Unit 1
2 为了与新来的邻居建立一种和睦的关系,格林先生不失时机地主动帮她把行李搬进屋子 To establish some kind of rapport with his new neighbour, Mr. Jones lost no
chance in offering to carry her luggage into the house.
8 这些女孩子都害怕晚上单身一人值夜班
These girls all dread working alone on night duty.
Unit 2
1 一种莫名的疾病严重影响了他的大脑,使他丧失了全部的记忆
An unknown disease affected his brain so badly that he lost his memory
3 一个做了亏心事的人听到每一响声都如同惊弓之鸟 A guilty man apprehends danger in every sound.
Unit 3
1 这个看上去饱经风霜的渔翁伸出他那由于辛劳而布满老茧的双手,开始讲述了他海上生活的艰难历程。
Holding out his work-gnarled hands, the old fisherman with a weather-beaten
face started to tell us about the hardships of his life on the sea.
4 舞会进行到高潮时,舞厅里一片乐曲和歌声
When the dance party was in full swing, music and songs swirled all around the ballroom.
Unit 4
2 依作者所见,阅读一本好书的最有效的方法之一是在阅读时动手评注
According to the author, one of the most effective ways to read a good book is by writing between the lines while reading.
4 我不认为幸福在于获取自己所需;我认为幸福在于为社会尽责任。
I don’t think happiness consists in obtaining what you need; I believe happiness consists in doing what you can for society.
Unit 12
7 船遇到了暴风雨,更糟糕的是船底出现了一个大洞。
The ship was in the grip of the storm. To make matters worse, there was a big hole in the bottom of the ship.
9 你要的书目前没有货,但已在定购中
The books you want are not in stock, but they are on order.
Unit 13
The United Nations officials sent to that troubled area worked hard to make sure that food was distributed to every refugee.
10 他打破令人难堪的沉默,开始谈论其他一些可以使生意重新启动的方法 He broke the embarrassed silence and started to talk about some alternative ways of getting the business moving again.
Unit 14
1 你不在背后说他的坏话是很明智的
It is very sensible of you not to run him down behind his back.
5 政府采取了一切有效措施,以防这座大都市被洪水淹没
The government took all effective measures to prevent this metropolitan city from being submerged by the flood.
8 我们的地理教师讲课时有一个不时耸肩的习惯动作
Our geography teacher has the habitual move of shrugging his shoulders while lecturing.
Fill in each blank with a word or a phrase from the box
Unit 1
On December 1, 1903, my mother was born in a little village in New York State where her father was principal of the school. She (1) was blessed with a happy life and two doting parents. Being their only child, she had (2) boundless love from her parents. She approached her music lessons (7) with more zest than ever before.
She thought her diligence was (8) worth its weight in gold to her parents. Many young men (10) swarmed around, (11) drawn by her talent.
When she was eighteen, she met my father who (12) struck up a conversation with her and they
gradually (13) established a kind of rapport by discussing a variety of subjects.
For months she (15) was in a poisonous mood and she became suddenly older an grey hair began to (16) sneak up on her.
Unit 2
1 Cats can be (1) described as very gifted linguists.
One night, (5) as was often the case in winter, it was particularly cold, and someone had left the kitchen window open late in the night.
The cat was perfectly satisfied, as she had (7) done away with her anxiety and made her great need understood.
2 She would never (5) tire of (6) insisting that reading, writing and arithmetic were of vital importance to us but in my opinion they were (7) just (8) nothing but instruments of torture invented to interfere as much as possible friends. But my mother (9) was well aware that I was wrong.
My mother cold neither read nor write and she told me she always had (10) a slight feeling of
guilt that she was blind.
What my mother said had (15) struck me as right and eventually changed my attitude towards school. Unit 3
The (1) membership of the club had grown (2) by leaps and bounds in the last tow years. Helen opened the programme by reading from the Bible the parable of the talents and a group of lovely children (4) were escorted to the first row and placed in the guests’s seats.
They feel (7) ashamed of themselves and decided to take steps to cut their expenditure for their children (8) in the name of God.
Her aunt (13) throws her arms around her when Mary proudly shows her her bank book. At the close of the play, the whole family (14) break into songs in praise of thrift. Unit 4
1 The day when he was (1) in the course of having a meal, he felt a sharp pain in his lover abdomen.
His family were like “ ants on a hot pan”, (3)so to speak.
After a series of lab reports, he was (5) transferred from the medical department to the surgical department, where he had to under go a surgical operation..
We (12) tend to have faith in the doctor’s skill because all the patients treated by him have great (13) respect for him and for the fact that his happiness (14) consists in relieving the patients of their suffering and bringing happiness to each family.
2 She also (2) demanded that he should review his lessons so that he would (3) pick up where he left off in his education.
Of course not, Tom’s brooks were (8) preserved intact and unblemished.
Unit 12
(3) On and off she stayed away from the cage where the tigers were kept.
Now she has become (13) devoted to tigers, (14) which, of course, has been a surprise to her friends. 2.
Secondly it is a very small tribe—a total of (1) sets in twenty-four people in 1972 but they (3) are unlikely to leave their jungle home or change their way of living.
These people do not hunt or kill, (6) partly because they have no weapons and (7) partly because there is no word for fight in their language.
(8)It was eight or nine years ago (9) that some Europeans began to visit the and tried to help them in certain ways.
Unit 13
He would (2) clear his throat and his face (3) would take on a serious (4) look. Though (7) without any companionship I should (8) confess that I didn’t feel quite lonely because my uncle came to see me every night with a story.
One winter night after dinner, when nice hot cups of tea were being served and biscuits (9) were being distributed to us, my uncle began another of his interesting stories.
They almost gave up hope, but old Morton (15) felt like trying to do something. His tried arms (18) ached and both his legs felt (19) numb and (20) stiff.
Unit 14
Our director wanted to (2) make certain that everything was all right.
Where there was something urgent, he was sure to (3) turn up.
That was not (4) for show because they did it secretly, anxiously persuading the doctor to accept their donation.
(6)No matter what our conditions might be, he always stood by my side. To me he always was the (7) truest, staunchest old friend in the world.
The doctor came once a day to tell me how I was progressing, and advise me to (9) keep regular hours.