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8, fly away:飞走

例句:Polly doesn't fly away. Polly就飞不走了。 9, a cup of tea:一杯茶

例句:Would you like a cup of tea? 你想来杯茶吗? 10, burst:爆炸

例句:Polly will be very big and burst like a balloon. Polly会变得非常大,然后像气球一样爆炸。 11, rescue:营救

例句:Don't worry Peppa, I'll rescue Polly. Peppa 别着急,我来营救Polly. 12,Are you have a nice holiday? 你过了一个愉快的假期吗?

Peppa Pig第5集:George 的朋友

1, round about:大转盘

例句:George is a bit too little for the round about. George 太小了,不能玩大转盘。

2, swing:秋千

例句:He is playing on the swing. 他在玩秋千。

3,George's dinosaur is just like yours. George 的恐龙和你的很像。 4, Let's go and see. 我们去看看吧。

5, Richard rabbit is the same age as George. 兔子 Richard 和 George 同龄。 6, share:分享

例句:George and Richard do not want to share their dinosaurs. George 和 Richard 都不愿意分享自己的恐龙。

7, That is really nice of George. George 人太好了。

8, neither:也不,既不

例句:George does not like sharing. Richard does not like sharing neither. George 不喜欢分享,Richard 也是。 9, sand castle:沙堡,沙丘城堡

例句:We are going to make a sand castle. 我们要做个沙堡。 10, fill……with……:用……填充

例句:We fill the buckets with the sand. 11, turn over:翻倒,倾覆

例句:We turn the buckets over and give them a little tight. 我们把桶翻过来,敲紧。

12,play on a seesaw:玩跷跷板

例句:It is a bit difficult to play on a seesaw on your own. 一个人玩跷跷板有点困难呀。

Peppa Pig第6集:谜

1, a favorite television program 最喜欢的电视节目

例句:Peppa and her family are watching a favorite television program. Peppa 和她的家人在看最喜欢的电视节目。 2, Detective potato:土豆侦探 3, on the top of ……:在……上

例句: Your flower is on the top of your head. 你的花在头上。 4, That's too easy, I can do that. 这题简单了,我也能做到。 5, I want to be a famous detective. 我想成为一个著名的侦探。

6, wear:穿,戴

例句:Detectives always wear hats. 侦探总是戴着帽子。 7, magnifying glass:放大镜

8, How does it work? 它是怎么工作(此处指放大东西)的? 9, Can I have a go? 我能试一试吗? 10, mystery:神秘的事物,谜

例句:Now,what you detectives need is a mystery to solve. 现在,侦探们需要的就是一个神秘案件了。 11, It's not fair. 这不公平。

12, Have you remember this? 你们记住了吗? 13, upstairs:楼上

例句:It sounds like daddy is going upstairs. 这声音好像是爸爸上楼的声音。 14, crumb:面包屑,碎屑,糕饼屑

例句:The magnifying glass makes the cake crumbs easy to see. 放大镜把蛋糕屑放大,更容易看清楚。

Peppa Pig第7集:岩池

1, rocky beach:岩滩

例句:There are lots of exciting things to do on this rocky beach. 在岩滩上有很多有意思的事。

2, go out:出去,退去

例句:When the sea goes out, it leaves little pools of water in the mounts of rock. 退潮的时候,会在岩石堆里发现小水池。 3, rock pool:岩池

例句:In every rock pool, there is something special that sea is left behind. 每个岩滩都有大海留下的特别的东西。

4, treasure:宝藏

例句:It's a pirate's treasure.这是一个海盗的宝藏。 5, collection:收集

例句:Let's make a collection of all the things we find.我们收集所有找到的东西。 6, There is nothing especially in this one. 这一个没什么特别的。 7, crab:螃蟹

例句:The crab is pinching grandpa's pig's finger.螃蟹夹住了爷爷的猪脚。 8, naughty: 淘气的。

例句:Naughty Mr. Crab。淘气的螃蟹先生。 9, Mr. Crab is walking side away.螃蟹先生横着走。 10, sea shell:海螺

例句:If you put the sea shell to your ear, you can hear the sea.如果你把海螺放在耳边,你就能听到海的声音。 11, fossil:化石

例句:A fossil is the remains of animal that lived long ago.化石就是保留这很久以前生存过的生物。

12, trap:陷入,陷阱,被困

例句:The fish is traped. 鱼被困住了。 13, pose:姿势

例句:I love that pose. 我喜欢那个姿势。

Peppa Pig第10集:稻草人

1, flower garden:花园,花圃

例句:I’m making a flower garden.我在做一个花圃。 2, grow into:长成

例句:These seeds will grow into beautiful flowers.这些种子将会长成美丽的花朵。