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243. A. same B. like C. as

D. alike

244. A. each other B. another C. themselves D. others 245. A. waited for B. taken off

C. put out D. given up 246. A. that B. which C. what D. as 247. A. anyone B. no one C.none D. someone 248. A. than B. that C. from D. to 249. A. ought B. should C. would D. had

250. A. a lot

B. very

C. more

D. a lot of

Passage Four

When the guests sit down at a dinner table, it is customary for the men to help the ladies by pushing their chairs under them. Some Americans no longer do this, so the visitor must notice 251 do and do 252 . Until the meal is 253 , if the dinner is in a private home, a guest may avoid embarrassment by leaving the talking 254 someone else. Some families have a habit of offering a prayer of thanks before they eat. 255 . If a prayer is offered, everyone 256 quietly with bowed head until the prayer is over. If the family does not 257 the custom, there is no pause in the conversation.

258 dinner, guests usually stay for two or three hours, 259 the thoughtful person is careful not to overstay his or her welcome. The host and hostess may 260 a guest to stay longer in order to be polite, but most dinner parties break up at about 11 o 251. A. that others B. which others C. others D. what others 252. A. likely B. alike C. likewise D. unlikely 253. A. in the way B. on the way C. under way D. out of the way

254. A. for

B. to

C. with

D. about

255. A. So do other families

B. The same is true of other families

C. Other families do not D. Nor do other families

256. A. does not sit B. sits C. is not seated D. sit

257. A. follow

B. reserve C. adjust D. characterize

258. A. Being followed by B. Finished C. Following D. Having been

finished 259. A. nevertheless B. but C. however D. despite

260. A.

decline B. suggest

C. emphasize

D. urge

Passage Five

There are times when you find yourself unable to work out a problem. It is at this 261 that the way in which you use your teacher is important. With a good teachers such times should be less frequent than with a bad one, so the 262 the teacher, the more responsibility you have for your success! Whatever your luck in this 263 , one thing is most significant and stays the same, whatever the quality of teaching

you 264 : if there is something you don't understand, you must ask, again and again if necessary, until you do understand it fully. 265 as this may seem, it is almost unbelievable how many people would rather sit in silent ignorance than admit not understanding. To behave in such a way is the only truly 266 thing a student can do: it's a false form of pride, which is the most useless, damaging quality anyone can have, to say 267 of a student! Therefore, regard your teacher as a guide or even a friend and do not sit 268 wondering what he's going on about. You may also ask a friend or classmate for help. Remember, there's always someone who is better than you in your class. And many newspapers and magazines set the special 269 for students, you can write to them and get replied in time. Listen to the radio, watch good TV 270 more often, maybe at a certain moment you'll find your question is being explained there and then. 261. A. course Bpoint

C. thought D. chance . 262. A. bad B

. better C. worse D. good 263. A. field B

. period C. respect D. direction 264. A. offer B

. describe C. arrange D. receive 265. A. Negative



Obvious C. Difficult

D. Suitable



266. A. safe 267. A. something 268. A. quietly 269. A.books 270. A. sports

B. simple B. anything

B. honestly B. editors B. news

C. strange C. nothing C. separately C. sections C.speeches

D. stupid D. none D. gently D. covers D. programs

Passage Six

The relations between men and wives are changing too. A majority of working women remain 271 their home; they come back at night to the cleaning, washing, and cooking that 272 their second career. But more and more husbands are sharing the burden and willingly 273 chores that their fathers would have rejected as unmanly, and as too much mysteriously difficult anyway. 274 such cases, man and wife become equal partners, both working outside, both pushing their vacuum cleaner. 275 , the number of husbands who do help in that way is much smaller than the number of those who accept the idea in theory, 276 the equal partnership is a fact, it does not always work well. The marriage can be destroyed when the wife is more successful in her profession 277 her husband in his, particularly when she earns more than he does. Sociologists see in this situation one of the main reasons for the increase in divorce rate, another reason 278 the husband ' s refusal to help with the housework or the care of children. A third reason could be the growing awareness of the pofessional women 279 she does not have to remain married 280 she is too unhappy. 271. A. in full charge of 272. A. are accounted for 273. A. taking in 274. A. On

275. A. What ' s more 276. A.and when 277. A. than 278. A. is 279. A. when 280. A. despite

B. in the full charge of B. consisting of

B. taking on B. Under B. Most importantly

B. when B. and B. is that B. whom B. until

C. being

C. what C. unless C. the charge of C. are formed

C. taking up

C. In

C. Although

C. as if

C. comparing to

D. is why

D. that D. if D.taking charge D. make up

D. taking for

D. At

D. Actually D. even if

D. contrary to

IV. Dialogue Completion

Directions: There are 20 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the

answer that appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

281. Woman: Bob, do you think you can lend me fifty dollars?

Bob: Let me see.

A. You know I have no money at all.

B. Sorry, I don' t think I have much about me. D. Oh, I have quite a lot.

C. I don ' t think you should do it.

282. Client: hello. May I speak to Mr. Turner?

Secretary: ________ A. Speaking, please.

B. Hello. Who ' re you please. D. Hello. Thank you for calling.

C. Sorry. He ' s at a meeting right now.

283. Jackson: Hi! Frank. Thank you very much for your helping me get out of the trouble.


A. It ' s a pleasure.

B. I ' d like to do so.


That ' s a very small trouble. C. That is what I should do. D.

284. Lily: Hello, John! What was the weather like yesterday?

Joh n: _______

A. I like nice and bright weather. C. That was a favorable weather.

B. You don ' t like cold weather, do you? D. Nice and bright, not too cold.

' s lecture?

285. Mary: How do you like Professor White


A. He talked about economy. C. Very much.

286. Woman: Jack, ________

B. He teaches Class 2 students. D. He is a middle-aged professor.

Jack: Of course. But the lock is not working very well, I A. I want to use your bike. C. do you use your bike now?

' m afraid.

B. can you give your bike to me?. D. can I borrow your bike for a while?

287. Bush: Do you mind my opening the window to let some fresh air in?

Emile: _______ A. Yes, certainly.

B. Of course, not.

C. Yes, please do it. D. I am glad you do it.

288. Peter: You seem to be very pleased today. Any good news?

Rose: ________

A. Yes. I have got my Master ' s degree for three years of hard work. B. You are not right. There is no good news in today C. I think most people like good news.

D. Yes. We are talking about the news in yesterday 289. Tom: I ' d like to book two tickets, please, for the tomorrow

Jane: _______ A. OK, that ' s fine.

C. Wait a moment, please. I ' ll book them for you. D. I ' m very glad you like to book the plantickets. 290. Waiter: _______

Customer: No, thank you. I have already known what to order. A. Do you like this kind of dishes? C. Would you like to see a menu?

B. You are welcome to our restaurant. Take seat, please. D. Everybody! Order, please!

B. Can I help you, Sir?

' s newspapers.

' s early morning flight to Beijing.

' s newspaper.

291. Jack: Could you show me the way to the information desk?

Jim: ________

A. Go straight to the information desk. B. Just follow me, please. C. Who are you speaking to?

292. Peter: It ' s such a nice warm day. I think I

Dave: _______

A. It is warm to take a walk. C. I ' d like to join you.

B. Yes. It is warm today.

D. Yes. Everybody like this weather.

' t mind.

D. Who is it speaking?

' ll go out for a walk.

293. Jane: I ' d like to have some ice cream if you don

Man: _____________________ . Help yourself.


A. of course B. Yes, I

doC. Oh, yes D. Of course not