小波变换在图像处理中的应用毕业论文 下载本文


题 目: 小波变换在图像处理中的应用

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华侨大学厦门工学院 毕业设计(论文)



近年来小波变换技术已广泛地应用于图像处理中。小波分析的基本理论包括小波包分析、连续小波变换、离散小波变换。小波变换是一种新的多分辨分析的方法,具有多分辨率和时频局部化的特性,可以同时进行时域和频域分析。 因此不但能对图像提供较精确的时域定位,也能提供较精确的频域定位。经过小波变换的图像具有方向选择、多分辨率分析的特点。小波变换基于这些良好特性,在数字图像处理领域中取得良好的实际效果。本文基于小波变换研究了图像压缩、图像增强、图像去噪、图像融合、图像分解、图像重构等方法,并利用MATLAB进行仿真验证,最后,用GUI实现了人机交互,简单、易操作、美观。




The Application of Wavelet Transform in Image Processing


In recent years, the technique of wavelet transform has been widely used in image processing. The basic theory of wavelet analysis, wavelet packet analysis including the continuous wavelet transform, discrete wavelet transform. Wavelet transform is a multiresolution analysis is a new method, has the characteristics of multi-resolution and time-frequency localization, both in time domain and frequency domain analysis. It can not only provide accurate positioning of the image in time domain, frequency domain can provide accurate positioning. After image wavelet transform has the characteristic of direction, multi resolution analysis. Based on the good properties of wavelet transform, obtain good actual effect in the field of digital image processing. In this paper, based on the wavelet transform of the image compression, image enhancement, image denoising, image fusion, image decomposition, image reconstruction method, and simulated by MATLAB software, finally, using GUI to achieve human-computer interaction, simple, easy operation, beautiful appearance.

Keywords: Wavelet Transform, Image Processing, Enhancement, Compression, Denoising, Fusion,Decompo- sition, Reconstruction


华侨大学厦门工学院 毕业设计(论文)

目 录

第一章 绪论 ................................................................. 1

1.1 研究背景 ............................................................ 1 1.2 研究现状 ............................................................ 1 1.3 研究意义 ............................................................ 2 1.4 论文内容与结构 ...................................................... 2 第二章 小波变换的基础理论 ................................................... 3

2.1 小波变换 ............................................................ 3 2.2 连续小波变换 ........................................................ 3 2.3 离散小波变换 ........................................................ 3 2.4 小波包分析 .......................................................... 6 第三章 小波变换在图像处理中的应用 ........................................... 7

3.1 小波阈值法进行图像压缩 .............................................. 7

3.1.1 实现压缩的主要函数 ............................................. 8 3.1.2 实现压缩的算法流程 ............................................. 8 3.2 二维小波分析进行图像增强 ............................................ 9

3.2.1 实现增强的主要函数 ............................................ 10 3.2.2 实现增强的算法流程 ............................................ 10 3.3 小波包图像去噪 ..................................................... 10

3.3.1 实现去噪的主要函数 ............................................ 11 3.3.2实现去噪的算法流程 ............................................ 11 3.4 小波变换用于图像融合 ............................................... 12

3.4.1 实现融合的主要函数 ............................................ 13 3.4.2实现融合的算法流程 ............................................ 13

结论 ....................................................................... 15 参考文献 ................................................................... 16 致 谢 ...................................................................... 17 附录 英文文献及翻译 ........................................................ 18


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第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究现状







1.3 研究意义


1.4 论文内容与结构

第一章:绪论。主要介绍基于小波变换的图像处理技术的研究背景、现状及意义。 第二章:小波变换理论简介。对小波变换相关理论知识进行了简要的介绍,简单阐述了连续小波变换、离散小波变换、小波包分析的基本原理,为全文的理论运用夯实了基础。 证了小波变换在图像处理中的各种应用。




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第二章 小波变换的基础理论

2.1 小波变换



|?(?)|2C???d??? (2-1)

??|?|?则称?(t)为基本小波或母小波 [2]。小波变换具有放大、缩小和平移的数学显微镜的功能,可以方便地产生各种分辨率的图像,从而适应于不同分辨率的图像I/O设备和不同传输速率的通信系统。


2.2 连续小波变换


WTf(?,?)?1??Rf(t)??(t???)dt??f,??,?? (2-2)




2.3 离散小波变换




WTf(m,n)??f(t)??m,n(t)dt (2-3)


离散小波变换在图像处理中的基本思想是把图像进行多分辨率分解,分解为不同的空间和独立的频率带的子图像,然后对子图像的系数进行处理。利用塔式分解算法,通过一级小波变换,原始图像被分解为4个一级子图:即1个低频子图LL和3个高频子图:HL1(水平方向),LH1(垂直方向),HH1(对角线方向)。若对低频子图LL 再进行小波分解又得到低分辨率的4个二级子图(LL2、HL2、LH2、HH2),如图2-1和2-2所示。如此重复,可以对图像进行多级小波分解,其中最底层的低频子图集中了被分解图像的绝大部分信息,显示了图像的主要特征,故称为被分解图像的近似子图;各高频子图分别保持了被分解图像各方向的边缘细节,显示了被分解图像的边缘细节特征,所以称为被分解图像的细节子图[9]。低频子图抵抗外来影响的能力较好,高频子图的边缘细节容易受到外来噪声和常规图像处理等因素影响,稳定性差。小波重构是小波分解的逆过程。

图2-1 图像的一级DWT分解 图2-2 图像的二级DWT分解

下面以“wbarb”图像为例,进行一级小波分解与重构的演示。图2-3为原图,图2-4、 图2-5、图2-6、图2-7分别为分解后的近似分量图、水平细节分量图 、垂直细节分量图、 对角细节分量图,图2-8为重构图像。


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图2-3 原始图像 图2-4 近似分量

图2-5 水平细节分量 图2-6 垂直细节分量

图2-7 对角细节分量 图2-8 重构图像




2.4 小波包分析


小波包分解关系可以表示为:S=AAA3+DAA3+ADA3+DDA3+AAD3+DAD3+ADD3+DDD3 其中,A表示低频,D表示高频,末尾序号数表示小波分解的层数(也称尺度数)。 以下用一个三层小波包分解树图来进一步理解小波包分析:

图2-9 三层小波包分解树


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第三章 小波变换在图像处理中的应用



图3-1 GUI界面

3.1 小波阈值法进行图像压缩







3.1.1 实现压缩的主要函数

(1)在MATLAB的小波工具箱中,提供了获取压缩阈值的函数ddencmp,其调用格式为: [THR,SORH,KEEPAPP]=ddencmp(IN1,IN2',X)





3.1.2 实现压缩的算法流程



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图3-2 原始图像 图3-3 经压缩后恢复的图像

图3-4 压缩后图片的相关参数

由图3-2、图3-3、图3-4所示可知,小波分解系数中置0的系数个数百分比(即压缩率)为:47.081%,压缩后图像的剩余能量百分比(即恢复率)为:99.996 %。由此可知,压缩后的图像保留了原始图像47%的系数,但却保留了99.99%以上的能量。可见,虽然没有进行完美的压缩,但是已经取得了很好的压缩效果。通过观察对比压缩前后的图像可知,压缩后图像质量并未出现明显变化。

3.2 二维小波分析进行图像增强






3.2.1 实现增强的主要函数

在MATLAB中提供了wavedec2函数实现多尺度二维离散小波分解,其调用格式为: [C,S]=wavedec2(X,N,’wname’)


3.2.2 实现增强的算法流程


图3-5 原始图像 图3-6 增强后的图像


3.3 小波包图像去噪



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图3-7 小波去噪原理框图

3.3.1 实现去噪的主要函数


(1) T=wpdec2(X,N,?wname?);

说明:返回矩阵X利用小波包?wname?进行N层分解的小波包树T。 (2) THR=wbmpen(C,L,SIGMA,ALPHA)


(3) [XD,TREED,PERFO,PERFL2]=wpdencmp(TREE,SORH,CRIT,PAR,KEEPAPP) 说明:SORH指定选取软阈值(SORH=?s?)或者硬阈值(SORH=?h?);N为小波分解的层数;wname指定分解时所用的小波;CRIT和PAR定义了熵标准;TREE是小波包分解树结构。(PERFO、PERFL2是做压缩图像处理时使用,为返回压缩比例系数)KEEPAPP表示保存低频信号[1]。





图3-8 原始图像 图3-9 含噪图像

图3-10 去噪后的图像


3.4 小波变换用于图像融合




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3.4.1 实现融合的主要函数

在MATLAB中实现图像融合的函数是wfusimg,其调用格式为: XFUS=wfusimg(X1,X2,WNAME,LEVEL,AFUSMETH,DFUSMETH)

说明:返回将原始图像X1和X2融合后的图像XFUS,参数LEVEL是指X1和X2分解的层次,参数WNAME指定分解小波,矩阵X1和X2的大小必须相同。AFUSMETH和DFUSMETH分别定义了低频和高频分量的融合方法,在简单融合法中,它们的有效值包括max、min 、mean、img1、img2和rand[1]。



图3-11 原始图像1 图3-12 原始图像2

图3-13 融合图像




图3-14 原始图像1 图3-15 原始图像2

图3-16 融合后的图像



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[1] 张德丰.详解MATLAB数字图像处理,电子工业出版社,2010 [2] 刘刚.王立香,董延,MATLAB数字图像处理,机械工业出版社,2010 [3] 郑阿奇,曹戈.MATLAB实用教程(第3版).北京:电子工业出版社,2012 [4] 董长虹,高志等.MATLAB小波分析工具箱原理与应用.北京:国防工业出版社,2004 [5] 赵小川等.MATLAB数字图像处理实战,机械工业出版社,2013 [6] 张汗灵.MATLAB在图像处理中的应用,清华大学出版社,2008 [7] 刘贵忠,邸双亮.小波分析及其应用.西安电子科技大学出版社,1992 [8] 成礼智,王红霞,罗永.小波的理论与应用.北京:科学出版社,2004 [9] 成礼智,郭汉伟.小波与离散变换理论及工程实践〔M].清华大学出版社,2005 [10] 赵书兰.MATLAB R2008 数字图像处理与分析实例教程.北京:化学工业出版社,2009.6


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致 谢





附录 英文文献及翻译

MATLAB wavelet analysis and image compression


Wavelets provide a powerful and remarkably flexible set of tools for handling fundamental problems in science and engineering, such as audio de-noising, signal compression, object detection and fingerprint compression, image de-noising, image enhancement, image recognition, diagnostic heart trouble and speech recognition, to name a few. Here, we are going to concentrate on wavelet application in the field of Image Compression so as to observe how wavelet is implemented to be applied to an image in the process of compression, and also how mathematical aspects of wavelet affect the compression process and the results of it. Wavelet image compression is performed with various known wavelets with different mathematical properties. We study the insights of how wavelets in mathematics are implemented in a way to fit the engineering model of image compression. 1. Introduction

Wavelets are functions which allow data analysis of signals or images, according to scales or resolutions. The processing of signals by wavelet algorithms in factworks much the same way the human eye does; or the way a digital camera processes visual scales of resolutions, and intermediate details. But the same principle also captures cell phone signals, and even digitized color images used in medicine.Wavelets are of real use in these areas, for example in approximating data with sharp discontinuities such as choppy signals, or pictures with lots of edges.

While wavelets is perhaps a chapter in function theory, we show that the algorithms that result are key to the processing of numbers, or more precisely of digitized information, signals, time series, movies, color images, etc. Thus, applications of the wavelet idea include big parts of signal and image pro-cessing, data compression, fingerprint encoding, and many other fields of science and engineering. This thesis focuses on the processing of color images with the use of custom designed wavelet algorithms, and mathematical threshold filters.

Although there have been a number of recent papers on the operator theory of wavelets, there is a need for a tutorial which explains some applied tends from scratch to operator theorists. Wavelets as a subject is highly interdisciplinary and it draws in crucial ways on ideas from the outside world. We aim to outline various connections between Hilbert space geometry and image processing. Thus, we hope to help students and researchers from one area understand what is going on in the other. One difficulty with communicating across areas is a vast difference in


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lingo,jargon, and mathematical terminology.

With hands-on experiments, our paper is meant to help create a better understanding of links between the two sides, math and images. It is a delicate balance deciding what to include. In choosing, we had in mind students in operator theory,stressing explanations that are not easy to find in the journal literature.

Our paper results extend what was previously known, and we hope yields new insight into scaling and of representation of color images; especially, we have aimed for better algorithms. The paper concludes with a set of computer generated images which serve to illustrate our ideas and our algorithms, and also with the resulting compressed images. 1.1. Overview.

Wavelet Image Processing enables computers to store an image in many scales of resolutions, thus decomposing an image into various levels and types of details and approximation with different valued resolutions. Hence, making it possible to zoom in to obtain more detail of the trees, leaves and even a monkey on top of the tree. Wavelets allow one to compress the image using less storage space with more details of the image.The advantage of decomposing images to approximate and detail parts as in 3.3 is that it enables to isolate and manipulate the data with specific properties. With this, it is possible to determine whether to preserve more specific details. For instance, keeping more vertical detail instead of keeping all the horizontal, diagonal and vertical details of an image that has more vertical aspects. This would allowthe image to lose a certain amount of horizontal and diagonal details, but would not affect the image in human perception.

As mathematically illustrated in 3.3, an image can be decomposed into approximate, horizontal, vertical and diagonal details. N levels of decomposition is done. After that, quantization is done on the decomposed image where different quantization maybe done on different components thus maximizing the amount of needed details and ignoring ?not-so-wanted? details. This is done by thresholding where some coefficient values for pixels in images are ?thrown out? or set to zero or some ?smoothing? effect is done on the image matrix. This process is used in JPEG2000. 1.2. Motivation.

In many papers and books, the topics in wavelets and image processing are discussed in mostly in one extreme, namely in terms of engineering aspects of it or wavelets are discussed in terms operators without being specifically mentioned how it is being used in its application in engineering. In this paper, the author adds onto [Sko01], [Use01] and [Vet01] more insights about mathematical properties such as properties from Operator Theory, Functional Analysis, etc. of wavelets playing a major role in results in wavelet image compression. Our paper aims in



establishing if not already established or improve the connection between the mathematical aspects of wavelets and its application in image processing. Also,our paper discuss on how the images are implemented with computer program,and how wavelet decomposition is done on the digital images in terms of computer program, and in terms of mathematics, in the hope that the communication between mathematics and engineering will improve, thus will bring greater benefits to mathematicians and engineers. 2 Wavelet Color Image Compression

The whole process of wavelet image compression is performed as follows: An input image is taken by the computer, forward wavelet transform is performed on the digital image, thresholding is done on the digital image, entropy coding is done on the image where necessary, thus the compression of image is done on the computer. Then with the compressed image, reconstruction of wavelet transformed image is done, then inverse wavelet transform is performed on the image, thus image is reconstructed. In some cases, zero-tree algorithm [Sha93] is used and it is known to have better compression with zero-tree algorithm but it was not implemented here.

2.1 Forward Wavelet Transform.

Various wavelet transforms are used in this step. Namely, Daubechies wavelets, Coiflets, biorthogonal wavelets, and Symlets. These various transforms are implemented to observe how various mathematical properties such as symmetry, number of vanishing moments and orthogonality differ the result of compressed image. Advantages short support is that it preserves locality. The Daubechies wavelets used are orthogonal, so do Coiflets. Symlets have the property of being close to symmetric. The biorthogonal wavelets are not orthogonal but not having to be orthogonal gives more options to a variety of filters such as symmetric filters thus allowing them to possess the symmetric property.

MATLAB has a subroutine called wavedec2 which performs the decomposition of the image for you up to the given desired level (N) with the given desired wavelet(wname). Since there are three components to deal with, the wavelet transform was applied componentwise. “wavedec” is a two-dimensional wavelet analysis function. [C,S] = wavedec2(X,N,?wname?) returns the wavelet decomposition of the matrix X at level N, using the wavelet named in string ?wname?. Out-puts are the decomposition vector C and the correspondingbookkeeping matrix S[MatlabUG]. Here the image is taken as the matrix X. 2.2 Thresholding.

Since the whole purpose of this project was to compare the performance of each image compression using different wavelets, fixed thresholds were used.MATLAB has this subroutine called wthrmngr which computes the global threshold or level dependent thresholds depending


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on the option and method. The options available are global threshold and level dependent threshold, and the global threshold is used in the program. However, a fixed threshold values were used so as to have the same given condition for every wavelet transform to compare the performances of different conditions. Here, fixed thresholds 10 and 20 were used.For the lossless compression 0 is used as the threshold for an obvious reason. 2.3 Reconstruction of Wavelet

Transformed Imageand and Inverse Wavelet TransformationAt this step, the significance map is taken and with the amplitudes of the non-zero valued wavelet coefficients, the wavelet transformed image is reconstructed. The wavelet parameters are converted back into an image almost identical to the original image. How much identical they are will be dependent upon whether the compression was lossy or lossless. 2.4 Coiflets.

Coiflets are designed so as to maintain a close match between the trend values and the original signal values. All of the coiflets, CoifI, I = 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 are defined in a similar way as Daubechies wavelets but they have some different properties. Coif6 transform produces a much closer match between trend subsignals and the original signal values than the match that any of the DaubJ transforms can produce. This means that the .Coifman wavelet systems are similar to Daubechies wavelet systems (in rank 2) in that they have a maximal number of vanishing moments, but the vanishing of moments are equally distributed between the scaling function and the wavelet function. In contrast to the case for Daubechies wavelets, there is no formula for Coiflets of arbitrary genus, and there is no formal proof of their existence for arbitrary genus at this time. There are numerical solutions using Newton?s method which work well until round-off error gives problems, up to about genus 20 (roundoff error is also a problem in calculating the Daubechies scaling vector numerically beyond this same range with spectral factorization, even though the formulas arevalid and give an existence theorem for every genus [Res98].If we used Daubechies wavelets in the same way, one cannot get the same approximation results, except to low order. 2.5Wavelets

Compactly supported wavelets are functions defined over a finite interval and having an average value of zero. The basic idea of the wavelet transform is to represent any arbitrary function f(x) as a superposition of a set of such wavelets or basis functions. These basis functions are obtained from a ingle prototype wavelet called the mother wavelet ψ(x), by dilations or scaling and translations. Wavelet bases are very good at efficiently representing functions that are smooth except for a small set of discontinuities. 2.6 Biorthogonal



The biorthogonal wavelets have bases that are defined in a way that has weaker definition of the bases of orthogonal wavelet bases. Though the orthogonal wavelet?s filter has self-duality only, the biorthogonal wavelet?s filter has duality. Since the orthogonality of the filter makes the wavelet energy preserving as proven in [Wal99], the biorthogonal wavelets are not energy preserving.

Current compression systems use biorthogonal wavelet instead of orthogonal wavelets despite the fact that it is not energy preserving. The fact that biorthogonal wavelets are not energy preserving is not a big problem since there are linear phase biorthogonal filter coefficients which are “close” to being orthogonal [Use01]. The main advantage of the biorthogonal wavelet transform is that it permits the use of a much broader class of filters, and this class includes the symmetric filters. The biorthogonal wavelet transform is advantageous because it can use linear phase filters which gives symmetric outputs when presented with symmetric input. This transform is called the symmetric wavelet transform and it solves the problems of coefficient expansion and border discontinuities. See [Use01]. 3 Digital Image Representation and Mathematics behind It

In this section we will explore the digital image representation and Mathematics behind it. MATLAB is an interactive system whose basic data element is an array that does not require dimensioning. This enables formulating solutions to many technical computing problems, especially those involving matrix representations, in a fraction of the time it would take to write a program in a scalar non-interactive language such as C or Fotran.

The name MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory. In university environments,MATLAB is the standard computational tool for introductory and advanced courses in mathematics, engineering and science. In industry, MATLAB is the computational tool of choice for research, development, and analysis. MATLAB is complemented by a family of application-specific solutions called toolboxes; here, Wavelet Toolbox is used [Gon04]. 3.1 Digital Image Representation.

An image is defined as a two-dimensional function ie. a matrix, f(x, y), where x and y are spatial coordinates, and the amplitude of f at any pair of coordinates (x, y) is called the intensity or gray level of the image at the point. Color images are formed by combining the individual two-dimensional images. For example, in the RGB color system, a color images consists of three namely, red, green and blue individual component images. Thus many of the techniques developed for monochrome images can be extended to color images by processing the three component images individually. When x, y and the amplitude values of f are all finite, discrete quantities, the image is called a digital image. The field of digital image processing refers to processing digital images by means of a digital computer. A digital image is composed of a finite


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number of elements, each of which has a particular location and value. These elements are referred to as picture elements, image elements, pels and pixels. Since pixel is the most widely used term, the elements will be denoted as pixels from now on.

An image maybe continuous with respect to the x- and y-coordinates, and also in amplitude. Digitizing the coordinates as well as the amplitude will take into effect the conversion of such an image to digital form. Here, the digitization of the coordinate values are called sampling; digitizing the amplitude values is called quantization. A digital image is composed of a finite number of elements, each of which has a particular location and value. The field of digital image processing refers to processing digital images by means of a digital computer. 3.2. Reading Images. In MATLAB,

images are read into the MATLAB environment using function called imread. The syntax is as follows: imread(filename) Here, filename is a string containing the complete name of the image file including any applicable extension. For example, the command line >> f = imread (lena.jpg); reads the JPEG image lena into image array or image matrix f. Since there are three color components in the image, namely red, green and blue components, the image is broken down into the three distinct color matrices fR fG and fB。 3.3. Wavelet Decomposition of an Image.

Color Conversion. In the process of image compression, applying the compression to the RGB components of the image would result in undesirable color changes. Thus, the image is transformed into its intensity, hue and color saturation components. The color transformation used in JPEG 2000 standard [Sko01] has been adopted. For the lossy compression, equations (3.2) and (3.3) were used in the program. 4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Implementation of the Program.

The program was implemented using MATLAB with various subroutines that enables the wavelet transformation,image compression and threshold computation from the Wavelet Toolkit . 4.2. Discussion.

Lossy Compression. There are various factors that influence the image compression. As mentioned above in section 2, nonorthogonality of the wavelet may cause the compression to be lossy. When threshold is applied to the compression, some of the ?insignificant? coefficients are thrown out thus the resulting in lossy compression. Also, the number of levels the wavelet transform is applied would influence the compression quality. Although the lossiness caused by the nonorthogonal wavelet was not avoidable when certain wavelets were used, an attempt to minimize the lossiness was made for the number of levels part by going down all the way to the



single pixel level when the wavelet transform was applied (floor(log2(min(size of Image)))). In addition various threshold values are appliedto observe the lossiness.

A lossy compression method tend to produce inaccuracies in the decompressed image. Lossy compression method is used when these inaccuracies are so small that they are imperceptible. If those imperceptible inaccuracies are acceptable the lossy technique is advantageous compared to the lossless ones for higher compression ratios can be attained. In order to support the claims made by comparison of the resulting images and the theoretical knowledge that we obtained from the texts, some numerical comparisons are made. They are the compression ratio, the root mean square error, rms, the relative two norm difference, D, and the peak signal to noise ratio,PNSR. The formulas used are as follows:

Various wavelet transforms with two different thresholdings were used to compress the and 8-bit color image lena.png. The results are as follows:

One thing that could be noted right away by looking at the images is that the images compressed with smaller threshold value that is 10 look closer to the original lena.png compared to the images compressed with threshold value 20 overall.

Now, looking at the performances of each wavelet transforms given the same threshold value, bior 2.2 (Biorthogonal wavelet), sym5 (Symlet) and Coif3 (Coiflet) seem to have produced the less flawless compressed images compare to all the other wavelets.Within the Daubechies wavelets db2 appears to have produced the least flawless compressed image; that agrees with what was discussed above in Daubechies wavelets that db2 is being better in signal compression than db1(Haar). Considering the errors and compression ratios as well as the perception of the image sym5 would be the best choice of wavelets, among the ones that was used for the image compression. So, in this case, sym5 being very close to symmetric wavelet did a better job in image compression. Also, having the extra properties as mentioned under the Coiflets section made Coif3 perform better in image compression. Having biorothogonal property also seem to result in better image compression. On the other hand the orthogonal Daubechies wavelets do not seem to perform better than coiflets, biorthogonal wavelets and symlets.Also, having longer support which is proportional to the order of the wavelet,appears to worsen the performance of the image compression.With the threshold value 10, when a Daubechies wavelet, db1 was used the compression ratio was 34.2627 while db2 resulted in 38.4340. A Coiflet Coif1 resulted in compression ratio of 37.0173 whereas Coif 3 resulted in compression ratio of 26.8321. Biorthogonal wavelets bior1.1 and bior2.2 gave 34.2627 and 30.2723 for the compression ratio respectively. Symlets sym2 and sym5 resulted in compression ratios of 38.4340 and 34.3523 respectively. Now, with higher threshold value, sincemore date is being lost, the compression ratio increases. However, the quality of the image diminishes at the


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same time.Here wavelet decomposition of images was performed the number of times the image can be divided by 2 ie. (floor(log2(min(size of Image)))) times. The averaged image of the previous level is decomposed into the four subimages in each level of wavelet image decomposition.Applying further wavelet decomposition on image in Figure 2 would result in images Figure 3 and Figure 4. Note that the image on the top left most corner get blurrier as it gets “averaged” out and also note the horizontal, vertical and diagonal components of the image. A better example where the horizontal, vertical and diagonal components are more explicitly shown in images Figure 6 and Figure Notice that the horizontal, vertical and diagonal components in the rectangular duster in the picture. 4.3. Conclusion.

Wavelet compression did show remarkable performance especially with smaller threshold value; it was not differentiable in between the original image and the compressed image for some cases.

However, more improvements can still be made. As it is mentioned in [Sko01] there is more room for improvement by adding more stages to the compression such as quantization, entropy encoding, etc. Also, we have not covered all the wavelets that is out there, that it cannot be decided as to which one performs the best image compression.

Mathematical aspects of wavelets play a very significant role in differing the results of engineering applications. I hope to study the mathematical properties of wavelets and their applications in various parts of engineering.





小波分析提供了一种强大的和非常灵活的工具集,来处理在科学和工程方面基本的问题,比如音频消噪、信号压缩、目标探测和指纹压缩、图像去噪、图像增强、图像识别、诊断心脏病和语音识别等等。在这里,我们要集中精力解决应用程序领域的小波图像压缩,以观察如何实现小波变换的应用到一个图像压缩的过程中,如何利用数学方面的小波影响压缩的过程和结果。小波图像压缩的小波进行各种已知与不同的数学性质。我们研究的见解如何实现小波在数学的方式来适应图像压缩的工程模型。 1 介绍





最后,计算机生成的图像以说明我们的想法和我们的算法,并使用生成的图像压缩。 1.1 综述




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1.2 目标

在许多论文和书籍,主题在小波图像处理中所讨论的主要是在一个极端,即在工程方面的方面或小波进行了讨论,在条件操作符没有被明确的提到它是如何被用于其在实际工程中的应用。在本文中,作者补充说到[Sko01],[Use01]和[Vet01]更深入的数学性质,如属性从算子理论、泛函分析等,对小波起主要作用的结果在小波图像压缩编码。我们研究的目的在建立(如果尚未建立或改善之间的连接的数学方面的小波图像处理等方面的应用。同时,我们的论文探讨图像是用计算机程序实现,以及如何进行小波分解的数字化图像的计算机程序而言,在数学方面,希望数学和工程学之间的沟通将会得到改善,从而将带来更大的收益,数学家和工程师。 2 彩色图像小波压缩

整个过程的小波图像压缩是执行如下:一个输入图像被计算机,前锋小波变换进行了数字图像,阈值可以对数字图像,熵编码工作是在图像在必要的地方,因此压缩图像是在电脑上完成。然后使用压缩图像,重建图像小波变换完成,然后逆小波变换进行图像,因此图像重建。在某些情况下,分块算法[Sha93],并且用已知有更好的压缩和分块算法实现了,但它不是。 2.1 提出小波变换.

各种小波变换用于这一步。即Daubechies小波、Coiflets,双正交小波、和Symlets。 这些不同的转换是实现观察各种数学性质,如对称,号码消失的时刻和正交压缩图像的不同结果。优点是它可以保存短支持本地。使用正交小波的Daubechies,所以做Coiflets。 Symlets拥有的特性接近对称。双正交小波的是垂直的,但不是必须正交提供了更多的选项来各种过滤器如对称过滤器从而允许他们拥有对称的财产。

MATLAB有一个叫做wavedec2子例程执行分解的图像为你到给定的期望水平(N)与特定需要小波(wname)。因为有三个组件来处理,应用小波变换componentwise。“wavedec”是一个二维小波分析功能。[C,S]= wavedec2(X,N,的wname”)返回小波分解矩阵的X在级别N,利用小波中指定字符串' wname”将是分解矢量C和correspondingbookkeeping矩阵[MatlabUG]。 这里的图象为X的矩阵。 2.2 阈值

因为这个项目的目的是比较每个图像压缩的性能使用不同的小波、固定阈值被使用。MATLAB里被称作wthrmngr的子程序,已经叫它可计算全局阈值或依赖阈值水平根据选项和方法。可用的选项是全球性的阈值和阈值水平依赖,和全球阈值是程序中使用。然而,一个固定阈值是用给定的条件相同的每个小波变换来比较不同条件下的性能。在这里,固定阈值10,20人被使用。对于无损压缩0作为阈值,原因很明显。 2.3 重建图像




2.4 Coiflets设计

Coiflets设计,以维护一个接近的匹配值之间的趋势和原始信号的值。所有的coiflets,CoifI,我= 6、12、18,24岁,30定义在一个类似的方式,但他们有一些Daubechies小波不同的属性。Coif6转换产生一个更接近的比分subsignals之间趋势和原始信号的价值观匹配的DaubJ转换可以产生。这意味着Coifman小波系统类似于Daubechies小波系统(等级2),都拥有最大数量的消失的时刻,但是消失的时刻是平均分布在这个尺度函数和小波函数。相比之下的案例Daubechies小波、没有公式的Coiflets任意属,没有正式的证明它们的存在为任意属在这个时候。有数值解的方法,用牛顿的工作很好,直到出现舍入错误给问题,约20(roundoff属错误也是一个问题在计算数值超过这个Daubechies缩放向量相同的范围与光谱分解,即使公式并给出一个arevalid存在定理为每一个种类[Res98]。如果我们使用小波Daubechies以同样的方式,一个人不能获得同样的近似结果,除了低阶。 2.5 小波

支撑小函数定义在一个有限的时间间隔和拥有一个平均的值为零。基本的想法的小波变换来表示任意函数f(x)的叠加一组这样的小波或基函数。这些基本功能是获得原型叫做母亲英格尔小波小波ψ(x),通过dilations或缩放和翻译。小波基非常擅长有效地代表函数平滑除了少量的间断。 2.6 双正交小波


当前压缩系统使用双正交小波代替正交小波,尽管事实上它不是能源保护。双正交小波的事实不是能源保护不是一个大问题,因为有线性相位双正交滤波器系数是“接近”被正交[Use01]。的主要优点是双正交小波变换,它允许使用更高级别的过滤器,这类包含对称过滤器。双正交小波变换是有利的,因为它可以使用线性相位滤波器提供对称输出当面对对称输入。这种转变被称为对称小波变换和它解决了问题的扩张和边界断层系数。这里的图像进行小波分解的次数的图像能够除以2 ie。(地板(log2(min(大小的图像))))倍。平均的上一级的图像分解成四个subimages在每个级别的小波图像分解。

进一步对图像进行小波分解应用在图2将会导致图像图3和图4。请注意,上的图片左上角最角落得到模糊“平均”时,还要注意水平、垂直、对角线图像的组件。一个更好的例子,其中的水平、垂直和对角组件更明确地显示在图6和图图像7.注意,水平、垂直和对角组件在矩形掸子图中。 3 图像的数学表示法



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3.1 数字图像表示法


一个图像也许持续对y-coordinates x和,并在振幅。数字化坐标以及振幅会影响这种形象的转换到数字形式。在这里,数字化的坐标值是称为采样;数字化振幅值被称为量化。一个数字图像是由一个有限数目的元素,每个元素都有一个特定的位置和价值。数字图像处理领域是指处理数字图像通过数字计算机。 3.2 MATLAB里读取图片

图像是读进MATLAB环境下使用函数叫做imread。语法如下:imread(文件名)这里,文件名是一个字符串,该字符串包含完整的图像文件的名字包括任何适用的扩展。例如,命令行> > f = imread(lena.jpg);读取JPEG图像莉娜分为图像数组或图像矩阵f。因为有三种颜色组成的形象,即红色,绿色和蓝色分量,图像分为三个不同颜色矩阵fr,fg和fb。 3.3 图像的小波分解。

颜色转换,图像压缩的过程中,应用压缩图像的RGB组件会导致不良的颜色变化。因此,图像转化成它的强度,色调和色彩饱和度组件。颜色转换用于JPEG - 2000标准[Sko01]已经被采用。 4 结果和讨论 4.1 该计划的实施

这个计划执行,使用MATLAB与不同的子程序,使得小波变换、图像压缩和阈值计算信号的小波变换的工具包。 4.2 讨论








现在,考虑在每个小波变换的表演获得相同的阈值,bior 2.2(双正交小波),sym5(Symlet)和Coif3(Coiflet)似乎已经产生了更少的完美的图像压缩的小波相比,所有其他的在小波db2似乎产生了最完美的图像压缩;同意上面讨论什么是在db2 Daubechies小波被更好的信号压缩比db1(哈尔)。考虑到错误和压缩比的感知sym5形象将是最好的选择小波,在那些被用于图像压缩。因此,在这种情况下,sym5非常接近对称小波做了一份更好的工作,在图像压缩。同样,让额外的属性如前所述Coiflets下段由在图像压缩Coif3执行得更好。有biorothogonal属性似乎也导致更好的图像压缩。另一方面正交小波Daubechies似乎并不比coiflets表现更好,symlets双正交小波。而且,有再支持比例为小波的顺序,似乎导致企业绩效的不断恶化的图像压缩。与阈值10,当一个Daubechies小波,压缩比使用db1 34.2627而db2 38.4340了。 一个Coiflet Coif1导致压缩率为37.0173,而发型3导致压缩率为26.8321。 双正交小波bior1.1和bior2.2给了34.2627和30.2723的压缩率分别。 Symlets sym2和sym5导致压缩率分别为38.4340倍和34.3523倍。 现在,用更高的阈值,因为更多的日期被丢失,压缩比的增加而增大。然而,图像的质量的同时减少了。 4.3 结论


