? ?
C.<(A), A = v> D.Alldiff(A, B, C, D)
3多选(1分)Compare CSP and state-space search, and select correct statements from following ones. 比较CSP和状态空间搜索,并从下列叙述中选择正确的答案。得分/总分
solution. 递增地构建解的候选,并且一旦确定部分候选c不能成为合法的解,就将c抛弃。0.50/1.00
? C.It incrementally builds candidates to the
solutions, and abandons each partial candidate c, as soon as it determines that c cannot possibly be completed to a valid solution.每次为变量选择值并且当变量有一个或多个合法赋值时回溯。
? A.CSP solving system can be faster than
state-space search solving system.CSP求解系统会比状态空间搜索求解系统快。0.50/1.00
? B.CSP can quickly eliminate large swatches of
the search space.CSP可以快速排除大的搜索空间样本。0.50/1.00
? C.State-space search can quickly eliminate large
swatches of the search space.状态空间搜索可以快速排除大的搜索空间样本。
? D.CSP solving system can be slower than
state-space search solving system.CSP求解系统会比状态空间搜索求解系统慢。
4多选(1分)Which of the following statements are true types of types of local consistency for constraint propagation?如下陈述中哪些是约束传播局部一致性的正确类型?得分/总分
? A.k-consistencyk一致0.33/1.00 ? B.Tree consistency树一致 ? C.Arc consistency弧一致0.33/1.00 ?
D.Node consistency节点一致0.33/1.00
5多选(1分)Select the following true statements regarding the concept of \从如下有关“回溯搜索”概念中选择正确的答案。得分/总分
? A.It chooses values for one variable at a time and
backtracks when a variable has no legal values left to assign.每次为变量选择值并且当变量没有合法赋值时回溯。0.50/1.00
? B.It incrementally builds candidates to the
solutions, and abandons each partial candidate c, as soon as it determines that c cannot possibly be completed to an invalid
? D.It chooses values for one variable at a time and
backtracks when a variable has one more legal value left to assign.递增地构建解的候选,并且一旦确定部分候选c不能成为非法的解,就将c抛弃。
6填空(1分)A constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) is defined as a set of objects whose state must satisfy a number of
_______________.约束满足问题 (CSP) 被定义为其状态必须满足若干_______________的一组对象。 约束和限制 1.00/1.00
7填空(1分)In choosing a new value for a variable, min-conflicts
heuristic is to select the value that results in the _________ with
other variables.在对一个变量选择一个新值时,最小冲突启发式选择导致与其它变量呈现__________的值。 最少冲突 1.00/1.00
8填空(1分)To reduce a constraint graph to a tree structure, two approaches can be used that are ___________and tree decomposition. 为了简化约束图为树结构,有两种方法可以采用,即___________和树分解。
割集调节 1.00/1.00 Quizzes for Chapter 7
1单选(1分)Which of the following has been defined with reference to information? 下列中哪一项是根据信息来定义的?得分/总分
? A.Data数据 ? B.Information信息
? C.Knowledge知识1.00/1.00 ?
2单选(1分)What kind of knowledge will be used to describe how a problem is solved?哪种知识可用于描述问题如何求解?得分/总分
? A.Declarative knowledge陈述性知识
? ? ?
B. Procedural knowledge过程性知识1.00/1.00 C.Dynamic knowledge动态知识 D.Heuristic knowledge启发性知识
3单选(1分)Select which of the following approaches are true using first order logic.选择以下哪种方法可以使用一阶逻辑。得分/总分
? B.Ontologies cannot be divided the types of upper
ontology, domain ontology, or hyper ontology.无法将本体分为上层本体、领域本体、或混合本体。该题无法得分/1.00
? C. An ontology is a formal naming and definition
of the types, properties, and interrelationships of the entities for a particular domain of discourse.本体是一种对特定论域中实体的类型、特性和相互关系的形式化命名和定义。该题无法得分/1.00
? A.Declarative approaches陈述性方法1.00/1.00 ? D.An ontology provides a common vocabulary of
? B.Functional approaches函数型方法 ? C.Procedural approaches过程性方法 ?
D.Objective approaches对象型方法
4多选(1分)Select the following true statements regarding the concept of \选择如下关于“语义网络”概念的正确陈述。得分/总分
? A.It can be used when one has knowledge that is
best understood as a set of concepts that are related to one another.
? B.It can represent large domains, performance or
meta-knowledge very well.可以很好地表示大的域、性能或元知识。
? C.It can represent the semantic relations between
? D.It can be represented as a directed or
undirected graph, consisting of nodes used to represent concepts, and arcs to represent semantic relations between the concepts.可以被表示为一种直接或间接的图,由表示概念的节点和表示概念之间语义关系的弧组成。0.33/1.00
5多选(1分)Select which of the following statements are true about ontology.选择下列关于本体的陈述哪些是正确的。得分/总分
? A.Ontologies cannot be created to organize
information that will be applied to problem solving.无法创建本体来组织可用于问题求解的信息。
an area and define the meaning of the terms and the
relationships between them.本体提供一个领域的公共词汇,并且定义一些术语的含义和它们之间的关系。该题无法得分/1.00 6多选(1分)The synonyms of Bayesian networks include:贝叶斯网络的同义词包括:得分/总分
? A.Neural network神经网络
? B.Probabilistic network概率网络0.33/1.00 ? C. Belief network信念网络0.33/1.00 ?
D.Causal network因果网络0.33/1.00
1单选(1分)Which of the following has been defined with reference to information? 下列中哪一项是根据信息来定义的?得分/总分
? A.Wisdom智慧 ?
? C.Knowledge知识1.00/1.00 ?
2单选(1分)What kind of knowledge will be used to describe how a problem is solved?哪种知识可用于描述问题如何求解?得分/总分
? A.Heuristic knowledge启发性知识 ? B.Declarative knowledge陈述性知识 ?
C.Static knowledge静态知识
D.Procedural knowledge过程性知识1.00/1.00
3单选(1分)Select which of the following approaches are true using first order logic.选择以下哪种方法可以使用一阶逻辑。得分/总分
? C.Ontologies cannot be divided the types of upper
ontology, domain ontology, or hyper ontology.无法将本体分为上层本体、领域本体、或混合本体。
? ? ? ?
A.Procedural approaches过程性方法 B.Objective approaches对象型方法 C.Functional approaches函数型方法
D.Declarative approaches陈述性方法1.00/1.00
? D.Ontologies cannot be created to organize
information that will be applied to problem solving.无法创建本体来组织可用于问题求解的信息。
6多选(1分)The synonyms of Bayesian networks include:贝叶斯网络的同义词包括:得分/总分
4多选(1分)Select the following true statements regarding the concept of \选择如下关于“语义网络”概念的正确陈述。得分/总分
? A.It can represent the semantic relations between
? B.It can be represented as a directed or
undirected graph, consisting of nodes used to represent concepts, and arcs to represent semantic relations between the concepts.可以被表示为一种直接或间接的图,由表示概念的节点和表示概念之间语义关系的弧组成。0.33/1.00
? C.It can represent large domains, performance or
meta-knowledge very well.可以很好地表示大的域、性能或元知识。
? D.It can be used when one has knowledge that is
best understood as a set of concepts that are related to one another.语义网络可以用于当所具有的知识可被很好地理解为一组彼此相关的概念时。0.33/1.00
5多选(1分)Select which of the following statements are true about ontology.选择下列关于本体的陈述哪些是正确的。得分/总分
? A.An ontology is a formal naming and definition of
the types, properties, and interrelationships of the entities for a particular domain of discourse.本体是一种对特定论域中实体的类型、特性和相互关系的形式化命名和定义。0.50/1.00
? B.An ontology provides a common vocabulary of
an area and define the meaning of the terms and the
relationships between them.本体提供一个领域的公共词汇,并且定义一些术语的含义和它们之间的关系。0.50/1.00
? A.Belief network信念网络0.33/1.00 ? B.Social network社交网络
? C.Causal network因果网络0.33/1.00 ?
D.Probabilistic network概率网络0.33/1.00
7填空(1分)A ______________ system consists of a knowledge base and an inference engine, where knowledge base represents facts about the world, inference engine can reason about those facts.______________系统由知识库和搜索引擎组成,其中,知识库表示关于世界的事实,推理引擎则可以对这些事实进行推理。 知识库 1.00/1.00
8填空(1分)__________ representation focus on designing computer representations that capture knowledge about the
world that can be used to solve complex problems. __________表示关注于设计计算机表示来采集关于世界的知识,可用于解决复杂的问题。 知识 1.00/1.00 Quizzes for Chapter 8
1单选(1分)Learned the differences between single-agent problem and multi-agent problem, select a correct one form following descriptions.学习了单智能体问题和多智能体问题之间
? A.Multi-effector problem is a single-agent problem,
but multi-body problem is not.多效用器是单智能体问题,而多躯体是多智能体问题。
B.Multi-body problem is a multi-agent problem,
but multi- effector problem is not.多躯体是单智能体问题,而多效用器是多智能体问题。
? C.Both of multi-effector problem and multi-body
problem is a single-agent problem.多效用器和多躯体这两者都是单智能体问题。1.00/1.00
5多选(1分)The characteristics of multi-agent are:多智能体的特征是:得分/总分
? ? ? ?
A.Autonomy自主性0.50/1.00 B.Decentralization分散化0.50/1.00 C.Centralized control集中控制 D.Global views全局视野
6多选(1分)To simulate the flocking behavior of birds, the rules
? D.Both of multi-effector problem and multi-body
problem is a multi-agent problem.多效用器和多躯体这两者都是多智能体问题。
2多选(1分)Select the following correct features regarding classical planning.选择如下有关经典规划的正确特征。得分/总分
? A.Keeping a deterministic action at a time.每次保
should consist of要仿真鸟群的群体行为,其规则应包括:得分/持确定性的动作。0.50/1.00
? B.One agent with only one known initial state.一个
? C.Keeping a nondeterministic action at a time.每
? D.Fully observable in a dynamic environment.动
3多选(1分)Which of the following approaches are used for classical planning?下列方法中哪些可用于经典规划?得分/总分
? A.Boolean satisfiability布尔可满足性0.25/1.00 ?
B.first-order logical deduction一阶逻辑推理
? C.constraint satisfaction约束满足0.25/1.00 ?
D.plan refinement规划精进0.25/1.00
4多选(1分)Planners used in real world for planning and scheduling are more complex, so that select the following correct things which should be extend:现实世界中用于规划和调度的规划者更为复杂,因此选择以下哪些应该扩展。得分/总分
? A.the representation language表示语言0.50/1.00 ?
B.the way to interact with environment与环境交互
? C.the planning algorithms规划算法
D.the approach used for planning用于规划的途径
? A.Cohesion聚集0.33/1.00 ? B.Separation分离0.33/1.00 ?
C.Communication通信 ?
7填空(1分)There are two approaches to searching for a plan, one is ________________ search, and the other is backward relevant-states search.有两种搜索计划的方式,一个是_____________搜索,而另一个是后向状态空间搜索。 前向状态空间 1.00/1.00
8填空(1分)Markov Decision Process (MDP) is a
_______________ process, means action outcomes depend
only on the current state.马可夫决策过程(MDP)是一种
_______________过程,意味着动作结果仅仅依赖于当前状态。离散时间随机控制 1.00/1.00
9填空(1分)There are two optimal policies for Dynamic
Programming, one is ______________, and the other is policy iteration.动态规划有两种优化策略,一个是___________,而另一种是策略迭代。 值迭代 1.00/1.00 Quizzes for Chapter 9
1单选(1分)Which of the following is used to discover general
facts from training examples?下列中哪个用于从训练样本中发现一般的事实?得分/总分
? A.Inductive learning归纳学习1.00/1.00 ? B.Supervised learning有监督学习
C.None of the above is correct以上都不正确