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第九节 有关港口的条款

一、装卸港的约定 1,列明港:装港上海

2,列明选择港:卸港上海/宁波 3,不列明选择港:卸港安全港

二、宣港——租方义务 1,租方指示

2,合理时间或合同约定的时间内——不得影响船东利益 e.g.船从北美来,指示one safe port in China,船已到日本,需宣港,若不宣,引起船东delay,租方负责。



2,租方为了避免上述不利,要在租约中加入“目的港条款”destination clause:“B/L上的卸港情况不视为宣港,不视为租家已选择港口,租方不承担船东的移泊费用。”


1,“1SB Shanghai”——上海港只靠一个安全泊位(如果两次移泊,船东就要多收费用) 2,“3SB Shanghai”——三次以上移泊费用租方就要承担 3,未写明的以可移一次来订,即2SBs (问题) 4,等泊的泊位不算,要装卸货的泊位 (问题)

五、适航平舱条款 Seaworthy Trim Clause

·GENCON没有该条款,是在有2个港装、2个港卸,移泊的情况下,在只装了部分舱的情况下要“倒舱” ·租方付费用

六、安全泊位 Safe Port/Berth 1,什么叫Safe Port? \[Judge]

The port was not be safe unless, in the relevant period of time, the particular ship can reach it, use it, and return from it without, in the absence of some abnormal occurrence, being exposed to danger, which can not be avoided by good navigation and seamanship.


(1)自然因素:水深、桥高 (2)政治因素:扣留、扣押

3,谁负责港口安全? (1)列明港口:船东负责 (2)不列明选择港:租方负责

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(3)列明港口前有明示安全保证的:租方负责 The \

\——由租方保证Safe Port

4,租方负责安全港口责任义务 【案】The \


(1)主要义务——First Obligation:“预期安全理论”Prospectively Safe (2)次要义务——Secondly Obligation

\ was nominated, it was prospectively safe, but becomes unsafe, during the ballast voyage or loaded voyage or on or at the vessels of arrival. It is clear and was held in the \ T/C, the charterers will be under the second obligation of nominating an alternative the safe port. So long as in the case where the vessel was at the port, it is an order effectively complied. The position in the voyage charter is unclear.

GENCON A1附近港停港,不适用“次要义务”,只适用“预期安全理论” The said Vessel shall, as soon as her prior commitments have been completed, proceed to the loading port(s) or place(s) stated in Box 10 or so near thereto as she may safely get and lie always afloat, and there load a full and complete cargo (if shipment of deck cargo agreed same to be at the Charterers' risk and responsibility) as stated in Box 12, which the Charterers bind themselves to ship, and being so loaded the Vessel shall proceed to the discharging port(s) or place(s) stated in Box 11 as ordered on signing Bills of Lading, or so near thereto as she may safely get and lie always afloat, and there deliver the cargo.





7,安全泊位由谁负责 (1)列明泊位——船东


8,港口 v.s. 泊位

·若一个泊位不安全,其他泊位是安全的,则租方负责该泊位不安全的责任; ·若几个泊位都不安全,则是港口责任。

9,附近港条款Near Port Clause——权利在船东 (1)GENCON A1(2)



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The \




第九十一条 因不可抗力或者其他不能归责于承运人和托运人的原因致使船舶不能在合同约定的目的港卸货的,除合同另有约定外,船长有权将货物在目的港邻近的安全港口或者地点卸载,视为已经履行合同。船长决定将货物卸载的,应当及时通知托运人或者收货人,并考虑托运人或者收货人的利益。 - 27 -

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