山东省枣庄市2019-2020学年高三上学期期末英语试题(教师版) 下载本文

主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是第一段Michele Gentile, an Italian bookseller, is offering free books to children in exchange for plastic bottles to recycle. (一位名叫Michele Gentile的书商正在为孩子们提供可回收的塑料瓶可以换得的免费书籍)可知,本文主要讲述Michele Gentile让孩子通过可回收利用的塑料瓶来换免费书籍的故事。B. Recycling Can Get Kids Free Books. (可循环的罐子让孩子得到免费书籍)可以作为本文标题。故选B项。


There are around 600,000 vegans (素食者) in the UK. That' s just over 1% of the population — an amount expected to increase to 25% by 2025. And if there's one type of food that Brits love, it is fast food. People in the UK love it so much that there was a 34% increase in the number of fast food outlets from 2010 to 2018. It's no surprise, then, that vegan fast food is also on the rise.

Vegan fast food has become big business. At Just Eat, an online food delivery company, vegan orders more than doubled in 2018. Greggs, a chain of high-street bakeries, named its vegan sausage roll the ''fastest - selling product in six years\KFC have announced meat-free chicken nuggets (鸡块) to come in the future.

What's. driving this popularity? Katrina Fox, founder of Vegan Business Media, believes it's the result of the breaking down of stereotypes (成见). ''Vegan food is no longer seen as a bit of lettuce and lentils — you can eat pretty much anything\

It's also claimed that there are health benefits. John Marulanda, owner of Mooshies is a vegan burger bar in London — wants to implement “a change to a healthy version of fast food. Something, he claims, that comes as a result of the inherent nutritional value of the ingredients they use.

But, is vegan fast food actually healthy? Azmina Govindji of the British Dietetic Association says ''not to assume\that is the case, ''It' s fine if those products have got vitamin B12, iodine or calcium added to them. but they can still be fried, it can still have lots of creamy, fatty sauces and lots of salt.

Given the current growth in orders, the trend for vegan fast food isn't likely to disappear any time soon, Health — wise, it may not be any more nourishing than regular fast food, but for many, the lack of animal suffering involved in the process is a big plus. 8. What's the main idea of Paragraph 1?

A. Vegans in the UK are increasing. B. British people love junk food.

C. Eating too much fast food is bad for health. D. Vegan fast food is becoming popular in Britain.

9. Which might be the reason for the popularity of vegan fast food? A. Its unique flavors. C. Its health benefits.

B. The change of life pace. D. Its colorful decorations.

10. What is Azmina Govindji's opinion about vegan fast food? A. It is not so healthy. C. It is more nutritious.

B. It is more varied. D. It will soon disappear.

11. Why do many people tend to vegan fast food according to the last sentence? A. To keep a balanced diet. C. Out of the love for animals. 【答案】8. D 9. C 10. A 11. C 【解析】

这是一篇说明文。素食快餐在英国越来越受欢迎,文章陈述了它受欢迎的潜在原因。于此同时,也有人认为素食快餐并没有那么健康,可能人们选择素食快餐是出于对动物的爱。 【8题详解】

主旨大意题。根据本段的主要内容,尤其是最后一句It's no surprise , then, that vegan fast food is also on the rise. (毫无以外,素食快餐也在增加)可知,本段主要讲述随着快餐在英国的增加,素食快餐也在增加,即素食快餐在英国变得越来越受欢迎。D. Vegan fast food is becoming popular in Britain. (素食快餐正在变的受欢迎)可以概括本段主要内容。故选D项。 9题详解】

细节理解题。根据文章第四段的It's also claimed that there are health benefits. (它还声称对健康有益)可知,素食快餐流行的原因之一是对健康有好处。C. Its health benefits. (它对健康的好处)符合以上说法。故选C项。 【10题详解】

推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段的Azmina Govindji of the British Dietetic Association says \to assume\that is the case, \fine if those products have got vitamin B12, iodine or calcium

B. For religious reasons.

D. It's cheaper than regular food.

added to them.. but they can still be fried, it can still have lots of creamy, fatty sauces and lots of salt. (英国饮食协会的Azmina Govindji说,“不要假设”是这样的情况,“如果这些产品含有维生素B12就好了,加入碘或钙。但是它们仍然是油炸,仍然有许多奶油、脂肪和很多盐。”)可推测,Azmina Govindji认为素食快餐并没有那么健康,因为它们仍然用来油炸,含有大量脂肪和盐。A. It is not so healthy. (它没有那么健康)符合以上推测。故选A项。 【11题详解】

推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的Health - wise, it may not be any more nourishing than regular fast food, but for many, the lack of animal suffering involved in the process is a big plus.(在健康方面,它可能不会比普通快餐更营养,但对于很多人来说,在整个过程中没有动物受苦是一大好处)可知,很多人选择素食快餐是因为没有动物的痛苦在里面,故推测他们是出于对动物的爱而选择素食快餐的。C. Out of the love for animals. (出于对动物的爱)符合以上推测。故选C项。


For decades, doctors have warned patients that too much salt can be bad for the heart. Heat attack has long been considered a grown-up problem, but a new research suggests that salt is starting to affect children. Eating too much salty food when you're young can lead to health problems later.

Salt is made up of two elements: sodium and chlorine. Dietary guidelines recommend that adults and kids aged 9 — 13 shouldn't consume more than about a teaspoon of salt daily. The average American eats twice this amount. This worries doctors because too much sodium results in the body producing more blood. To pump the extra blood, the heart has to work harder. This causes a rise in blood pressure a measurement of how stressed the heart is. High blood pressure often leads to heart disease.

A kid with high blood pressure is more likely to become a grown-up with high blood pressure. Reducing salt might also help stop childhood obesity (肥胖). British researchers recently found that kids who eat less salt also drink fewer sugary soft drinks. Drinking fewer fizzy drinks makes kids less likely to gain weight, become obese and develop high blood pressure.

Salt can affect more than just your heart and weight. A recent study found that a growing number of kids in the US are suffering from kidney stones. This painful condition usually affects people aged over 40. Now, kids as young as five are getting it.

Cutting down on salt can be hard, but you can retrain yourself to prefer less salty food. The best way to reduce the amount of sodium you eat is to make changes gradually. Start by adding half as much salt to your dinner as you normally do. Switch to fresh foods instead of canned and bottled versions. And go easy on the condiments (调味品). You might also want to start reading nutrition labels. You may be surprised to learn that there are 1,150 mg of sodium in a double cheeseburger, and over 2 ,000 mg in many frozen meals. 12. What is the author's major concern? A. Children eat too much salty food. C. Americans consume too much salt.

B. Many adults suffer from heart attack. D. Heart attack is now a youth problem.

13. What does the author refer to as the cause of childhood obesity? A. Eating more salty food.

C. Drinking many sugary soft drinks.

B. Lack of physical exercise.

D. Eating the same food as the adults.

14. What is another disease tending to be younger according to Paragraph 4? A. Obesity. C. Blood disease.

15. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about? A. The laws of health. C. Healthy diet.

【答案】12. A 13. C 14. B 15. B 【解析】

这是一篇说明文。文章主要陈述了盐对心脏有影响的原因,以及人们在日常生活中保持低盐的生活方式。 【12题详解】

细节理解题。根据文章第一段的Heat attack has long been considered a grown-up problem, but a new research suggests that salt is starting to affect children. Eating too much salty food when you're young can lead to health problems later. (长期以来,心脏病被认为是成年人的问题,但一项新的研究表明,盐开始影响儿童。年轻时吃太多咸的食物会导致以后的健康问题)和文章第三段的A kid with high blood pressure is more likely to become a grown-up with high blood pressure. (一个有高血压的孩子更有可能成为一个有高血压的成年人)可知,文章作者特别担心孩子食用过咸的食物导致心脏病和高血压。A. Children eat too much salty food. (孩子吃太多咸的食物)符合以上说法,。故选A项。

B. How to cut down on salt. D. The amount of salt we need. B. Kidney stone. D. Heart attack.