高考英语常用短语 下载本文

rain cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨

rather than 与其,不愿,而不是;不是...(而是) refer to 涉及到 有关

regard ...as ... 把...看作... respond to 响应,有反应

result from 由于...而造成后果 result in 导致,结果

reach an agreement 达成一致 regardless of 不顾,不惜 relative to 与...有关 remove from 从...除去

representative of 代表...的 resign one's post 辞职

responsible for负责,是...原因

save from 从...中救出 使免受 save for 为...积蓄(储存) save on 节省,节约 save up 储存起来

see about 查看;料理;考虑 see after 照料;料理

see around 看到...之后;参观 see from 从...角度观察

see into 看到...的内部;把...带进;调查;预见 see out 送...出去;持续到结束 see off 送行;赶走

see to it that ... 确保,负责 send away 遣走;解雇

send for 召唤;邮购;派人去取 send in 提交;发送

send off 为...送行;寄出;派往;送出 send out 发送;长出;散步;派遣 send up 发射;毁坏;使上升 sell at (for) 以...价格出售 sell by 按...出售 sell off 廉价销售 sell on 说服;赞成

sell out 出售;卖完;出卖;背叛 sell up 卖财产;卖光

set back 耽误;延误;向后移;花费 set down 写下;记下;标出 set foot in /on 进入;踏进

set forward 提出;拨出(钟表);促进 set up 竖起来;立起来;支起;准备;勾起;


set out to do 开始做;着手做

set off 出发;动身;开始;引起;勾起;爆炸 set against 与...平衡;与...为敌;反对 set apart 把...分开;留出;拨出;突出;区别 set forth 启程;出发;详尽地解释 set in 乘临;把…置于;把…做成;


set out doing 开始做

set on 前进;煽动;开始雇佣;


set another date 改期


rich in 富于

right away /now立即,马上 ring off 挂断电话

ring sb. up 打电话给... rise to one’s feet 站立起来 round about 在附近

run across 偶然发现(或遇到)

run into 偶然遇见,陷入,撞上,撞到 rule out 排除...的可能性 run for 竞争;竞选 run errand 跑腿儿 run out of 用完

rush hours 上下班高峰


set one's mind on doing 决定

set sth. on fire = set fire to sth. 放火烧某物 set against 与...平衡;与...为敌;反对 set forth 启程,出发,详尽的解释 set on 前进;煽动;开始雇佣;


sensible of 觉查到 sensitive to 对...敏感

shrug sth. off 对...满不在乎;不加理会 shop for 逃 ;寻找 show off 卖弄 sick of 厌恶,厌倦

side by side 肩并肩,一起 similar to 相似 skilled at /in 善于 slip one's mind 忘记

smile from ear to ear 眉开眼笑,笑得合不拢嘴 stop in 顺路造访

start out 以...起步;起初是 somewhere around 大约 sort of 有几分、有一点

sooner or later 迟早,早晚 sore throat /foot 嗓子哑/腿酸 stay up late 熬夜 stay at 停留在;住在

stay away 不去某地;不要接近;避开 stay out 留在户外;不在家中;避开 stay put 按住不动 stand out 突出;显眼

stand on one’s feet /legs 自立;自主 stand on one’s hands /head 倒立 stand up for 维护(权利)

stand by 袖手旁观;站在...一边;支持 stand aside 靠边站 stand in for sb. 代替 step by step 逐步地 step in 介入 step back 后退

subject to 受制于,易于 sufficient for足够的 suitable for /to 适合于


superior to 优于,级别高于

sure of /about 对...有信心;确信 suspicious of 怀疑

take a leave 请假

take pity on sb. 怜悯某人

take trouble to do sth. 不辞劳苦做某事 take one’s chance 碰运气 take pride 以...为荣 take advantage of 利用

take steps to sth. 采取措施做 take hold of 抓住

take it for granted that 想当然的认为 take notice of 注意

take out 拿出;切除;拔掉;


take notes 作笔记 take aim 瞄准 take office 就职

take off 脱掉;模仿;起飞;成名 take in 收留;包含;吸收;领会;


take for 当作;误认为

take back 取回;把(某人)带回;把...退货;取消 take up 从事;继续;拿起;占据;


take to 开始喜欢

take over 接管;取代

take on 承担;从事;呈现;雇用

take down 写下,记下,拿下,拆掉,病倒 take away 带走;消除(病痛;减法) take care of 照料 take care 当心

take a seat /be seated 请坐 take one's time 慢慢来

take sth. seriously 认真对待

take one’s chance 碰运气;准备冒险 talk about 讨论;谈及;谈论

submit to 顺从;屈服

sb. is welcome (adj.)to sth. /to do sth.



take a load /weight off one’s mind


talk away 通过谈话清除 talk back 顶嘴

talk down 大声说话盖住;不给…说话的机会 talk into 说服做

talk out of 劝服…不做

talk over 说服;讨论;商量 tear down 撕毁 ,剖析

turn around 转身;转换方向 turn in 上交;归还 turn on 打开

turn out 证明是;结果是;出席;在场 turn up 调大;出现

turn over 打翻;翻身;移交 turn off 关闭(开关等) turn into 变成

turn down 调小;拒绝 turn back 折回;掉转头 turn over 倾覆

turn a deaf ear to 对...置若罔闻 turn a blind eye to 看不见 ,忽视 the ins and outs (of sth.)


there is a /no chance that ... 有可能/不可能 that is (to say) 就是说,即 track down 追踪到;追查到 to one’s relief 让某人松口气 to one’s credit 某人值得赞扬 to the point 中肯;扼要;切中要害 to this day直到今天 ,至今 typical of ...是典型的,特有的 trip sb. up 绊倒, 使退缩

the reverse is also true 反之亦然


be uncertain of /about 不能确定 under control 处于控制之下

under the circumstances 这种情况下 up in the air 没有确定

up to date 在进行中,最新式的,


up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于决定于

under no circumstances 决不 under way 进行中

up and downs 盛衰 沉浮

up and down 上上下下 ,起伏地 up till (时间上)一直到 upside down 颠倒,倒置 use up 用完;耗尽


vital to 对...关系重大

vary in =be different /iffer in 在某方面不同 vary from...to... 从...到...不等 void of 没有,缺乏 varieties of 种种


view sth. as 视...为 volunteer to do sth.


vote for 投票赞成 vote on 就...表决


what about wear of with care 逐渐消失怎么样;消逝

;逐渐停止 weigh sb. down 小心;慎重with ease 使某人感到沉重

what if what's up /new 切合目前情况的轻而易举 with regard to 发生了什么事?

with respect to关于,至于

without any trace 如果...将怎么样 with the exception of没有踪迹weather-beaten 除...

worse off 饱经风霜的 之外 without fail 越来越坏(穷)without question 一向如此


year after/by year year in and year out 年复一年,年年yearn for 一年一年地,年复一年

yell at sb. 渴望;渴求yell out 朝某人喊


zip sth. shut /openzip your lips 袋子的拉链拉上/打开 zip up 拉上拉链;增添滋味;增加兴趣或生命力别开口

wolf down word for word 狼吞虎咽work as work at 担任...逐字的 工作;当 work out 在解决;产生结果;锻炼;...工作;从事于

work up worse still 发展;博得;耗尽 发展;做出;了解

what is sb. /sth. like? 更糟糕的是

wait for ...是什么样子的wait on warm up 服侍等待 warn sb. against sth. 热身

warn sb. of sth. 警告某人提防某事警告某人某事