河南省驻马店市2020学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题(1) 下载本文

A.The medal Stemple received is worth a lot of money. B.Kim Slemple recovered from her diseases at last. C.The medal Musarra received made a big difference to her. D.Many patients wanting medals used to be competitors. D

At the end of a race,you'll often see runners reaching for bananas. Although people who only exercise at weekends might be more likely to reach for a sports drink,serious athletes know there are better choices. And a new study from Appalachian State University offers proof that bananas may be a better choice than sports drinks after exercise.

Researchers analyzed the blood of 20 competitive cyclists after they were given water and bananas,water only,or a 6 percent sugar drink (a sports drink) every 15 minutes during a 47一mile bike ride. The study found that the carbohydrates(碳水化合物)in bananas work as well as sports drinks to fuel athletes and help them recover. But the researchers found an additional benefit. Bananas also provide greater anti—inflammatory(W) benefits than sports drinks.

“Consuming bananas with water during exercise has several advantages for athletes above those linked to regular sports drinks,” Dr. David Nieman said in a statement. “Banana metab- olites(代谢物)that increase in the blood have a similar effect to aspirin that inhibits (抑制) COX—2 activity. This makes bananas close to the perfect athletic food.”

“Although aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs (AIDs) help athletes with post exercise pain,they are often discouraged because they can cause cell damage,” Nieman tells Men's Health. “For this reason,we tell athletes not to take them,”he says. “To our pleasant surprise, we found something natural in bananas is working like these painkillers I)ul without the

risks. ”

Sports drinks are still a choice,but Nieman and his team believe banains offer more.

“There,s no question that sports drinks work,” he explains. “But bananas also have other nutrients—vitamin C,B6 and these unique metabolites — that you don't get with a sp0rts drink. ” Next up, the research team is looking at other fruits as exercise companions. “We're starting to look at blueberries,because we think with bananas they might work even better,” Nieman says.

32. What is the aim of the study described in paragraph 2? A.To test for the effects of bananas. B. To the best way to recover.

C. To prove sports drinks are useless.

D. To find out if sports drink are anti-inflammatory. 33.Why are bananas

regarded to be the perfect athletic food?

A.Bananas are full of nutrients. B. Bananas can be easily digested. C.Bananas can be of some medical value.

D. Bananas are similar to regular sports drinks. 34. What is paragraph 4 mainly about? A. Why bananas are better than A IDs B. How bananas can help ease pains. C. What can be caused by eating bananas. D.Whether we should replace AIDs with bananas. 35. What might Dr. David Nieman agree with?

A. People shouldn’t, replace sports drinks with fruits. B.Bananas offer more to sportsmen than sports drinks

C. Blueberries are better for sportsmen than sports drinks. D. People shouldn’t eat or drink too much when exercising. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Do you call yourself “baobao”? Will you ask for a Children’s Day’s gift even though you’ re an adult?

36 It is not merely an annual celebration for kids* but is also celebrated by a great number of adults. Many netizens on social media have expressed willingness to join in Children’s Day celebrations, asking their close friends and family members for gifts! 37

A word that is repeated constantly on popular stickers(帖子)on online social platforms in China is “baobao” in Chinese,which means “baby” in English. Here “baobao” does not refer to a real newborn baby, but rather a commonly—used online name which burst into the scene in 2020. 38 Netizens have different reasons to use the stickers. Some use them for fun, while some a- dults claim to use “baobao” to reduce their mental age, providing them a chance to recall their childhood. For those who tend to use such stickers to show their youth and cuteness, 39 The combination noun of “kid” and “adult” first appeared in the 1960s,describing an adult with childish tastes.

Now, there is another explanation regarding “kidults”.40 The kidults,parents take over their children's responsibilities such as helping with housework and financially supporting their lives.

“Kidults” gives a picture of immature or childlike behaviors without self—awareness.“This behavior might be a symptom of mental disorder,” said a psychology professor from the

Southwest University of China.

A.These young adults rely on their parents to put a roof over their heads. B.Some companies even give their employees a day off on this special occasion. C.Such behaviors are really childish.

D.“Kidult” is the most appropriate word to describe.

E.It's regarded as a first—person pronoun to jokingly stress one as young and cute.

F. They are really lacking in sense of responsibility. G. June 1 marks International Children’s Day. 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 洗出可以填入空白处的最


I stood in the front of the classroom like a specimen(标本) under examinations of 23 pairs of eyes. I began stuttering(结巴)and gave wrong answers to some questions.

In the summer of 2020, I worked as an assistant teacher at a children's day camp.Lac-king in experience,I 41 to create weekly lesson plans.Kids shouted at each other in class.Sometimes,I had to pull apart kids who were 42 each othet.The rare moments of 43 came only after my booming calls for attention. Every day was a 44 between me and these wild little creatures.

One day I suddenly 45 that I was supposed to teach them instead of being led by the nose. It was time to do something to change the 46 . I was older, more knowledgeable, and most 47 , I had more authority. The next day,I firmly

48 into the classroom and

me curiously. But I

stood in the front 49 .The students studied