PART 4四级听力综合训练20题 下载本文


M:Six?That's quite a heavy load.Any particular reason?

W:I had to drop my chemistry course last semester when I went into the hospital,so I need to take it again.

M:So you've already learnt a lot of the material.

W:Right.And calculus is a part of the second year requirement.

M:Let's see,Chemistry,Calculus.Oh,I see you'll be in my seminar on the modern American W:Yes,I'm looking forward to it and the romantic poetry seminar,too. M:Two seminars?That is rather a lot.Can you handle the work?

W:I think so.The introductory economics is fairly easy and so is the music course.

M:Well,then I'll be happy to sign the card.However,I insist that you come and see me after the first week of classes so we can make sure this isn't too much for you. W:That's a promise.

8.Which grade is the student in?8.WtticJt grade is the student in?

B)详解:对话中,学生说到:微积分是二年级的一门必修课。表明该学生读二年级,故B正确。四个选项分别表示大学本科一、二、二、四年级学生。本题听音的重点,二是看选项中的原词是否在对话中有所提及,二是看对话中是否有与选项含义相同的其他表达方式。 9.Why has Jenny come to see Dr.TyIer? A)详解:见面时的寒暄一过,学生就说出了自己的目的。我需要您在我这儿的课程卡上签名。A与此一致,为答案。选项均以She wanted开头,表明本题问“她”做某事的目的,可能问对话的主旨。

10.10.What does Dr.Tyler seem to be most concerned about?

D)详解:当学生说她这个学期修了6门功课时,老师说:。六门课?学习负担相当重啊。对话结束时,老师叮嘱\上完第一个星期的课以后,你一定要再来我这里一趟,我们再看看这么多课程会不会让你吃不消。\可见老师担心学生学习负担过重,故D正确。 11.Which course hasn’t Jenny taken?

B)详解:对话中提到,学生所选的6门功课分别是chemistry,calculus,modern American novel,romantic poetry,introductory economics和music。未提及的是选项B,故选择B.四项均是功课名称,听录音笔领对提到的相关内容做好标记。 Conversation Two

W:Hi.How can I help you?

M:Yes,I'd like to return this sweater for a refund.I bought it a week ago. W:Well,first of all,what seems to be the problem?

M:Well,isn't it obvious by just looking at it?The first time I washed and dried it,the thing shrank at least five sizes.It wouldn't even fit a snake.

W:Uh,I see what you mean,but did you follow the washing instructions?I think it says here...yeah...right here on the label to hand wash it and then to dry it on low heat.

M:How was I supposed to know that?The label is written in Chinese!And something else:the color faded from a nice dark blue to a seaweed green.What kind of merchandise are you trying to sell here anyway?

W:Listen,sir.We take a lot of pride in our clothing.What I can do is allow you to exchange the sweater for another one.

M:I don't want to exchange it for anything!I just want my money back!

W:Well,I can give you credit on your next purchase,and since the item you purchased was on

clearance,we can't give you a refund.

M:A clearance item!There wasn't anything on the price tag or on the clothing rack that said anything about that.

W:I guess you didn't read the fine print in our ad.Look.Here's the ad,and the information about the clearance sale is right here at the bottom on the back page.

M:Where?There?What?That small print.You'd need an electronic microscope to see those words. 12.What’s the purpose of the man returning to that store?

A)详解:男士一开头就说。我想退回这件毛衣。refund意为退款,后来男士还说。我不想换购别的东西我就想要回我的钱!可见A正确。为准确解题,须对选项中的关键词加以注意,比如,exchange,instruction,color分别说明选项能涉及的内容,听录音时要一一辨析。 13.What is one reason why the man wants to return the item?


14.What is one reason why the sales clerk can’t help the customer with his request?


15.Why couldn’t the man see the information about the clearance sale? B)详解:对话最后女士说清货信息在印发的广告背面底部,男士反应很激烈,嫌印的字太小,并夸张地说需要电子显微镜才看得到些字,可见他之所以没看到清货信息是因为字印小了,故选B. Section C Passage One

The secret of a long and happy marriage appears to be not to expect too much from it.Far better,US researchers say,to aim low to ensure you are not disappointed.The key to keeping that newlywed glow appears to be forgiveness and communication.The study by researchers from Ohio and Florida Universities looked at 82 couples.They quizzed all the spouses independently over four years.Writing in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,researchers led by James McNulty,professor of psychology at Ohio University,said:\contrast to the idea that expectations in the early years of marriage exert main effects on satisfaction,the current findings suggest that the effects of expectations interact with the skills partners bring to their relationships.\study also found that people tend to select like-minded partners who they believe will be able to maintain a stable relationship.The finding contradicts the old belief that opposites attract.Instead,the US researchers said people looking for long-term relationships should select partners who were similar to themselves,rather than seeking out the highest quality partner available.

16.What is the key to a happy marriage according to the study?


17.How many people are investigated in the study?

D)详解:原文提到,该研究调查了82对夫妇,因此是164人,即D.本题问数字,把听到的容一一做笔记,最后根据问题作答。 18.Which is the belief of the researchers?


年里,期望值对满意度起着主要作用;而目前的研究结果与此相对期望值的影响力与夫妻间相处的技巧密切相关。朴也就是说,夫妻间相处的技巧对婚姻关系很重要,故B正确。C.D尽管措辞不同,但意义一致,属等价选项,可直接排除;A的含义即短文提到的\原先的看法。,不属目前研究的结论。 Passage Two

Do you have a tough math test coming up?Then listen to some classical piano music just before the test.You might end up with a higher score.Researchers at a university in California conducted an experiment.They asked a group of college students to listen to some piano music by a famous 18th century composer before taking a math test.They were surprised to find that the students'scores jumped 8 to 9 points.The music seems to excite nerve activities in the brain similar to the activity that occurs when a person is figuring out a math problem.However,the scientists warn that before you get too excited about applying this method to your math test,you should remember that brain-exciting effects last only 10 to 15 minutes.Would rock music work as well as the piano music did?No,the scientists say.In fact,the less complex music might even interfere with the brain's reasoning ability. 19.What is this passage mainly about?


20.Why can classical music play a positive role in problem solving?

C)详解:题目询问为什么古典音乐能够在解决问题的过程中起到积极作用。关键是要听到\古典)音乐似乎刺激大脑里的神经活动。。故选C.符合短文听力。听到什么选什么。的原则。 21.What is one of the findings of the research?

A)详解:题目询问研究的发现之一是什么。关键是要听到。你应该记住,刺激大脑的效果只能持续10-15分钟。故A正确而D错误。B中的Piano music应改成The less complex music,C未提及。 Passage Three

\them in any one direction because there is no campus.The university consists of 31 self-governing colleges.It has lecture halls,libraries,laboratories,museums and offices throughout the city.Individual colleges choose their own students,who have to meet the minimum entrance requirements set by the university.Undergraduates usually live and study in their colleges,where they are taught in very small groups.Lectures and laboratory and practical work are organized by the university and held in university buildings.There are over 10,000 undergraduates and 3,500 postgraduates.About 40 percent of them are women and some 8 percent from overseas.As well as teaching,research is of major importance.Since the beginning of the 20th century,more than 60 university members have won Nobel Prizes.The university has a huge number of buildings for teaching and research.It has more than 60 specialized subject libraries,as well as the University Library,which,as a copyright library,is entitled to a copy of every book published in Britain.Examinations are set and degrees are awarded by the university.It allowed women to take the university exams in 1881,but it was not until 1948 that they were awarded degrees. 22.Why is it difficult for visitors to locate Cambridge University?



23.What does the passage tell us about the colleges of Cambridge University?

B)详解:题目询问文章讲述了剑桥大学学院的什么情况。关健是要听到“毎个学院自主选择学生”,B中的select对应文中的choose,故B正确。A.C.D提及的内容都是由Cambridge University而不是其下属的colleges执行的,因此均不正确。

24.What can be learned from the passage about the libraries in Cambridge University?

B)详解:题目询问根据文章内容,我们可以了解到剑桥大学图书馆的什么情况。关键是要听到。’大学拥有60多个专业科目图书馆’即B.选项A.C的内容文中均未提及;文中说University Library拥有英国出版的每本书,而不是题目所指的剑桥大学里所有的图书馆,故D不正确。 25.What does the passage say about women students in Cambridge University?

B)详解:题目询问文章讲述了剑桥大学女学生的什么情况。关键是要听到文章最后一向\年,这所大学允许女生参加考试,但是直到1948年才授予女生学位’’即B.选项A的内容文中未提及文中说女生大约占学生总数的4096,故C错误;1881年并没授予女生学位,也就是说时学校对待她们与对待男生还是不同,故D不正确。 Model Test 2 Section A

Directions:In this section,you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

1.A)Guests can pay without going to the front desk.C)Guests can check out any time. B)Guests can go direct to their rooms.D)Guests can make room reservations. 2.A)2.B)3.C)100.D)150.

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. 3.A)He will be sent back even if he is unfit to stand trial. B)He will remain in South Africa for medical treatment. C)He will stand trial in South Africa once proved fit D)He will return to the U.K for medical treatment.

4.A)Killing Ms wife in the U.K.C)Hiring a crew of criminals. B)Being involved in a taxi accident.D)Having his wife killed. Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 5.A)The school stopped providing school lunch. B)Their parents preferred fruit and milk for lunch. C)Their parents failed to pay for school lunch. D)They chose to have something different. 6.A)They were satisfied.C)They were angry. B)They were surprised.D)They were sad.

7.A)This week.B)On Tuesday.C)On Monday.D)Unknown. Section B

Directions:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices