17秋八年级期末英语试题-排版 - 图文 下载本文



1 - 5. BBBAC 6-10 CCCBC 11-15 .BACCA 16-20.ACACD 21-25ACCBB 26-30. ACBBB 31-35. CADBD 36-40.ADABC 41-45. CACDB 46-50. DBBCA

51.refuse invitations( an invitation). 52. pieces of advice 53. check the calendar/think. 54. are different. 55.To be honest.

56. the most dangerous 57. more carefully 58.not to sleep 59. will worry / will be worried 60.opening 61.engineer 62.universities 63.traveler 64.themselves 65. promises 66.Don`t eat /Stop eating 67.old enough 68. often ; watch 69. play saving 70. fell down 71.pour; pollute 72.best; improve 73.I'd like to. 74. .What should I do( first)? 75. How much honey/How much honey do we need? 书面表达:A possible version:

My plan for the winter vacation

The winter vacation is coming soon. I think I have many things to do during the vacation. First of all, I am going to finish my homework, and I’m going to spend some time improving my math because I am a little weak in it. I will also help my parents with some housework and talk with them more so that we can understand each other better. Of course, I am going to meet my relatives and friends during the Spring Festival. It’s the most exciting thing for me on vacation. I believe my winter will be a lot of fun. Oh, I can’t wait. 2017-2018学年度上学期八年级期末考试


第一节:听对话或描述,选图画。下面有3段对话和2段描述。听完以后,从A、B、C三幅图画中选出正确的一幅。每段对话和描述读两遍。 1. W: What do you usually do on Sunday, Li Ming? M: I usually go skating.

2. W: Did you go to work by bike yesterday? M: No,I take a taxi because it was raining. 3. M: What is Tom doing?

W: He is preparing for tomorrow`s English test.

4. I like flying in the sky, so I'm going to be a pilot when I grow up.


5. In many western countries, it is always the main dish of the dinner on Thanksgiving.

第二节:听对话,选答案。听下面3段对话,根据对话内容,从A、B、C三个 选项中选出最适当的答案。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,完成第6,7小题。 W:What's wrong,Ben?You look worried.

M:I lost Kelly's bike.I think I must buy a new one for her.But I don't have enough money. What

should I do?

W:How about working in my bookstore after school?I'll pay you 30 dollars each week. M:It sounds great. Thank you. 听第7段对话,完成第8,9小题。

W: Hi, Tom! Can you come to my birthday party this Friday? M: Is it March 26th?

W: Yes, it is my 17th birthday. M: OK. Is Sam going to the party? W: No. He is having his guitar lesson. M: How about Jenny?

W: She will go to the party. My cousins will come, too. M: OK.I think we will have fun.


M:Hi, Carol ! Did you stay at home on vacation ?

W:No . I went to New York with my family and just come back yesterday. M:Really? Wow ! How was your vacation?

W:It was pretty good. Well, we visited a lot of interesting places and ate some nice food. M:How were the people there?

W:Oh, they were really friendly ,and they helped us find the way. M:Did you take any photos of the city?

W:Yes. I will show them to you when you come to my home.

第三节:听短文,选答案。听下面一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 I went to the science museum in Shanghai last July.I saw a great robot there.He had a hand and an eye.He could work for 24 hours a day.He didn't need to eat,drink or sleep.He worked as a traditional Chinese doctor.He could know if people had health problems in a short time.He could tell you when you should go to bed and what you should eat.I hope that I can have a robot in my home. So, I don't need to go to the hospital any more.
