2011年高考必考80个重要句型精讲[共28页] 下载本文

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置的人都会这样做的。 句型33

(从句)If + were/did(动词过去式)/were to do/should do,(主句)主语+ would/might/should/could + do(表示对将来的假设) [例句]

If he should refuse (= If he were to refuse=If he refused), it didn’t matter at all. 万一他拒绝了,那也没关系。

If you shouldn’t pass the college entrance examination, what would you do? 万一高考不中,你该怎么办? 句型34虚拟语气条件句的倒装 在虚拟条件句中,如果出现有were, had, should,可以省去if, 把这些词放在句子前面,构成虚拟倒装句。 [例句]

Should he act like that again, he would be fined. 如果他还这样做,就要受罚。

Had the doctor come in time last night (=If the doctor had come in time last time), the

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boy would have been saved. 昨天晚上要是医生及时到达,小孩就会得救。

Were I to go to the moon one day, I would see it with my own eyes.

Had I enough money (= If I had enough money), I would buy a larger house. 句型35

if only引起的感叹句,相当于 “How I wish + 宾语从句”,意思是“但愿??;要是??就好了” [例句]

If only he could come! 他要是能来就好了! If only we students didn’t have so much homework!要是没有这么多的作业该多好! If only I hadn’t been so careless in the exam! 我当时没有那么粗心就好了! 句型36

if it were not for… (= were it not for…) if it hadn’t been for… (= had it not been for…)“要不是因为有??;如果不是??”


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式,即不能用weren’t it for…) [例句]

If it hadn’t been for (= Had it not been for) the determined captain, all the passengers on board wouldn’t have been saved. 要不是船长一直坚强,船上的旅客就不会得救。 If it were not for your rich parents, you couldn’t live so easy a life. 要不是你父母有钱,你的生活不会如此安逸。

If it were not for the expense, I would go abroad now. 如果不是因为经费问题,我现在就出国了。 句型37

“but for + 名词”和“but that +从句”,意思是“倘若不是;要不是”,接虚拟语气 [例句]

But for air and water, nothing could live. (= If there were no air or water, nothing could live.)

如果没有空气和水,什么东西都难以生存。 But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier.

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= If it hadn’t been for the storm, we should have arrived earlier. 如果不是暴风雨,我们早就到了。

But for you, we couldn’t have carried out the plan. 要不是你的话,我们无法实施那项计划。

She could not have believed it but that she saw it. 若非亲眼所见,她是不会相信的。 句型38

在动词insist(1坚持做某事),order, command(2命令), advise, suggest, propose(3建议做某事),demand, require, request, ask(4要求)等表示建议、命令、要求的名词性从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气。基本句型:主语+ (should) + 动词原形。另外像decide, desire, intend, recommend等也要接(should)+动词原形结构。 [例句]

Mother insists that Tom (should) go to bed at nine o’clock.(宾语从句)

We suggested that the meeting (should) be held at once.

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