新译林牛津英语 - unit6outdoorfun总复习加练习 下载本文

much too large/ expensive 7. that heavy =so heavy那么重

that ( adv.)那么,那样 8.outdoor activity 户外活动 after-school activity 9.go riding 去骑马 go camping 去露营(cycling / skating / jogging / swimming / skiing / hiking / diving) Reading

1.one sunny day 一个晴朗的早晨

one Sunday morning 一个星期天的早晨(常用于故事开头,用过去时)

2.on a sunny / rainy / windy day 在晴朗的一天

on a cold / hot / warm / cool morning有形容词修饰 ,介词用on 冠词a

in the morning冠词the

3. sit by a river 坐在河边 Stand by the window 坐在窗边

4.hear a sound 听到一个声音(listen / listen to / hear / sound )

voice / sound / noise / whisper

5. look up / down抬(低)头 look up 查阅 look up the new words in the dictionary

Look out 小心 Look after 照顾 Look for 寻找

6.a white rabbit in a coat一只穿白外套的白兔

Sb look good in red/a red coat

Sth look good on sb 7.take sth out of 从……拿出……

look out of …