Trip Scissors, we wish to state as below:

Our export Trip Scissors are packed in boxes of one dozen each, 100 boxes to a carton. The dimensions are 17 cm high, 30 cm wide and 50 cm long with a volume of about 0.026 cubic meter. The gross weight is 23.5k, while the net weight is 22.5kg. As to the shipping marks outside the carton, in addition to the gross, net weights and tare, the wording “MADEIN THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA” is also stenciled on the package. Should you have any special preference in this respect, please let us know and we would meet you to the best of our ability.

Taking this opportunity, we would like to inform you that we used to pack our scissors in wooden cases but after several trial shipments in carton packing, we found our cartons just as seaworthy wooden cases. Besides, cartons are less expensive, lighter to carry and cost lower freight. So, nowadays more and more clients are preferring carton packing to wooden case packing. We trust that you will agree to our opinion and accept our carton packing. We thank you in advance for your early reply.

Yours faithfully, ?

V. Please complete the packing list according to the following information: Keys:









S/C NO.: DY-039




Marks& numbers 件数 Quantity 货名

description of goods 净重

N.W 毛重 G.W. 尺码 Measurement N/M 30DOZ/BALE


@(100*100*1200) 28.8M3

24BALES 4,320.00KGS 4,680.00KGS 28.8M3



Chapter Ten Shipping Marks and Shipment Section One Introduction 概述




如果由公路、铁路或航空运输货物,那么运输合同形式为装运提单或空运提单。如果是海洋运输,那么就要租船定舱。那么船主与承运人之间鉴定的合同形式就是租船合同或是海运提单。 装运包括一系列工作,如: 1) 买方寄出装运指示; 2) 卖方寄出装运通知; 3) 预定舱位; 4) 租船; 5) 指派代理; 6) 安排装运; 通知船名等。





货物装运完毕后,不管交易是按FOB, CFR, 还是CIF成交,卖方都应立即通知对方。如果货物的性质,除非在合同中另有规定,通常卖方可以根据合同中的货物情况,分期分批装运。



Section Two Specimen Letters Specimen 1


按照你方上封来函的指示,现告知你方装运的安排,4月装核桃仁25公吨,5月装花生仁20公吨,6月装核桃25公吨。请确认并即通知我方船名及轮船的估计到达时间。 ??启

Specimen 2


有关我FC0789号销售合同书确认书项下的1000打\虎头\牌手电筒的9891号信用证已收到。现确认该货已于8月3日装\东风\轮,在香港转船。 现随函附去下列装运单据的副本一套: 不可流通的提单

经签署的889号发票 装箱单

1001号产地证 保险单

趁此机会,我们向你方保证,我方将密切合作。 ??启

Specimen 3 敬启者:


然而,最近市场对这种聚乙烯的需求量是如此之大以致于我方现在必须要求你方立即安排装运。 一收到上述货物,我们将能更准确的判断我方的需要,并将相应地向你方订货。 ??启

Specimen 4





现随函附寄我公司费率表一份, 请指示。 ??启

Specimen 5 敬启者:

你定单134号的信用证第5757号 我方感谢你延展第5757好信用证。

我们已于今天将货物装上“Nellore”号货轮,该轮定于明天驶往你港。 随函附寄的装运单据如下: 1)不可流通的提单一份 2)发票一式两份

3)包装单据一式三份 4)厂家质量证书一份 5)保险单一份

经过长时间的延误之后,今天终于可以装运你方定单,相信该批货会按时到达你处。 今后我们将迅速而认真地完成你方定单。 ??启

Specimen 6 敬启者:




为公平起见,我们愿意支付航空运费,而你方应当负担其他开支,例如把货物从码头搬运到机场。 我们已指示我们的银行在信用证中加上\海运或空运\字样,并盼你方确认保证货物能准时到达东京,即于7月6日或之前。


Specimen 7





现在该货物已搬运至机场,等待明天由上海航空公司SHA-435班机运往东京。我们相信这是解决此事的最好办法。所有单证一起准备完毕立即以特快邮件寄发。 ??启


Specimen 8



此次延误已给我方带来极大不便。请立即告知最早装运期。否则我方保留取消这次订单,以及向你方提出由此带来的损失的索赔权利。 ??启

Section Five Exercises I. Shipping instruction

Keys: 2. destination; consigning the goods to Tianjin 3. mode of transport; using normal export container 4. receiving goods; sending the goods to simons & Co. 5. shipping marks; marking the goods as requested

6. choosing a forwarding company; shipping the goods per s/s \