K12推荐学习八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my p arty单元同 下载本文


Unit 9 Can you come to my party?


School Class Name Date 一、本课学习目标 1.能力目标


(2)明确邀请函的写作要求,向相关人士发出邀请,同时完成相应写作任务。 2.情感目标

(1)学会组织协调,积极参与活动策划; (2)能积极参与合作学习,学会分享互助。 二、语料箱


动词词块:prepare for..., hang out, invite...to..., accept the invitation, look after, turn down, look forward to, hear from, make an invitation, have a surprise party, reply in writing

名词词块:English Speaking Competition, English Singing Competition, another time, the day after tomorrow, the opening of


1. She has to prepare for an exam. 2. Thank you for your invitation.

3. Are you free to come to my place on Saturday? 4. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. 5. The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday. ▲名言、谚语、警句:

1. Take things as they come. 既来之,则安之。 2. Time is money. 时间就是金钱.



3. You will never know what you can till you try. 没有尝试,你永远无法知道自己能做什么。 三、写作前任务

1. Reading for writing: Read the invitation and answer the questions. (1) Who is making the invitation?

____________________________________________________________________ (2) What is the invitation for?

____________________________________________________________________ (3) When will the event happen?

____________________________________________________________________ (4) What will happen after this?

____________________________________________________________________ (5) Do parents have to bring anything?

____________________________________________________________________ (6) How should people reply to this invitation?

____________________________________________________________________ 2. 写作策略学习

人称:________________ 时态:_____________ 体裁:_______________ 称呼:_____________ 正文:

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 署名:______________





event time place English Culture Festival 8 am-5 pm, Tuesday, January 5th No. 1 High School 1. English dramas, English Singing Competition, activities English Movie Poster Show... 2. free lunch at the school dining hall at 12:00 the date to reply the way to reply E-mail: hellosmith@hotmail. com 要求:1. 内容完整,语句连贯,语法准确;2. 词数70个左右。

Friday, December 25th 五、写作后任务 1. Self-check

Check and correct your writing according to the form below.



1. Is there a topic sentence and an ending? 2. Did you use the right tense? 3. Are there any spelling or grammatical mistakes? 4. Is your handwriting good? 2. Peer-evaluation 项目 结构(3分) 衔接自然 ( 1分) 要点全面(6分) 内容(8分) 拓展合理 ( 2分) 词汇丰富 (1 分) 语言(3分) 句法正确 ,语言优美( 2分) 卷面(1分) 书写工整( 1分) 标准 段落合理 (2 分) 自我评价 同伴评价 教师评价 六、总结反思 When we make an invitation in writing, we must be sure we know the following writing skills very well. Now ask yourself the following questions. 1、要点是否齐全?

2、是否注意了人称、时态、体裁? 3、是否用到了连接词? 4、是否用到好词、好句? 5、书写是否规范、漂亮? 七、作业

1. Rewrite a better composition.



2. Exchange and enjoy your group members’ compositions.
