2019年吉林省名校联考高考英语一模试卷 下载本文

ones. We thought it was better to have five people in the school (5) C just him if a passerby looked in the window. He started teaching us(6) B and forms. We found that some of them actually were(7) C to ballet moves but much more difficult. It was kind of fun but (8) A , too! We were attracted by then, so we (9) D as learners. (10) A , we got actual students in our school. There were many men and teenage boys, and we (11) D lots of other girls and women as well. One special student was a(12) C sevenyear﹣old girl. She was going(13) A and had other health problems. With my daughters' help and (14) B , this little girl got to be a real kung fu kid. Although she is now a sightless, grown adult, I'm confident she can (15) A herself if she needs to.

I am (16) B to say my daughters are more confident in every area of their lives. This experience taught me to (17) C things I never would have (18) D before kung fu. I haven't been (19) B in all of my efforts, but I'll give almost (20) D of niceness a try! (1)A.bored (2)A.cheerfully (3)A.act (4)A.families (5)A.more than (6)A.speeches (7)A.useful (8)A.challenging (9)A.got together (10)A.Eventually (11)A.discovered (12)A.traditional (13)A.blind (14)A.threat

B.upset B.aggressively B.joke B.workmates B.in place of B.moves B.accessible B.astonishing B.signed up B.Unfortunately B.joined B.homeless B.deaf


C.nervous C.alone C.appear C.consultants C.rather than C.manners C.similar C.relaxing C.broke away C.Obviously C.united C.disabled C.lame C.adjustment

D.moved D.forever D.learn D.students D.in case of D.designs D.comparable D.inspiring D.stayed on D.Regularly D.attracted D.typical D.stupid D.approval


(15)A.protect (16)A.stubborn (17)A.apply to (18)A.appreciated (19)A.helpful (20)A.some

B.recognize B.proud B.give up B.predicted B.successful B.either

C.feed C.sensitive C.try out C.ignored C.cheerful C.none

D.educate D.tentative D.hold back D.considered D.enthusiastic D.any



【解答】1﹣5 BCADC 6﹣10 BCADA 11﹣15 DCABA 16﹣20 BCDBD 1.B.考查形容词及语境理解.我丈 夫的中国功夫学校开学大约一周后,我和女儿们决定去看看情况如何.看到学校里一个学 生也没有,我们深感不安.故答案为B. 2.C.考查副词及语境理解.根据前文中there wasn't a single student in the school\可知我丈夫独自站在学校里等顾客.故答案为C.

3.A.考查动词及语境理解.根据下文We decided to be his可知,我们必须行动起来!故答案为A.

4.D.考查名词及语境理解.根据后文中\got some 'real' ones\和so we stayed on as learners\可知.我们决定做他的学生,直到他有了一些\真正的\学生.故答案为D. 5.C.考查固定搭配及语境理解.A.more than 多于;B.in place of 取代;C.rather than而不是; D.in case of 以防;我们认为 ,如果有一个过路人朝窗户里看.学校里有五个人总比只有他自己一人要好.故答案为C.

6.B.考查名词及语境理解.根据 后文中\可知,他开始教我们动作和招式.故答案为B.

7.C.考查形容词及语境理解.我们发现 其中一些动作实际上与芭蕾舞动作相似,但难度要大得多.故答案为C.


9. D.考查固定搭配及语境理解.A.got together聚集; B.signed up 签名;C.broke away脱离; D.stayed on 待在;根据前文We were attracted by then可知,我们被吸引



10.A.考查副词及语境理解.根据下文we got actual students in our school可知,最终 ,我们学校有了真正的学生.故答案为A.


12. C.考查形容词及语境理解.根据后 文中\, grown adult\可知,有一﹣个特殊的学生,是一个残疾的七岁女孩.故答案为C.

13.A.考查形容词及语境理解.根据 后文中\, grown adult\可知,她不仅双目失明.而且还有其 他健康问题.故答案为A.




17.C.考查动词短语及语境理解.A.apply to申请; B.give up放弃; C.try out 试验;D.hold back 抑制;这段经历让我学会 了去尝试一些在学习功夫之前从未考虑要去学的东西.故答案为C.

18.D.考查动词及语境理解.根据I never would have (18)before kung fu可知,在学习功夫之前从未考虑要去学的东西,故答案为D.

19.B.考查形容词及语境理解.根据I haven't been (19)in all of my efforts可知我所有的努力并没有都成功.这里是部分否定结构.故答案为B.

20. D.考查代词及语境理解.根据but I'll give almost (20)of niceness a try!可知, 但我会尝试几乎任何美好的事物!故答案为D.



第二节阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式. 17.

The Truth about Whisky

Whisky is probably (1) the most famous product of Scotland. Whisky making provides work (2) for several thousand people in the Scottish Highlands and islands, and whisky is Scotland's biggest goods (3) sold (sell) to every corner of the world. The qualities of whisky come from the water which (4) is used (use) to make it the rich \(多泥炭的)water of Scotland. When whisky is first made, it is(5) actually (actual) clear,

not brown in colour. The colour comes from the wooden (6) containers (container) in which the whisky is stored for several years to allow it (7) to mature (mature) from a little added sugar.

For many years, whisky has been one of the most popular drinks all over the world, and Scotland(8) has produced (produce) more and more of it so far. But whisky sales have not increased as fast, so there are now large reserves of whisky in Scotland, especially the better and (9) more (much) expensive whisky. So a lot of the whisky sold today was made several years ago when people thought that whisky would get more and more popular. That is (10) why , today, a lot of the whisky in the shops is marked with \, or even \. 【考点】N6:语法填空.

【分析】文章讲述了苏格兰著名的威士忌酒的酿造销售等等. 【解答】1.the.考查冠词,后面是最高级,故填the.

2.for.考查介词,provide sth for sb:为某人提供某物,故填for.

3.sold.考查非谓语,sell与goods是动宾关系,故填过去分词做后置定语,故填sold. 4.is used.考查被动,主语是water,被用来制作,一般现在时,故填is used. 5.actually.考查副词,副词修饰形容词clear,故填actually. 6.containers.考查名词,木制容器,不止一个,故填containers.

7.to mature.考查不定式,allow sb to do sth:允许某人做某事,故填to mature. 8.has produced.考查时态,主语是单数名词,根据so far,可知填现在完成时has produced. 9.more.考查比较级,根据better可知后面也是比较级,故填more.
