8填空(1分)问题形式化是给定一个目标,决定要考虑的_______与状态的处理。得分/总分 正确答案:动作
? D.智能体函数
? ? ? ?
A. A*搜索
B.深度优先搜索0.33/1.00 C. 一致代价搜索0.33/1.00 D.深度受限搜索
? A.正则形式化
? B.全态形式化1.00/1.00 ? C.半态形式化
? A.f(n) = g(n)
? B.f(n) = h(n)1.00/1.00 ? C.f(n) = g(n) - h(n) ?
D.f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
? A.f(n) = h(n) ? B.f(n) = g(n)
? C.f(n) = g(n) + h(n)1.00/1.00 ?
D.f(n) = g(n) - h(n)
? A.初始状态0.33/1.00 ? B.路径检测
A.有信息搜索0.50/1.00 ? B.二元搜索 ? C.无信息搜索
D. 启发式搜索0.50/1.00
8填空(1分)问题形式化是给定一个目标,决定要考虑的_______与状态的处理。得分/总分 正确答案:动作 Quizzes for Chapter 4
1单选(1分)Keeping just one node in memory might seem to be an extreme reaction to the problem of memory limitations. Local beam search keeps track of:在内存中仅保存一个节点似乎是对
A.m states rather than n states.m个状态而不是n
B.just m states rather than n states仅有n状态而
? C.k states rather than just one.k个状态而不仅仅
D.just one rather than k states.仅有一个状态而不
2单选(1分)A genetic algorithm is a variant of stochastic beam search, in which successor states are generated:遗传算法是随机束搜索的一个变体,其中后继节点的生成是由:得分/总分
? C.The inner loop of the simulated annealing
algorithm is quite similar to hill climbing.模拟退火算法的内循环与爬山法非常相似。0.50/1.00
? A.by combining two parent nodes rather than by
modifying a single node.组合单一状态而不是组合两个双亲状态。
? D.Instead of picking the best move, simulated
annealing algorithm picks a random move.模拟退火算法不是选择最佳行动,而是选择随机行动。0.50/1.00
5填空(1分)Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm was inspired by the behavior of ants seeking a path between
? B.by combining two parent states rather than by
modifying a single state.组合两个双亲状态而不是修改单一状态。1.00/1.00
? C.by modifying a single node rather than by
_______ and a source of food.蚁群优化算法是受蚂蚁在combining two parent nodes.组合单一节点而不是组合两个双亲节点。
? D.by modifying a single state rather than by
combining two parent states.组合两个双亲节点而不是修改单一节点。
3多选(1分)Hill climbing search is sometimes called greedy local search because it grabs a good neighbor state without thinking ahead about where to go next. Unfortunately, it often gets stuck for the three reasons:爬山搜索有时也被称为贪婪局部搜索,因为它只顾抓住一个好的邻接点的状态,而不提前思考下一步该去哪儿。它在三种情况下经常被困:得分/总分
? A. Ridges山岭0.33/1.00 ? B.Mountain高山
? C.Plateaux高原0.33/1.00
D.Local maxima局部最大值0.33/1.00
4多选(1分)Which of the following statements are true about Simulated annealing algorithm?以下关于模拟退火算法的陈述哪些是正确的?得分/总分
? A.Instead of picking the random move, simulated
annealing algorithm picks a best move.模拟退火算法不是选择随机行动,而是选择最佳行动。
? B.The inner loop of the simulated annealing
algorithm is very different from hill climbing.模拟退火算法的内循环与爬山法完全不同。
_______和食物源之间寻找路径行为的启发而形成的。 蚁巢 1.00/1.00
6填空(1分)Inspired by social behavior of birds and fishes,
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm uses a number of ________ that constitute a swarm moving around in the search space looking for the best solution.受鸟类和鱼类的社会行为的启发,粒子群优化算法采用若干_______构成一个围绕搜索空间移动的群体来寻找最优解。 粒子 1.00/1.00
7填空(1分)Local search algorithms operate using a single ______ (rather than multiple paths) and generally move only to neighbors of that node.局部搜索算法使用一个______(而不是多条路径),并且通常仅移动到该节点相邻的节点。
当前节点 1.00/1.00
8填空(1分)In addition to finding goals, local search algorithms are useful for solving pure _________, in which the aim is to find the best state according to an objective function.除了寻找目标之外,局部搜索算法对解决纯_________也很有效。其目的是根据一个目标函数找到其最好的状态。 优化问题 1.00/1.00 Quizzes for Chapter 5
1单选(1分)Which of the following is a true statement about games?以下关于博弈的陈述哪个是正确的?得分/总分
A.Local search problems are often known as
? B.Heuristic search problems are often known as
? C.Classical search problems are often known as
? D.Adversarial search problems are often known
as games.对抗搜索通常称为博弈1.00/1.00
2单选(1分)___________ describes a situation in which the interacting agents' aggregate gains and losses can be less than or more than zero.___________中智能体交互动作的总收益和损失可以小于或大于零得分/总分
? C.Alpha–beta pruning is to increase the number
of nodes that are evaluated by the minimax algorithm in its search tree.Alpha–beta剪枝旨在增加其搜索树中由minimax算法评价的节点数量。
? D.Alpha–beta pruning is to decrease the number
of nodes that are evaluated by the minimax algorithm in its search tree.Alpha–beta剪枝旨在减少其搜索树中由minimax算法评价的节点数量。0.50/1.00
? ? A.Zero sum game零和博弈 B. Computer game计算机博弈 ? C.Two-player game双人博弈
D.Non-zero sum game非零和博弈1.00/1.00
3多选(1分)Select the following true statements regarding the concept of minimax rule for a zero sum game.从如下关于零和博弈maximum概念中选择正确的答案。得分/总分
? A.Each player maximizes the maximum payoff
possible for itself.每个玩家会使自己可能的最大收益变得最大。0.50/1.00
? B.Each player maximizes the maximum loss
possible for the other.每个玩家会使对手可能的最大损失变得最大。0.50/1.00
? C.Each player minimizes the maximum payoff
possible for itself.每个玩家会使自己可能的最大收益变得最小。
? D.Each player minimizes the maximum loss
possible for the other.每个玩家会使对手可能的最大损失变得最小。
4多选(1分)Which of the following statements are true about alpha-beta pruning?以下关于alpha–beta剪枝的陈述哪些是正确的?得分/总分
? A.Alpha–beta pruning is to add large parts that
are evaluated by the minimax algorithm in its search
? B.Alpha–beta pruning is to eliminate large parts
that are evaluated by the minimax algorithm in its search tree.Alpha–beta剪枝旨在消除其搜索树中由minimax算法评价的大部分。0.50/1.00
5填空(1分)Claude Shannon proposed instead that programs should cut off the search earlier and apply a _______________ to states in the search, effectively turning nonterminal nodes into terminal leaves.克劳德·香农提出:程序应该早一些剪断搜索,并在搜索中对状态应用________________,有效地将非终端节点转换为终端叶节点。(请填写中文答案) 启发式评估函数 0.00/1.00
6填空(1分)____________ is a dynamic game with probabilistic
transitions played by one or more players.____________是一种具有概率转换的动态博弈,有一个或多个玩家。(请填写中文答案)
随机博弈 1.00/1.00
7填空(1分)Monte-Carlo methods are a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on ________________ to obtain numerical results.蒙特卡罗方法是一大类计算算法,它凭
借________________来获得数值结果。(请填写中文答案) 重复随机采样 1.00/1.00
8填空(1分)___________ tree search is on the analysis of the most promising moves, expanding the search tree based on
random sampling of the search space.___________树搜索对最有利的动作进行分析,根据搜索空间的随机采样来扩展搜索树。(请填写中文答案) 蒙特卡罗 1.00/1.00 Quizzes for Chapter 6
1单选(1分)Select the following true one that is used to the state representation for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs).从如
下用于约束满足问题 (CSP)的状态表示中选择正确的答案。得分/总分
? A.atomic原子0.00/1.00 ? B.Molecular分子 ?
? D.Factored因子
2单选(1分)Assume that {A, B, C, D} are variables, the domain of each variable is {u, v, w}, and != denotes \which of the following expressions is a binary constraint on CSP formalism?{A, B, C, D}为变量,每个变量的域是{u, v, w},且“!=”表示不等于,从如下表达式中选择那个是CSP形式化的2元约束?得分/总分
5多选(1分)Select the following true statements regarding the concept of \从如下有关“回溯搜索”概念中选择正确的答案。得分/总分
? A.It incrementally builds candidates to the
solutions, and abandons each partial candidate c, as soon as it determines that c cannot possibly be completed to a valid solution.每次为变量选择值并且当变量有一个或多个合法赋值时回溯。
? A.Alldiff(A, B, C, D)
? B.<(A), A = v>0.00/1.00 ? C.Diff(A, D) ?
D.A + B = C
3多选(1分)Compare CSP and state-space search, and select correct statements from following ones. 比较CSP和状态空间搜索,并从下列叙述中选择正确的答案。得分/总分
? A.CSP solving system can be slower than
state-space search solving system.CSP求解系统会比状态空间搜索求解系统慢。
? B.CSP solving system can be faster than
state-space search solving system.CSP求解系统会比状态空间搜索求解系统快。0.50/1.00
? C.State-space search can quickly eliminate large
swatches of the search space.状态空间搜索可以快速排除大的搜索空间样本。
? D.CSP can quickly eliminate large swatches of
the search space.CSP可以快速排除大的搜索空间样本。0.50/1.00
4多选(1分)Which of the following statements are true types of types of local consistency for constraint propagation?如下陈述中哪些是约束传播局部一致性的正确类型?得分/总分
? A.Path consistency路径一致该题无法得分/1.00 ? B.Loop consistency环路一致
? C.Tree consistency树一致该题无法得分/1.00
D.Node consistency节点一致该题无法得分/1.00
B.It incrementally builds candidates to the
solutions, and abandons each partial candidate c, as soon as it determines that c cannot possibly be completed to an invalid solution. 递增地构建解的候选,并且一旦确定部分候选c不能成为合法的解,就将c抛弃。0.50/1.00
? C.It chooses values for one variable at a time and
backtracks when a variable has no legal values left to assign.每次为变量选择值并且当变量没有合法赋值时回溯。0.50/1.00
? D.It chooses values for one variable at a time and
backtracks when a variable has one more legal value left to assign.递增地构建解的候选,并且一旦确定部分候选c不能成为非法的解,就将c抛弃。
1单选(1分)Select the following true one that is used to the state
representation for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs).从如下用于约束满足问题 (CSP)的状态表示中选择正确的答案。
? A.Molecular分子 ?
B. Networked网络 ? C. atomic原子
2单选(1分)Assume that {A, B, C, D} are variables, the domain of each variable is {u, v, w}, and != denotes \which of the following expressions is a binary constraint on CSP formalism?设{A, B, C, D}为变量,每个变量的域是{u, v, w},且“!=”
A.Diff(A, D)1.00/1.00 ?
B.A + B = C