So let?s say you spend $50 on a nice dinner out. You?ll receive an enjoyable, short lived bit of satisfaction and then you?ll forget all about it. Now let?s say you spend $500 on a new grill. This item has the capacity to provide you with many occasions of enjoyment and satisfying cuisine. It cost you more money and took you more time to save up for, but you knew this was an investment into your grilling enjoyment.
OK, so forget about the horrible analogy above and think about this. What has the greatest value in your life? Got it? OK, now what area of your life takes the most work to maintain? I don?t know about you, but my family means the world to me and yet my marriage, for example, has required more effort to maintain than most anything else.
You know the saying, “You get what you pay for.”? Well, when it comes to having true joy in your life you find that hard work is most certainly involved. My point is that trying to buy our happiness is the easy way out and yet the least satisfying option. We are so easily convinced that somehow there is a price tag dangling from happiness and it?s just a matter of making enough money to purchase it. But the fact is, this is a BIG FAT LIE!
The last 7 years of marriage to Liz have been a roller coaster ride, to say the least, but it?s only in that effort that I?ve gained a priceless friendship that will last a lifetime. And now we get to share that love with our son and enjoy even more value for our efforts.
Let me end with this…
If you have a spouse, or a sibling or a parent or a friend or anyone in your life who brings you joy, always see the true value of that investment. These are the things that matter, not the ?stuff? in your life.
The secret to spending less and having more is to take the time and energy that you would have spent on:
…working to make the money for a purchase
…making the purchase
…making space for the product
…and then maintaining it…
and put that effort into nurturing your relationships. Do this and I promise you?ll find your greater efforts will always be matched with MUCH greater reward.
发布时间:2011-12-20 文章出自:译言 原文链接:点击查看
The nice thing about an infinite space such as, for instance, the one in which we live, is that you can find basically anything if you look hard enough.
To that end the Hubble Space Telescope often proves handy for discovering celestial objects shaped like everything from a sea horse, the letter X, tadpoles and flying saucers.
Since it's Christmas it seems appropriate that the ageing space camera turns its attention to finding seasonally-shaped nebulas.
The bipolar star-forming region spotted by Hubble is actually two giant, super-hot streams of gas blasting outwards from a central star. But what it looks like is a beautiful, ghostly angel ring.
You know, if you look really hard.The image is credited to NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team. But we won't be happy until we see a galaxy shaped like Santa. Hubble, it's over to you.