高一英语外研版必修二module4导学案 下载本文

把规范修炼成一种习惯 将认真内化为一种性格

adoption n.采用,采取,采纳;收养;过继 adoptable adj.可采纳的

adoptive adj.收养的(臵于名词之前) a adoptive father/mother 养父/母

adopt vt. 采取,采用;收养,领养;正式通过,接受 adapt vt. 使适应,使适合;修改,改编 vi.适应(to) adopt an idea / a plan 采纳意见/计划 adopt sb as? 收养某人作为…

adapt sth. for sth. 改变某事物以便在不同情况下运用 adapt to? 适应……;改编,改写 adapt sth. / oneself to 使……适应 be (well) adapted to (特别)适应

be adapted for 为……改造/改编 adapt from 根据……改编/改写 adapt a play/novel 改编剧本/小说 【反馈检测】

① The poor child ____________ by the couple.那个可怜的小孩被那对夫妇收养了。 ② This play has been skillfully ____________ the original novel.这部小说被很熟练地改编成一部戏剧。

③ We can ____________ this old house for use as a garage.我们可以将这座旧房改造成一个车库。

④ The old couple decided to ________ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own.

A.adapt B.bring C.receive D.adopt

⑤ They ______ the novel because there were so many ______ words in it. A. adapted; adopted B. adopted; adapted C. adapted; adopting D. adopted; adapting

⑥ The three teams ______different ways to solve the problem and they all succeeded at last.

A.adopted B.admired C.adapted D.adept

⑦ Alice’s father had her ______because he couldn’t look after her himself. A.raised B.fed C.supported D.adopted

9、This is a painting by the Spanish artist,Pablo Picasso,considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.这是西班牙画家巴勃罗〃毕加索的一幅油画,他被认为是二十世纪西方最伟大的画家。(P33) consider构成的常用句型:

1)consider sb./sth.(to be/as)... 认为某人/某物是…… sb./sth.be considered (to be/as)... 某人/某物被认为是…… consider it+adj.+to do sth. 认为干……是…… consider it+adj.+that... 认为……是…… It is considered that sb.has done sth.

Sb.+is considered+to have done sth. 认为某人做过某事 2)译作“考虑”时,有下列句型:

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把规范修炼成一种习惯 将认真内化为一种性格

consider+疑问词+to do sth. 考虑…… consider doing sth. 考虑做某事

3)considering 为介词。意思是“考虑到;就……而言”,后可接that从句 。 【反馈检测】

① All the staff in our company are considering ______to the city centre for the fashion show.

A.to go B.going C.to have gone D.having gone

② Charles Babbage is generally considered _____the first computer.

A.to invent B.inventing C.having invented D.to have invented ③ —Mary is considering ______her summer vacation in Guangzhou. —I can’t imagine ______the holidays in such a hot place. A.to spend;her to spend B.spending;her spending C.to spend;her spending D.spending;her to spending

10、Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time.立体派画家所画的内容为人与物,画面同时呈现人与物的不同侧面。(P33)

此处使用了with+宾+宾补的结构,在此结构中宾补的形式可以是: __________ 。 at the same time 同时 of all time 有史以来 all the time 一直,始终 from time to time 有时,时常 at a time 一次,每次 at one time 同时;曾经 【反馈检测】

① The artist arrived, with many people him.

A. follow B. follow C. following D. followed 11、aim vt.&vi.瞄准,对准;打算;针对;n.目的,目标(P33) (1)aim at sth./doing sth. 瞄准,目标是做某事 aim to do sth. 旨在做某事,打算做某事

aim sth. at sb. 使某物针对某人,用某物瞄准某人 be aimed at? 目的是旨在

(2)take aim at sb./sth. 把目标对准某人/某物 without aim 无目的地 achieve one's aim 达到目的

(3)aimless adj.无目标的,无目的的 【反馈检测】

① He ________________ the dog.他用枪瞄准狗。

② _____________________ is to improve students' communication skills.这个课程的主要目的是提高同学们的交流技巧。 ③ 英译汉

1)He aimed his gun at the lion,fired but missed.__________________________ 2)Tom got angry with his brother and aimed a heavy book at his head.

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把规范修炼成一种习惯 将认真内化为一种性格

____________________________________________________________________________ 3)My remarks were not aimed at you.________________________________________ 4)He missed his aim,and didn’t hit the target(靶子).___________________ ④ They are ________ training everybody by the end of the year. A.aimed for B.aimed at C.aiming by D.aiming to ⑤ He studied hard, the exam.

A. aim at B. aiming at passing C. aiming passing D. aim to passing 12、I'm studying art at school, and I enjoy it a lot, although I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time. 我在学校学习艺术,我很开心,虽然老看图可能会看腻。(P33)

although的意思是“尽管;虽然”,用作连词,引导让步状语从句。比较正式,一般情况下可以用though替代。不能与but连用,但可以加yet,still等副词用以加强语气。(1) even though 意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句。

though和although也引导让步状语从句,与even though同义。 though可以放在句末或句中,用来减缓语气,表示“可是,然而”,相当于however, although却不能。

(2) as though(=as if)意为“好像;似乎”,引导方式状语从句或表语从句。 as “虽然”,引出让步状语从句,只用于倒装语序结构中,语气强于though和although。 (2) as though(=as if)意为“好像;似乎”,引导方式状语从句或表语从句。


be / get tired of 对……厌烦 be / get tired with / from 因……而疲倦 be tired out=be worn out 很累,很疲倦 be tired of (doing) sth. 厌倦了(做)某事

tire vt.使疲倦;疲劳;累 tired adj. 疲劳的;累的

tiring adj. 引起疲劳的;累人的 【反馈检测】

① Girl ______, she is much naughtier than a boy.

A. although she was B. though she is C. though was she D. although was she ② ______ this is only a small town, it's crowded with tourists who attracted by the beautiful scenery.

A. Since B. Unless C. Once D. Although

③ ______ of the ______ speech, he looked out of the window.

A. Tired; tired B. Tiring; tired C. Tired; tiring D. Being tired; tiring ④ Mr Smith,______of the______speech,started to read a novel.

A.tired;boring B.tiring;bored C.tired;bored D.tiring;boring ⑤ ______of the______speech,he looked out of the window.

A.Tired;tired B.Tiring;tired C.Tired;tiring D.Being tired;tiring 13、stand v.忍受,经受,承担,n.看台;摊子;立场(P33) stand 忍受 = bear = put up with,常与can’t连用。

stand sb. / sth. 忍受某人/某事 stand doing sth. 忍受做某事

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把规范修炼成一种习惯 将认真内化为一种性格

can't stand to do不忍心做 stand for 代表,象征

stand against 反对 stand up for 维护,拥护,支持 stand alone 独一无二 stand still站着不动 stand by袖手旁观;支持(某人) stand for代表,象征 It stands to reason that...理所当然…… take one’s stand站在……立场

take a firm stand on/over...对……采取坚定的立场

stand back退后,靠后站 stand behind做后盾;支持 stand at attention/ease立正/稍息 stand out突出,出色,杰出 【反馈检测】

① I want to leave now.I can’t ________ nothing useful here.

A.stand to do B.stand doing C.stand being done D.stand to be doing ② He couldn’t stand ________.

A.being made fun of B.making fun of C.to make fun of D.being making fun ③ He is a man of strong selfrespect,so he can’t stand ______in public. A.laughing at B.being laughed at C.laughed at D.having been laughed at

④Messi stands ______ as the best young soccer player in the game. A. for B. up C. by D. out 14. be fond of (doing) sth 特别喜欢(P33) = like ? very much / be crazy about

15、tell by 从……可以看出;依据……而判断(P33)

tell vt. 识别,辨识,断定,常与can, could, be able to等连用 tell apart 分清,区分

tell A from B 把A和B分辨开

tell the difference between A and B 区别A和B to tell (you) the truth 说实话

tell a story/joke/lie 讲故事/笑话/说谎 tell the truth 说真话 【反馈检测】

①It seems difficult to “hurt” from “injure” in meaning. A. judge B. tell C. divide D. separate Step6 学习体会


Step7 Homework

Prepare for Cultural Corner “On Page 39.

(1)自主阅读课文,找出里面的新词汇; (2)自主试译课文。

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