1、提醒买方我方货物已备妥待运或交货期已临近,但尚未收到相关信用证。 e.g. In regard to 25000 yards of cotton prints under the Sales Confirmation No.789, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching, but up to now we have not received your relative letter of credit. 2.、向对方说明需要及时开立信用证的原因或重要性
e.g. We wish to remind you that it was agreed when placing the order, that you would establish the required L/C upon receipt of our Confirmation. 3、请对方尽快开证
e.g. As the goods have been ready for shipment for quite some time, it behooves you to take immediate action, particularly since we cannot think of any valid reason for further delaying the opening of the credit.
改证或信用证展期信函写作步骤: 1、告诉对方已收到信用证
e.g. We wish to acknowledge receipt of the L/C No.3450 for the amount of USD 5000 covering your Order No. 987.
2、指出信用证与合同不符而需要修改的地方(说明需要展期的原因) e.g. We find that the following two points do not confirm to the contract.
In connection with shipment, we are very sorry to advise that the goods cannot be ready before the end of May, because of delay of manufactures. 3、希望对方给予合作
e.g. We are confident that you will give us cooperation by extending the shipment date to June 10, and the negotiation validity to June 25, 2005 respectively. 翻译下列信函 催证例函: 尊敬的先生:
我方已订购2000件防水雨衣,已经通过日本银行东京分行安排开具以你方为受益人的信用证。信用证有效期至7月31日并且将由伦敦银行向你方保兑。请见票后60日付款。该批货将由Cathay 号轮船于7月24日由伦敦装船发运。 装货的纸箱应标明SM。信用证额度已定,足够支付发票金额,各种费用,包括去东京的保险费。 请在装货时通知我方 选做:(回信由学生编写)
展期信函实例 (卖方要求买方展期信用证) Dear Sirs.
Re: Letter of Credit No. AG8432
We have received your Letter of Credit No. AG8432 for the amount of USD2960 to cover your Order No.806 for 20 metric tons of mineral fertilizer. (矿物化肥)
The said credit calls for shipment on or before the 31st of December. As the earliest steamer sailing for your port is the S.S. Peace schedule to leave Shanghai on
or about the 3rd of January, it is , therefore, impossible for us to effect shipment at the time you named.
This being the case, we have to ask you to be so kind as to extend the date of shipment to the 15th of January, under cable advice to us. We understand that cable amendment is costly, but this is a matter over which we can exercise no control. (该信件回信由学生依据情境编写)
教师点评(1学时) 六、实训考核方法与标准
实训项目九:装运及保险信函的写作 一、实训目的
保险与外贸业务紧密相连。国际贸易中的货物往往需要从出口国运至进口国,在长途运输中,包装卸货和存储都可能会遇到难以预料的风险,导致货物发生损失。为了消除贸易商对运输风险的后顾之忧,进口商或出口商在货物装运前向保险公司为货物投保,以转嫁和规避这种风险或损失。 本章让学生熟悉信函写作的基本术语,基本步骤。 二、实训时间: 6学时
三、实训场地(设备):教室、语音室 四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习 五、实训内容与步骤: 实训1:听译下列句子
教师念句子,学生听写并翻译。每句2遍 1. We can guarantee to ship the goods before May 1.
2. If you can modify the quotation of the carpet, we shall be able to place substantial orders with you.
3. We hope that goods can be shipped in two equal monthly installments of 30,000 sets each.
4. We regret being unable to advance the shipment to early August.
5. We advise you that there are no direct steamers sailing for your port in September, so the goods must be transshipped at Hong Kong.
6. What is the earliest possible date you can ship the goods?
7. The earliest delivery we can guarantee now is in March, but we can assure you that we will do our best to advance the shipment if possible.
8. To meet your urgent demand, we hope that partial shipments are allowed. 9. You should bear all the costs of transportation of the goods.
10. For all products, we have minimum quality requirements that must be met 实训2:Translate the following letter into English: 敬启者:
一.实训目的:在合同执行过程中,签约双方应该严格履行合同义务。任何一方如果不能履约就会给另一方带来麻烦,有时还会使另一方遭受损失。一旦发生这种情况,受损方有权根据合同规定要求责任方赔偿或采取补救措施 二、实训时间: 6学时
三、实训场地(设备):语音室、多媒体教室 四、实训方法: 教师指导学生进行练习 五、实训内容与步骤:
实训1:听录音或看视频,写下争议产生的原因,根据信息,写一封申诉信。 实训2: 根据情境写一封索赔信。 试训3:根据前两个事件,写一封理赔信。 六、实训考核方法与标准
3.学生必须认真学习教科书,查阅参考资料,在教师的指导下按要求完成实训任务;学生每天按上课时间进行实训,不迟到、不早退、不准中途溜出,学习委员负责考勤登记,并及时将考勤情况报指导老师;学生在实训过程中应勤于思考,刻苦钻研,把理论与实践结合起来,提高对理论知识的理解,增强动手能力。 4.学生每天按要求完成老师布置的实训计划,并在每天实训结束前将实训结果上交教师,由老师进行评分。
5.学生根据每天的实训计划和实训目的,最后写出实训报告上交,实训报告作为成绩评定的依据之一,必须如实书写实训报告,不得抄写和伪造有关数据。 6.实训单列成绩,成绩根据有关的评分标准进行评定,其中学生迟到一次扣2分,早退一次扣2分,旷课一节扣5分,违反纪律(如玩游戏等)扣2分,如学生出勤率达不到实训总课时的三分之二,该学生的实训成绩计0分。 7.学生当堂完成作业,老师当场给分。学生将作业写在实训报告书上,并发一份电子稿给实训老师以便存档。
七、实习指导老师 李淼焱,63194574