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Peppa Pig第1集:吹泡泡

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1. Bubble 泡泡 吹泡泡:blow bubbles

例句:Peppa is blowing bubbles in her drink. 佩佩正往她的饮料里吹泡泡。 2. Orange Juice 橘子汁 柠檬汽水:lemonade 3. too 也……

例句:George wants to blow bubbles too. 乔治也想吹泡泡。 4. play with your food 玩你的食物

例句:Geroge, you really shoudn't play with your food. 乔治,你真的不应该玩你的食物。

这句话经常可以听到外国的父母对自己的孩子说哦! 5. bubble mixture 泡泡液 6. take a deep breath 深吸一口气 7. Now it's your turn. 现在该你了!

8. running out of breath 呼吸不过来了、喘不过气来了 9. be used up 用完了

例句:The bubble mixture is all used up. 泡泡液都用完了。 10. tennis racket 网球拍 11. muddy puddle 泥坑

Peppa Pig第2集:泰迪的一天

【小Car笔记】重点词组讲解 1, stuff 物品、东西

例句:have you go your stuff ready? 你们都带好自己的东西了吗? 2, look after 照看、看管

例句:You must look after them. 你们必须好好照看他们。 3, leave……(behind) 忘带、遗留

例句:George left Mr. Dinosaur behind. 乔治忘记带恐龙先生了。 4, Here we go again! 我们又出发了! 5, day off 放假、假日

例句:It's my day off. 今天我放假。 6, picnic lunch 野餐

例句:We have a picnic lunch. 我们来野餐。 7, leave the table 离席

例句:Please may George and I leave the table? 我和乔治能离席去玩吗? 8, play with 与 ... 一起玩

例句:I play with Zebi. 我要和泽比一起玩。 9, I got the picnic toy sets. 我带了一套野餐玩具。 10, pretend 假装、装作

例句:We got pretend cake. 我们假装着是蛋糕。 11, The best cake ever! 有史以来最好吃的蛋糕! 12, Home time。回家的时间到了/该回家了。

13, Oh, no. You shouldn't be here Teddy! 噢,不。你不应该在这的,泰迪。

14, We bought him home. 我们把它带回家。 15, naughty 淘气的

例句:You are a very naughty Teddy. 你是真是个很淘气的泰迪。 16, I promise! 我保证!

Peppa Pig第3集:小象艾米丽

【小Car笔记】重点词组讲解 1,play group:游戏小组 2,hook:挂钩

例句:The children each have their own hook to hung their coats on. 孩子们都有自己挂衣服的衣帽钩。 3,shy:害羞

例句:Emily is a bit shy.艾米丽有点害羞。 4,show:指示,表示

例句:Who would like to show Emily where to hung her coat?谁愿意告诉艾米丽把衣服挂在哪?

5,would like:想要,意愿

例句:What would you like to do today?你今天想做什么? 6,building blocks:积木 7,goodness:天哪,啊呀 例句:My goodness!我的天呀! 8,play with……:和……玩

例句:Would you like to play outside with others?你愿意和大家去外面玩吗?

9,I'm not too sure.我不太确定。 10,I'll try.我试试看。

11,Emily is not shy any more.艾米丽不在害羞了。

12,Have you enjoyed your first day at our play group?你在游戏小组的第一天玩的高兴吗?

13,Who do you like best?你最喜欢谁?

Peppa Pig第4集:Polly的假期

1,going on holiday:度假

例句:Granny and Grandpa are going on holiday. 爷爷奶奶要去度假。 2, be excited about:对……感到兴奋

例句:Polly is very excited about his holiday with Peppa and George. Polly很兴奋能和Peppa和George一起过这个假期。 3,suitcase:手提箱

例句:What's in Polly's suitcase? Polly的手提箱里装的什么? 4, chocolate cake:巧克力蛋糕 5, bird seed:鸟食

例句:Polly like bird seed. Polly喜欢鸟食。 6, feed:喂养,喂

例句:Can I feed it? 我能喂它吗? 7, come out:出来

例句:Can Polly come out to the cage? Polly可以从笼子里出来吗?