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1、He takes some pictures every day.他每天拍一些照片 He doesn't take photos every day。他每天都不拍照片 2、It’s cheap enough.够便宜的了 It's not cheap这一点不便宜的

3、She gave her brother some tapes about folk music.她给她哥哥对民间音乐磁带 She didn't give her brother a tape of folk music.她没给她哥哥民间音乐磁带 4.This is the first time we come to Australia. 这是我们第一次来澳大利亚 This is not the first time we come to Australia.这不是我们第一次来澳大利亚 5、There are a lot of lovely animals there.那儿有许多可爱的动物 There are no lovely animals there。那儿没有可爱的动物。

6、My mother will take me to Beijing for my holiday next Sunday.我妈妈要带我去北京,下星期日我的假期

My mother doesn't take me to Beijing. I won't have a holiday next Sunday。我妈妈不带我去北京,下星期日我没有假期。

7、You can find many tall trees in the picture of the park.你可以在公园的照片发现有许多高大的树木. You don't find many tall trees in the Park Photos你在公园的照片没有发现有许多高大的树木 8、I am listening to music.我在听音乐 I didn't listen to music。我没有听音乐 9、Mike is a student.迈克是个学生 Mike is not a student迈克不是学生

10、Sarah can clean the classroom.莎拉能打扫教室 Sarah can't clean the classroom莎拉不能打扫教室 11、They are in the Zoo.他们在动物园里。 They are not in the zoo他们不在动物园里

12、There are some flowers in the vase.花瓶里有一些花 There is no flower in the vase花瓶里没有花 13、This is my sister.这是我姐姐 This is not my sister,这不是我姐姐 14、We are sweeping the floor.我们正在扫地 We didn't sweep the floor我们没有扫地。 15、They like making the kite他们喜欢做风筝 They don't like making kites。他们不喜欢做风筝

16、Su Hai and Su Yang live in a new house. 粟海和粟洋住在新房子里 The sea and the sea did not live in the new house。粟海和粟洋没有住在新房子里 17、I put a book on my head .我把一本书放在头上 I didn't put a book on my head我没有把一书放在头上

18、Tom likes listening to music.汤姆喜欢听音乐 Tom doesn't like listening to music。汤姆不喜欢听音乐

19、Ken is playing basketball at the moment .肯恩此刻正在打篮球

Ken is not playing basketball at the moment。肯恩此刻没有打篮球 20、They are singing “In theclassroom” together.他们正在唱“在教室里” They did not sing \他们没有唱“在教室里”


一般疑问句是疑问句的一种。它是指用yes或no来回答的句子。其结构是:系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分特殊疑问句是以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的疑问词有:what who whose which when where how why等。 1、I am interested in swimming.我对游泳感兴趣 Are you interested in swimming你对游泳感兴趣吗 What are you interested in你对什么感兴趣

2、Mike is a student in Grade Six.迈克是六年级的学生 Is Mike a student of grade six迈克是六年级的学生吗 What grade is Mike a student迈克是几年级的学生 3、Tom enjoys listening to the music.汤姆喜欢听音乐 Does Tom like listening to music汤姆喜欢听音乐吗 What does Tom like汤姆喜欢什么

4、Sarah can clean the classroom.莎拉能打扫教室。 Can Sarah clean the classroom莎拉可以打扫教室吗 5、There are some flowers in the Vase.花瓶里有一些花 Are there are some flowers in the Vase花瓶里有一些花吗 What's in the vase花瓶里有什么

6、We come to visit China two days ago.我们前两天访问中国. Did you visit China the first two days前两天你们访问中国了吗 Where did you visit the first two days前两天你们访问了哪里 7、I can speak English well.我英语说得很好

Do you speak English very well你的英语说得很好吗 8、Tonny had a talk for a long time.托尼谈了好长时间 Did Toni talk for a long time托尼谈了好长时间吗 9、They like making the presents。他们喜欢做礼物。 Do they like to make presents他们喜欢做礼物吗

10、Jim and Kate often help their mother after school.吉姆和凯特经常放学后帮他们的妈妈。 Do Jim and Kate often help their mother after school吉姆和凯特经常放学后帮他们的妈妈吗 11、I am good at singing and dancing.我擅长唱歌和跳舞。 Are you good at singing and dancing你擅长唱歌和跳舞吗

12、He wants to be an actor in the future.他想将来成为一名演员 Does he want to be an actor in the future他想将来成为一名演员吗 13、We play basketball on Sundays.我们星期天打篮球 Do you play basketball on Sunday你们星期天打篮球吗 14、We shoud take care of the young trees.我们应该照顾小树 Should we take care of the young trees我们应该照顾小树吗 15、The girls are singing in the classroom.女孩们在教室里唱歌 Are the girls singing in the classroom女孩们在教室里唱歌吗

16、She has something to eat .她有东西吃Does she have anything to eat她有东西吃吗