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58. All the afternoon he worked in his study with the door ______ ,

A. to lock B. locking C. lock 59.

The garden requires ________ . A. watering 60.

B. being watered

C. to water

D. having watered

D. locked

We have cooperated well with them many years for the shared _____ , A. honour

B. reward

C. benefit

' t have any______ on me.

C. touch

D. affect

D. prize


I took the medicine, but it didn A. effect

B. relation


He said that he ' d like to take ________ of this opportunity topaerate with you. A. benefit

B. advantage

C. profit

D. occasion


The new nurse does not have much ____ in taking care of patients. A. experience

B. regret

C. desire

D. talent


Electricity, like other forms of _____ , has greatly increased in price. A. strength


C. power

D. energy

Will you be taking my previous experience into ______ when you fix my salary?

65. A. possession

B. scale C. mind D. account ' s ______ .

D. sight

I suggest that you put the dangerous things out of the children 66. A. control

B. reach

C. order

When we had finished dinner, George asked waiter to bring him the _____ . 67. A. tip

B. cost

C. menu

D. bill

My father was born in Germany and still speaks English with a German _____ , 68. A. pronunciation

B. accent

C. relative


They have always been on good ______ with their next-door neighbors. 69. A. terms

B. friendship

C. relations

D. connection

Grandma told the story in a very sad ____and we were all moved. 70. A. tune

B. tongue

C. tone

D. ton

The telegram was based on information from a ______ source. 71. A. recent His health is

B. reliable

C. rare

D. private

A. as poor, if not poor than, his sister

B. poor as his sister ' s if not poor

72. C. as poor as if not poorer than, his sister D. 'as poor, if not poorer than sister ' s

The kite flew ______ in the sky and everyone spoke ______ of it. A. high ?-highly B. highly ?-highly C. high ?-high

D. highly …high

73. “ Does your wife regret paying six hundred dollars for the fashionable dress?

“ Not at all. She would gladly have paid ____ for it

74. A. twice so much B. twice as much C. as much twice D. so much twice

Petrol is manufactured from the ____ oil we take out of the ground. A. raw

B. rough

C. tough

D. crude

75. You are making me ___ with your stories of how hard the examination is.

A. normal 76.

B. negative

C. nervous

D. neutral


I ' ll come with you A. even I

we don ' t stay late. I need to be up early tomorrow.

B. as long as

C. so that

D. now that


78. Even after I washed the coat, it still had some _____ marks on it.

A. weak

B. familiar

C. faint

D. regular

79. Everyone in the room remained _____ .

A. happily and friendly B. orderly and kindly C. happily and kindly D. orderly and friendly 80. Some people think ______ about their rights than about their duties.

A. much more

B. as much

C. too much

D. many more

81. Apples are _____

in summer and cost a lot. A. rare

B. scarce C. common

D. unusual

82. In the future she hopes to go _____ for further studies.

A. away

B. abroad

C. outside

83. The new ____ machine is a great help in the production of this factory.

A. adequate

B. sufficient

C. efficient

84. Little John caught a _____ fish this morning.

A. alive

B. alone

C. lonely

D. living

85. The football match was televised ____ from the Berlin Olympic Stadium.

A live

B alive C living D lively 86.

The more fruits and vegetables you eat, ___ chance of getting cancer you have. A little

B less

C the less D the least

He' s to know the answer.


A. likely B. probable

C. maybe D. probably

It isn ' t quite ________ that he will he present at the meeting.


A. right B. sure

C. certai n

D. exact


The examination I took yesterday wasn ' t very difficult, but it was _____ long. A. much rather

B. so much

C. too much

D. much too

t mind the rain.


It may rain, but I shall go out _____ ; I don A. anywhere

B. anyhow C. however D. nevertheless

He had not _____ made up his mind what attitude to adopt towards her. 91. A. as yet

B. as well

C. as usual

D. as though

I pulled the handle ______ I could. 92. A. so hardly as B. as hardly as

C. so hard as

D. as hard as

He is so shy that he ______ speaks in the public. 93. A. often

B. frequently C. seldom

D. sometimes

The story of Mary is merely

_____ of a poor farmer. 94. A. one

B. that C. those D. which

The second-hand car was not worth _____ ,


A. much that B. that much all C. all that much D. much all that

_____ of them knew about the plan because it was a secret. A. Some

B. Any

C. No one

D. None

96. My car is not so fashionable as _____ .

A. he ' s

B. he

C. his

D. his

97. _____

Tom _______ Mary can help me, for they are very busy.98.

A. Both; and

B. Neither; nor

C. whether; or

D. Either; or

D. far

D. effective



Do you know any other foreign language ____ English? A. except

B. but B. at no time

C. besides

C. ahead of time

D. beside

D. from time to time

D. below

With five hungry children seated around the table, the food disappeared_____ ,

100. A. in no time

There is a very big bridge ____ the river.

A. above B. on C. over 101.

The chairman signed the document ____ the company. 102.


instead of

B. on behalf of

C. in place of D. in case of

It ' s about 400 mm rain in this area a year _____ .

A. above all B. of all C. for average D. on average 103.

In many schools, students don t have sufficient access _____ the library.

A. to B. of C. into D. about

104. The traditional approach ____ with complex problems is to break them down into smaller ones.

A. in dealing

B. to dealing

C. dealing

D. to deal D. with

The flyover at the crossing on the 6th ring road is now __ construction. 105.

A. under B. in C. at It ' s thst turning ______ the left after the traffic lights. 106.

A. by B. in C. on I know nothing about him _____ he is a teacher. 107.

A. besides B. in addition C. except for The heavy snow could not keep us _____ going out to work. 108.

A. from B. on C. upon Jack works so hard as he dreams ____ owning his own house soon. 109.

A. to B. of C. with I suppose I can count _____you for help in this matter. 110.

A. of B. on C. at

D. for

D. except that

D. up

D. on

D. to

It was difficult for him to buy good shoes because he had such a big ____ of feet. 111. A.


B. size

C. couple D. number

It was raining again, ____ is very bad for our crops. 112. A.


B. that

C. what D. which

I have two brothers, both ____ are doctors. 113.

A. of which

B. of them

C. of whom

D. who

____ doesn ' t matter ______ they will come to the meeting next month. 114.

A. It, whether

B. That, whether

C. If it, who

D. Whether, it

The City Football Team, ____ , meets every other day. 115.

A. which I am a member B. of which I am a member

D. of that I am a member

's production is five times

D. as

it was ten years ago.

C. that I am a member 116.

Our factory is much more productive now. This year

A. what

B. that

C. than

This is the most difficult book ______ . 117.

A. what I have ever read

B. which I have ever read

C」have ever read it D. that I have ever read 118.

In order to search for the escaped prisoner, the police decide to question ___ comes along this road.



A. who

B. whom

C. whoever

D. whomever

120. The truth is that it is only by studying history ______we can learn what to expect in the future.

A. that

B. and then

C. by which

D. through which

121. The people,______ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.

A. all their homes C. all of whose homes

B. of all whose homes D. all of their homes

122. He has made another wonderful discovery, ______ of great importance to science and man.

A. which I think is

B. which I think it is C. of which I think it is D. I think which is

123. A new television program teaches children _____ can and should think about career development.

A. what

B. that they

C. both

D. whom they

. 124. The chairman requested that ______

A. the members should have studied the problem more carefully B. the problem were more carefully studied C. the problem could be studied with more care D. the members study the problem more carefully

125. Another advantage of the mass media is ______ it gives people the information they need in their daily lives.

A. what

B. whether

C. whenever D. that

126. They showed us around the factory ______ is equipped with modern machines.

A. in that

B. which

C. in which

D. what

127. _____ as much as one-fourth of all timber harvested is not used proved to be false.

A. The estimate C. They are estimated ______ ? 128. Do you know

A. what time the movie starts C. when does the movie start

B. It is estimated that D. The estimate that

B. what time starts the movie D. the movie what time starts

129. Perhaps the days will come __ people will be able to breathe clean air in cities.

A. as

B. when

C. while

D. sine

130. To my surprise, _ turned out that Susan failed in the examination.

A. this

B. what

C. it

D. as

131. Jenny is the only one of the grade who __ selected to school fashion-show team.

A. is

B. are

C. has

D. have

132. He told her nothing, ____ upset her.

A. that

B. for which

C. about which

D. which

_____ I ' m writing is to tell you about a party on Saturday. 133. The reason

A. because

B. why

C. for

D. as

134. Such a device ____ he was given proved almost worthless.

A. as

B. like

C. that

D. which

135. Hardly had we arrived home ____ we all sat down to rest.

A. than

B. then

C. when

D. until

136. __ when he saw his wife's face did Tom realize the true meaning of her remark. A. Just B. Never

137. ____ , he failed in the examination.

C. Usually

D. Only