毕业论文-张红 下载本文

题目:车用粘性限滑差速器设计 专业:机电一体化技术

学生: 任刚军 (签名) 指导教师:程安宁 (签名)






Subject: Viscous limited-slip differential design


Viscous-type limited-slip differential applications in foreign countries in recent years a more extensive limited-slip differential, but in our country, this kind of research is not carried out, and viscous-type limited-slip differential is an ordinary differential innovation and improvement of devices, it is based on ordinary differential added limited-slip differential device to limit the slip, the torque transfer it with the speed difference increases, the driving force of the assigned a case with the road attached to the adaptive changes in the role, such differentials in the speed round about the time difference smaller, and ordinary differential were basically nothing, but the speed difference once elected, it will have with the speed difference increases the torque limited-slip, and even differential lock and reduce the difference in speed when the release on its own. This is a mechanical limited-slip device can not be compared so as to improve its distribution characteristics of torque. It is this characteristic of the car allows us to turn to when a higher performance. It can only be overcome by ordinary differential torque distribution of the shortcomings of the average, greatly improving the two-car road adhesion coefficient and the adoption of the driving force, and significantly improve the vehicle handling and stability, which improve the active safety car It is an ideal alternative to ordinary differential products.

In this paper, the application of viscous coupling and its impact on vehicle performance and presentation of research done. For viscous-type limited-slip differential and the size of the working principle of the structure of research, the size of the differential design parameters; of planetary gears, axle gears, axle size of the structure have to do a specific calculation, select and verification. In addition, spline, sealing devices, such as standard parts have also done a choice of models, thus the design of a viscous-type limited-slip differential.

Keyword: Limited Slip Differential(LSD);Viscous Couple(VC);Planetary gear;Half Axle Gear



1 绪论 ................................................................ 1 1.1汽车差速器简介 ................................................... 1 1.2差速系统的发展 ................................................... 1 1.2.1普通差速系统 .................................................. 1 1.2.2锁止式差速系统 ................................................ 2 1.2.3限滑差速系统 .................................................. 2 1.3粘性式限滑差速器的应用情况 ....................................... 2 1.4粘性式限滑差速器对汽车性能的影响 ................................. 3 1.4.1驱动性能 ...................................................... 3 1.4.2转弯行驶性能 .................................................. 3 1.4.3高速行驶稳定性 ................................................ 4 1.5粘性式限滑差速器应用于汽车的优势 ................................. 4 1.6本文主要研究内容 ................................................. 5 2 粘性式限滑差速器的构造及工作原理 ..................................... 6 2.1粘性式限滑差速器 ................................................. 6 2.1.1粘性式限滑差速器结构 .......................................... 6 2.2粘性联轴器 ....................................................... 6 2.2.1粘性联轴器的结构 .............................................. 7 2.2.2粘性联轴器的布置结构 .......................................... 8 2.2.3粘性限滑差速器的工作原理 ...................................... 9 3 粘性联轴器转矩传递特性的分析 ....................................... 11 3.1粘性联轴器剪切特性的数学模型 .................................... 11 3.2影响粘性联轴器传递转矩的因素 .................................... 12 3.2.1硅油对传递转矩的影响 ......................................... 12 3.2.2叶片结构对传递转矩的影响 ..................................... 14


3.2.3硅油填充率对传递转矩的影响 ................................... 17 3.3综合多种影响因素的传递转矩计算模型 .............................. 18 3.4峰值特性的理论分析 .............................................. 18 4 粘性差速器工作过程的温度计算 ....................................... 20 4.1温度分析概述 .................................................... 20 4.2 粘性联轴器换热模型的建立 ........................................ 20 4.3各部分之间对流换热系数的计算 .................................... 21 4.3.1硅油与轴的平均对流换热系数 ................................... 21 4.3.2硅油与壳体的平均对流换热系数 ................................. 22 4.3.3壳体与外界空气的平均对流换热系数 ............................. 23 4.3.4 轴与外界空气的平均对流换热系数 .............................. 24 4.3.5硅油与端盖的平均对流换热系数 ................................. 24 4.3.6 端盖与空气的平均对流换热系数 ................................ 25 4.4粘性联轴器各部分传热量计算 ...................................... 25 4.4.1 粘性联轴器工作过程产生的总热量 .............................. 26 4.4.2硅油通过壳体的传热 ........................................... 27 4.4.3硅油通过左、右端盖的传热 ..................................... 38 4.4.4 硅油通过轴的传热 ............................................ 29 4.4.5 粘性联轴器工作时各部分温度计算 .............................. 30 5 差速器的设计和计算 ................................................ 31 5.1差速器齿轮的基本参数选择 ........................................ 31 5.1.1齿轮数目的选择 ............................................... 31 5.1.2行星齿轮球面半径RB及节锥距A0的确定 ......................... 31 5.1.3行星齿轮与半轴齿轮的选择 ..................................... 32 5.1.4齿轮基本尺寸参数的计算 ....................................... 33 5.1.5压力角α .................................................... 33