2016年河南专升本英语真题.pdf 下载本文


1--5.ABAAB 6--10.ACACB 11--15.BACBD 21--25.BCDDB 3I--35.DDBBA 完形真空

41-45:AAADC 46-50:BADCD 51-55:CBBCA 56-60:DCCBD 阅读理解

61-65:ABADB 66-70:CDCBC 71-75:BABDD 76-80 CBDAB 翻译

81.As long as it is fine tomorrow, we will go swimming. 82.With so many people to care about her, she feels very happy. 83.The new library is three times as large as the old one. 84.The photo reminds me of the happy time I spent in Shanghai.

85.A lot of houses were seriously damaged in the earthquake, so that thousands of people were left homeless. 86. 专业护发产品销量的增加表明消费者既重视护肤,也重视护发。

87.妇女在吸烟的家庭环境中生活40年或更长时间,她们患肺癌的风险就会加倍 88. 尽管互联网技术现在已经很先进,但在一些发展中国家还远远没有普及到一般家庭 89. 若不是我们,你们的新产品销路不会这么好

90. 这些规章制度可以保证你在使用信用卡进行网上或者电话购物时更安全 改错答案

91.B--mine92.C--go out93.A--the girls?94.B--a person95.D-- doesn?t

96.C--on97.D--before long98.C--teaching99.B--any other student100.A--hundred 作文答案

The Attitude towards Crisis

When it comes to the attitude towards crisis, most people will show their great concern and interest, it has a great influence on our society and life.

What does crisis mean? Everyone has his own understanding in mind. My points are as following. First of all, it is obvious that crisis can bring us a lot of trouble, which may make us lose the confidence in life. What's more, there is no denying that crisis can increase our courage if we face it bravely. In the end, it goes without saying that

16--20. ABABA 26--30.DDAAC 36--40.B BDAB

crisis can improve our ability if we learn to handle it successfully.

This is my understanding of crisis. Of course, it can't be the only answer. All our views should be based on right attitude and position. Only in this way can our society benefit from it and our life become much more beautiful because of it.