高一英语人教版必修2练习:模块综合测评 含解析 下载本文

M:To look after my daughter,of course. W:I thought you said she was going to the hospital.They will look after her there,won’t they? M:Oh,no.It’s my wife who’s going to hospital!Not my daughter. W:Really?I thought you said it was your daughter.You’re not explaining this very clearly at all. 14.Who is busy? A.Mrs Brown. B.The man’s wife. C.The man himself. 答案A 15.Who’s going to look after the man’s daughter? A.The nurses. B.The man. C.The man’s wife. 答案B 16.What’s the possible relationship between them? A.Colleagues.

B.Employer and employee. C.Neighbors. 答案B 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

The population of the United States has more than doubled since 1920.The amount of land for farms has not increased very much.If there are more Americans to be fed,you might think each one must eat less,but that is not true.People in the United States are better fed today than in 1920.Today more food can be grown because machines are used.Horses have not been used as farm labor for many years;trucks and other machines are used instead of horses.When horses were used,it was necessary to grow food for them on large areas of farm land,but very little food is needed for horses now.The land which was used for that purpose can now grow food for human beings instead.This is just one of many ways in which American life has been changed by machines. 17.What is the change of the population in the United States according to the speaker? A.It has hardly increased.

B.It has been twice as much as that in 1920. C.It has been reduced. 答案B 18.Why can more food be grown for human beings today? A.Because machines are widely used.

B.Because the farmers work harder than before. C.Because land has increased.


答案A 19.When have horses not been used for farm labor? A.In 1920. B.Before 1920. C.After 1920. 答案C 20.What’s the speaker mainly talking about?

A.The changes that machines brought to the field of farming in the USA. B.There’s little food needed for horses nowadays. C.People in the USA are better fed today. 答案A

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




A year ago,Marian Wilson was just a university student looking for a quiet and peaceful place to study,but it seems she wasn’t the only one.Her once quiet study room became a busy eating and meeting place.Now she has turned it into a book cafe.Helen Sheldon talked to Marian just before the opening of the cafe.Her study room has been one of the most popular meeting places for university students.It all started a year ago when she was preparing for graduation,she was looking for a place to study and write her final project.She couldn’t stand the dark unfriendly feeling of the library.She preferred a comfortable,sunny study room so she rented the top floor of an old house near the university and spent her afternoons reading books and working on her project.Then word spread and her friends started turning up.It was a great place to relax,talk and compare ideas.They even started leaving their books behind and leaving some money for the things they used,like coffee and pens etc.She also doesn’t want a stressful nine-to-five job.She’s trying to find a lifestyle that suits her.

She knows she’ll enjoy it.It’s going to be a challenge but,hopefully,she’ll also have time to write.Actually,she wants to be a writer but she knows it’s difficult to make a living doing that.There’s a need for relaxing places like this for people,especially students,to eat,talk and have fun without spending too much money.If the feeling of the place is right,people are going to come to the cafe.Anyway,it’s more than just a business decision.It’s also a decision about the lifestyle she wants to have and about trying to create something new and different.It opens tomorrow at 9:30 am so she can come by for something to eat,drink or just to have a chat. 21.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.From Schoolgirl to Businesswoman B.Open a Cafe to drink C.Find a Place to Rest


D.Build a Room to Read 答案A 解析主旨大意题。这篇文章主要讲了一年以前,Marian Wilson还是一名大学生。她在准备毕业设计的时候,由于不喜欢图书馆的不友好的氛围,自己在学校附近租了一个房子,创造了一个舒适的学习环境。后来朋友们听说了,也来这个房子里聊天和学习。Marian Wilson不喜欢朝九晚五的工作,于是干脆利用这个资源办了一家咖啡书屋。所以这篇文章最好的题目是从女学生到女商人,故选A项。 22.Her study room was built . A.just before she graduated from university B.just after she graduated from university C.a year before she left university D.as soon as she entered the university 答案C 解析细节理解题。由第一段中的“It all started a year ago when she was preparing for graduation,she was looking for a place to study and write her final project.She couldn’t stand the dark unfriendly feeling of the library.She preferred a comfortable,sunny study room so she rented the top floor of an old house near the university and spent her afternoons reading books and working on her project.”可知,她离开大学的前一年,她的自习室建立起来了,故选C项。

23.Marian’s friends started to come to her study room because . A.it was a nice place to study B.the library was too dark C.they liked to eat there D.it was the quiet to drink coffee 答案A 解析细节理解题。由第一段中的“Then word spread and her friends started turning up.It was a great place to relax,talk and compare ideas.”可知,Marian的朋友开始来她的自习室是因为它是一个学习的好地方,故选A项。

24.Marian really wants to be . A.a business owner B.a writer

C.a university student D.a university teacher 答案B 解析细节理解题。由第二段中的“Actually,she wants to be a writer but she knows it’s difficult to make a living doing that.”可知,Marian实际上想要成为一名作家,故选B项。


Wrapping Paper Contest


The holiday season isn’t about receiving presents.But in the spirit of giving,our annual Holiday Wrapping Paper Contest is to be held.Design your gift wrap,then mail it to us,and a group of judges will choose twelve finalists,based on skills and creativity.We’ll pick three finalists from each age group:6 and younger;7-and 8-year-olds;9-and 10-year-olds;and 11-,12- and 13-year-olds.

Here are the rules.

●One entry(参赛作品) per child.Family members of The Washington Post employees are not allowed to attend it.The contest is only for people of the District of Columbia,Maryland and Virginia at the time of entry.Many will enter,but a few will win.

●On the back of your entry,write your name,age,telephone number(this is important!),address and school name.ALSO IMPORTANT:Be sure that you are allowed to attend.If you are entering from home,your parent should print his or her full name on the back of your entry and sign underneath his or her printed name.If you are entering from school,your teacher should provide his or her name and signature(签名).

●No commercial characters,please.(That means no Mickey Mouse,for example.) ●The winning design will be printed at 11 by 17 inches.

●Don’t use a computer.Use crayons,paint,pencils,chalk,or whatever else. ●No color photocopies or emailed entries.We need to see the original artwork.

Entries must be received by December 6.We’ll contact the finalists by December 9.Sorry,but because of the volume of mail,entries will not be returned.Questions?Send them to kidspost@washpost.com with “wrapping paper contest”in the subject field. 25.What is the purpose of the contest?

A.To persuade the kids to have a much more meaningful holiday. B.To offer the kids an opportunity to spread the spirit of sharing. C.To encourage the kids to have a dream of being great artists. D.To help the kids to develop their skills and creativity in art. 答案D 解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“based on skills and creativity.We’ll pick three finalists from each age group:6 and younger;7-and 8-year-olds;9-and 10-year-olds;and 11-,12- and 13-year-olds”可知,D项符合题意。

26.What can we know about the contest? A.It includes nine finalists all together. B.The winning designs can be of any size. C.The works should be sent by December 6. D.The works are supposed to be based on real life. 答案C 解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Entries must be received by December 6”可知C项符合题意。 27.What do we know about the kids who want to attend the contest? A.They must come from local communities.