福建省霞浦第一中学2018-2019学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含答案 下载本文

C. even if we can see well D. only when we realize how important our eyes are 26. The underlined word blurry in the second paragraph probably means_____. A. untrue B. uncertain C. unimportant D. unclear 27. Having two eyes instead of one is particularly useful for_______. A. seeing at night B. seeing objects far away C. looking over a wide area D. judging distances


A French company has produced a new type of camera that recognizes faces and tells people if a stranger has entered their home.

Many homes now have security cameras (监控摄像机) that tell owners if someone has entered. But the cameras do not know if the person is a family member, friend, or a criminal. They don’t know the difference, so they will warn you all the time.

But a new camera made by a company named Netatmo has facial recognition software (识别软件) that can tell parents at work that their children have returned from school, or that a parcel has been sent to their home. It can also tell them if a stranger has entered their home.

When family members enter a home, the smart camera “recognizes” them and sends information to the owner’s smartphone. The owner can choose to see the video then or later. But if an unknown person enters a home, the camera will send the owner a warning that will cause an alarm to sound on the owner’s smartphone.

That is what happened recently to a smart home camera owner, Damien, who lives in Paris. “On a Friday, I was at work when my phone shook and the message on my phone was telling me that there was a movement in my flat and also a face that the camera did not recognize.”

Damien watched the video and was very surprised by what he saw. “I saw a person I did not know with his shoes on, which is totally forbidden in my flat. So I felt frozen. I asked a colleague (同事) to take me back home as fast as possible and I called the police on the way.”

Damien showed the video to the police. And the criminal(罪犯) was found later that day.

28. What’s the disadvantage of the present cameras?


A. They can’t warn of any dangers. B. They can’t recognize strangers. C. They keep on bothering you. D. They provide unclear videos.

29. When a stranger enters a house, the new camera will .

A. protect the children B. warn the stranger directly

C. send information to the police D. make its owner’s smartphone sound

30. What happened to Damien while he was at work?

A. His smartphone kept sounding. B. His smartphone failed to work. C. His house was broken into. D. A friend entered his home.

31. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Strangers will never enter your home B. Technology brings convenience to you

C. Smart home cameras recognize faces D. Smart home cameras protect your children


If you ask people to name the one person who had the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like“Shakespeare”“Samuel Johnson” and“Webster”, but none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man who didn’t even speak English ——William the Conqueror.

Before 1066, in the land we now call Great Britain lived people belonging to two major language groups. In the west-central region in the Welsh, who spoke a Celtic language, and in the north lived the Scots, whose language, thought not the same as Welsh, was also Celtic. In the rest of the country lived the Saxons, actually a mixture of Anglos, Saxons, and other Germanic and Nordic peoples, who spoke what we now call Anglo-Saxon (or Old English), a Germanic language. If this state of affairs had lasted, English today would be close to German.

But this state of affairs did not last. In 1066 the Normans led by William defeated the Saxons and began their rule over England. For about a century, French became the official language of England while Old English became the language of peasant. As a result, English words of politics and the law come from French rather than German. In


some cases, modern English even shows a distinction(区别)between upper-class French and lower-class Anglo-Saxon in its words. We even have different words for some foods, meat in particular, depending on whether it is still out in the fields or at home ready to be cooked, which shows the fact that the Saxon peasants were doing farming, while the upper-class Normans were doing most of the eating.

When Americans visit Europe for the first time, they usually find Germany more “foreign” than France because the German they see on signs and advertisements seems much more different from English than French does. Few realize that the English language is actually Germanic in its beginning and that the French influences are all the result of one man’s ambition.

32. The two major languages spoken in what is now called Great Britain before 1066 were __________.

A. Welsh and Scottish B. Nordic and Germanic C. Celtic and Old English D. Anglo-Saxon and Germanic 33. Which of the following groups of words are, by inference, rooted in French?

A. president, lawyer, beef B. president, bread, water C. beard, field, sheep D. folk, field, cow

34. Why does France appear less foreign than Germany to Americans on their first visit to Europe?

A. Most advertisements in France appear in English. B. They know little of the history of the English language. C. Many French words are similar to English ones. D. They know French better than German. 35. What is the subject discussed in the text?

A. The history of Great Britain.

B. The similarity between English and French. C. The rule of England by William Conqueror. D. The French influences on the English language.


第二节 根据短文内容,从短文中的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为 多余项。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

How to make friends at a new school

Starting with a new school can be difficult. Everything seems to be different, and you don't even know where to go for your own classes. 36 However, if you use these skills, you can quickly turn some of those strangers into friends. ●Be yourself.

37 If some people don't accept you, they're not the kind of friends you need. People often stay together because they have similar interests. For example, someone who does a lot of sport may make friends with those who also run or swim a lot. ●___ 38 Remember to be nice to the people you meet at your new school. If you think that you will say something that may make them feel sad, do not say anything and just nod your head if they talk to you. Also, remember to be as helpful as possible! ●Believe in yourself.

A smile goes a long way. When you walk in the halls, don't keep your eyes on the floor. Raise your head and make eye contact (目光接触) with other people. 39 Introduce yourself. Tell them your name and where you're from. ●Remember people’s names.

You like it when people use your name, and so do other people. 40 Besides, ask them in a kind way if they have a nickname (昵称). You'd be surprised how often this might come in handy.

A. Be friendly to others.

B. Making new friends can be hard, too. C. Join after-school activities you like. D. Never change who you are.

E. If you see someone you know, smile or say “Hi”.

F. People may become angry if you just begin by saying “Hey” each time. G. Don't sit at the back of the classroom where other people don't notice you!