(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年天津市西青区英语八年级(上)期末质量跟踪监视模拟试题 下载本文

4)“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means ______ A.The doctor goes away when he sees an apple. B.The doctor runs away when you give him an apple. C.You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy. 5)What keeps you healthy? ________

A.Fruits and vegetables. B.Healthy food. C.Healthy food and sports



假设你有位朋友叫Daniel,下面表格中列出了他的一些情况,请据此写一篇英语短文, 字数90词左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 特点 品行 爱好 我们班最高的男生;总是面带笑容,看上去很高兴;很幽默,经常讲笑话让我们开怀大笑。 愿意和朋友分享东西;对人友善;时刻准备帮助别人,比如总是帮同学解决难题。 喜欢下棋和打棒球。每天花在爱好上的时间一小时。他比我用在爱好上的时间多。 未来计划 长大想当一名社会工作者,帮助更多的人。 My friend Daniel

I have a wonderful friend named Daniel. I’d like to tell you something about him.


一、选择题 题号 1 答案 A 答案 B 二、单词填空

21.1)2)peaceful 3)4)shape


2 C C 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 B 7 D 8 C 9 B 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 B C A B D D A C C 题号 19 20 【小题4】【小题4】agree 【小题5】【小题5】environment 三、句型转换

22.1) Do you want 2) What do think of 3) Why does like 4) What does plan do 5) What does think of 四、完成句子

23.1) was able to 2) At the beginning of 3) write down

4) has to do with 5) take up 五、完形填空

24.1)A 2)C 3)B 4)A 5)C 6)A 7)D 8)B 9)C 10)D


25.1)preparing 2)to spend 3)come 4)asking 5)to practice 七、阅读理解

26.1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 27.1) B 2) A

3) C 4) C 5) C 八、书面表达

28.My friend Daniel

I have a wonderful friend named Daniel. I’d like to tell you something about him.

He is the tallest boy in our class. There is always a smile on his face. He is very helpful and humorous. He often tells jokes to make us laugh happily. He is such a helpful friend that he is always ready to help others. For example,he is always be glad to help someone with their difficulties. In his free time,he likes play chess and baseball. He spends about one hour on his hobbies every day. This is more than me. His dream is to be a social worker,because he wants to help more people.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




1.Oh,I have the flu,and I have to see the ______. A.teacher B.farmer C.doctor D.worker 2.________ hours do you study every night? A.How long C.How many

B.How much D.How often

3.The answers ____ our questions ____ watching TV were interesting. A.of, about B.of, do C.about, to D.to, about 4.Our teacher said sound much more slowly than light. A.traveled B.was traveling C.has traveled D.travels. 5.—Where will you go for your vacation? —I decide Australia. A.go to A.too many

B.to go to B.too much

C.going to C.many too

D.will go to D.much too

6.We should not eat _______ junk food. 7.—How can I ________ where he is now? —I think you can call his friend.

A.find out B.wait for C.blow out D.look out

8.I have to study ________ my math test ________ Friday afternoon. A.at;on B.for;on C.for;in D.on;for 9.We _________ take umbrellas because it is raining hard. A.can




10.I was working hard on the problem when a wonderful idea suddenly went____ my mind. A.in B.over C.across D.through

11._____went hiking last weekend because of the bad weather. A.nothing C.Everyone

A.an; action movies C.a; action movies

13.—Do you know ________ engineer?

—Yes, we live in the same neighborhood. His son is also ________ engineer.

B.No one D.Nothing B.a; action movie D.an; action movie

12.This is _________ very exciting _________.