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9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Investigation of Magnetically-Isolated Chengde Tong, Multiphase Modular Fan Wu, Ping Permanent-Magnet Zheng, Bin Yu, Synchronous Machinery Series Yi Sui, Luming for Wheel-Driving Electric Cheng Vehicles Yi Sui, Ping Zheng, Bin Yu, Research on a Tubular Yokeless Luming Linear PM Machine Cheng, Zhaoyue Liu Investigation of a Jingang Bai, Magnetic-Field-Modulated Yong Liu, Brushless Double-Rotor Chengde Tong, Machine With the Zhiyi Song, High-Strength and Low-Loss Ping Zheng Modulating Ring Rotor Jingang Bai, Ping Zheng, Luming A New Magnetic-Field Cheng, Modulated Brushless Shukuan Double-Rotor Machine Zhang, Jiaqi Liu and Zhaoyue Liu Jingang Bai, Ping Zheng, Investigation of a Bin Yu, Magnetic-Field Modulated Luming Brushless Double-Rotor Cheng, Machine with the Same Shukuan Polarity of PM Rotor Zhang, and Zhaoyue Liu Quasi-Equilibrium Model for Baoquan Tao, Separating the Plasma and the Weiming Tong, Conductor in the Galatea Xianji Jin, Device Zhongwei Li Design Optimization of Tong WM, Tao Multi-pole Galatea Trap Coils BQ, Jin XJ, Li by Multiple Population Genetic ZW Algorithm Yi Sui, Ping A Novel Five-Phase Zheng, Fan Fault-Tolerant Modular Wu, Pengfei In-Wheel Permanent-Magnet Wang, Luming Synchronous Machine for Cheng, Jianguo Electric Vehicles Zhu 2014.12 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2015.11 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2016,07 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2015,11 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2015,11 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2016.9 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 2016.6 2015.5 Journal of Applied Physics

17 Investigation of a Tubular Dual-Stator Flux-Switching Permanent-Magnet Linear Generator for Free-Piston Energy Converter Configuration analysis and optimization on multipolar Galatea trap ڽڵֵWSNsּⷽ ߼ϵߴԿ(EI) 18 19 20 Yi Sui, Ping Zheng, Chengde Tong, Bin Yu, Shaohong Zhu, Jianguo Zhu W.M.Tong, B.Q.Tao, X.J.Jin, and Z.W.Li. ١ΪȨ¬ףԼ ȨԼ١Ϊΰ 2015.5 Journal of Applied Physics 2016.8 Plasma Physics Reports ϵͳӼ ϵͳԶ 2015.2 2016.10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ܵϢȫϵϢȫϵͳΰ١ΪɫйҵԼ 繥¼˼ʾ ١ΪϣԲݼΰͨűĻ㷨 ־ ΰ,ʶڸĽNSSKЭ,˧,űվԿ.ϵ,ź,ͳԶ ١Ϊ ١Ϊձ༫GalateaеĵȪԼЧӦ ΰ Լ١ΪڸĽdq任̬¬ף˲ĵѹݽⷽ ϣ١ΪijȵԲɣĹ Լ ڱҶ˹Ϣں÷١ΪϷ Jianquan Liang, Xianji A Key Management Scheme Jin, Shuidong for ZigBee in AMI of Smart Dai, Weiming Grid Tong, Zhongwei Li 2016.4 ϵͳԶ 2014.2 ϵͳԶ 2017.3 ϵͳԶ 2016.12 ߵѹ 2015.4 ѧ 2015.10 2015.10 Ӧ 2016.6 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ΰ˧Σر ΰZigBeeĽӴŽΰϵͳֳն رң CUSUM쳣㷨Ľƹ١Ϊڹϵͳּе Ӧ Dong Dandan, Analysis of the Steady State Li Zhongwei, Characteristics and Regulation Zhang Strategies of the Frequency in Hengxu, the Northwest Power Grid Guo Yufeng and Zhao Tao Weiming Analysis to space location TONG, between excitation coil and Yanlong Liu, induction coil of unilateral axle Xianji JIN, counting sensor Zhongwei LI Weiming Study on Ethernet TONG, Jixing Communication Strategy for GAO, Xianji Electric Energy Data JIN, Zhongwei Acquisition System LI Weiming The Design of Center TONG, Sequential Control System for Baoquan TAO, Galatea Xianji JIN, Jiakun LIU TONG Weiming, JIN Electromagnetic Field Analysis Xianji, and Design in Trimyx Galathea HUANG Guixiang TONG Equilibrium of Plasma Weiming, JIN Constrained by Mvxines in a Xianji, LI Galathea Magnetic Bing, LI Confinement System Zhongwei Wei-Ming TONG, A Multi-agent Based Security Yun-Gui Reputation Management ZHANG, Mechanism in Network Control Fei-Fei System WANG, Shui-Dong DAI GPRSĵ·ϵͳ

2015.10 DZ봫 2015.8 ԶDZ 2014.9 ұԶ 2014.9 IMCCC 2014 2015.9 IMCCC 2015 2015.9 IMCCC 2015 2015.9 IMCCC 2015 National Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science IIICEC 2015 2015.3 2015.1 2015.6 CSCE 2015

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Research on Fusion Algorithm Xidong Zhang, of Elliptic Curve Cryptography Weiming Tong, in Advanced Metering Xianji Jin, Infrastructure Communication Shuidong Dai Weiming Tong, The survey of Wireless Sensor Jianquan Networks information security Liang, Xianji in Smart Grid Jin, Lei Lu Zhongwei Li, Communication and Cyber Li Cheng , Security Analysis of Advanced Hongli Zhang Metering Infrastructure of and Weiming Smart Grid. Tong. ModbusͨŵϵͳѣԼʵ ١Ϊ DeviceNetһԾ¬ףԲ ١Ϊ ΰ١Ϊܵͨżչо Լ ١ΪԻֳߵȨϵͳ ߼ ١Ϊ߼CANͨŲǣԼо ܸĵȨ¬ף١ϵͳ Ϊ 躣õϵͳλΰ١Ϊ ڣΰ ܳ壬ӻCOMSOLĵᴫԼų ١Ϊ ١ΪձGalateaװTrimyxųȪԼģŻ ΰ ڵŸӦԭĵᴫϵͳǰ˵· Լ߼ǣ־١Ϊ 2014.12 ISCID 2014 Applied Mechanics and Materials Applied Mechanics and Materials ѹ ѹ Ч Ч Ч Ч Ч 2014.9 2013.6 2014.1 2014.1 2016.2 2015.12 2015.9 2015.4 2014.5 2016.2 й· 2016ȫо½չӦר⽻ й繤ѧܻϵͳӦרί 50 2016.1 51 2015.11