中学语文课外阅读的现状与反思[1].正文 下载本文

people can not \book. Because the extra-curricular reading has its own characteristics - focus for the amount of goals for the general understanding, as honey bees, like wine , picking flowers 10000. Therefore, students learn to read, it is necessary to use, skim and speed-reading method. Only in this way can stroll in the vast book after another to capture spray; to unlimited travel in the beautiful mountains of the book, to explore every path. Of course, sometimes also need to read, reading and slow reading, also need attention and meticulous reading of a few times, even dozens of times to get \meaning from the see\

Secondly, the students habits. Einstein said: \to be good at thinking, thinking, thinking again, I rely on the learning method is to become scientists.\is the core of science mind to think about the process of learning is to absorb , the process of sublimation. Therefore, I pay attention to the students reading habits. First, there are destinations to choose to read, and the other is to identify, and the third is the history of dialectical materialism screening. This is not \

Third, students \to develop a \content and diversity. Students can read the chapter on punctuate endorsement Hyun Abstract hook, you can extract well-known lines, you can write by the Book, book reviews and so on. In order to accumulate its own treasure trove of material to build their own halls of knowledge. On the other hand make sure that you remember to ground, the knowledge of the Abstract often perceived, understood, with a view to the accumulation of use.

Finally, students \to consolidate knowledge, to cultivate the thinking, it is important to provide students with a writing sample. Text of a quality of reading materials and the United States is learning to use language to practice writing the paradigm of writing and other language activities with good guidance and a source of inspiration. Therefore, to encourage and guide students to be good at reading lessons to the thinking, culture, knowledge and writing methods, consciously apply in writing and speaking, and will be reading, writing and Mei-Cai things are combined to achieve a win-win situation.

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Third, timely summary of the typical set

After a period of students in extra-curricular reading, will have unexpected gains. At this time, I will sum up to give a timely manner. Reading First, a forum was held to enable students to exchange ideas and experience on methods of reading. Second, statistics, evaluation, exhibitions, a typical set. To know the power of example is endless. Most of today's students have the beauty, love the performance of the psychological, I will give them to build a platform for self-display, its usually hard to read the results - read the notes out in order to be sure we learn from, and even praise. This will undoubtedly add much extra-curricular student motivation and interest in reading.

Lessons in Curriculum,Instruction,Assessment and Professional Development 1997 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. ——The Cognition and Technology Group of Jasper

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附录二 中文译文



一、 制订计划,加强管理

搞好课外阅读首先要制订周详而切实的计划。所以,每个新学期伊始,我就根据本册语文教材的“目录”,确定配合讲读教学的课外阅读的大致内容,再结合学校给高一、高二年级每周开设的一次阅读课安排情况,制订好本学期学生课外阅读的计划。它包括阅读的内容、目标、要求、统计评比等。这样,就可以有步骤、有计划地适时指导相关的课外阅读。同时,还要加强这方面的组织管理,包括学生阅读量的统计、阅读笔记的抽阅或展览评比,以及以读促写的作文竞赛等等。这才能保证学生课文阅读的有效进行。 二、 注重指导,探索方法


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