北京市昌平临川育人学校高三英语上学期10月月考试题 下载本文

Your son

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1-5. CBCBA 6-10. ACBCC 11-15. CBABB 16-20. BBAAC


21-23 BAC 24-27 CBAD 28-31 BCBD 32-35 BADC 36-40 EBDGF


41-45 CBDAC; 46-50 ADCBD; 51-55 BCAAC ;56-60 DACDB


61. constantly 62. an 63. helpful 64. using 65.have accomplished 66. how 67. ourselves 68. to 69. to offer 70. amazement


About one year before, we got a lovely cat named Dexter. He enjoys watching my ago

elderly neighbor in her garden. Although he won’t let her to touch him, he always keeps an.

eye on her One afternoon I heard Dexter calling strange. When I reached the door to check


on him, his calling stops, so I headed back to kitchen. Just as I did, his calling started

stopped the

again. I stepped outside to find Dexter sit next to my elderly neighbor who had fallen. He

sitting She didn’t have the strength to get up and shout for help. Dexter didn’t leave her sides

or side

until help arrived. With Dexter, she might not have been found in time. Without

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